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Submitted By rosselini
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Pages 5
The potato peel, which housewives discard in the kitchen bin, is being used to treat burns. Doctors have learnt that in case of minor burns, potato peel bandages work better than conventional dressing. Dr.P.V.Naryanan, a plastic surgeon of Jubilee Mission Medical College, in Thrissur, Kerala, told this correspondent
The hospital realized the use of potato peel when renowned plastic surgeon of Mumbai, Dr M.H. Keswani, came visiting. He had been experimenting with potato peels for years. Dr.Narayanan said,”Dr.Keswani told us he started thinking about it after a friend said innocuously how similar dried potato peel was to stored skin used by plastic surgeons. He then realized potato peel did not desiccate quickly. Burns patients lose a lot of water through evaporation from the wound and potato peels prevent quick evaporation.
Dr.Dattareya, an Indian-born doctor working in Holland, visited the jubilee Hospital and was amazed at the healing properties of potato peel. “He has published an article on it in a medical journal,” said Dr Narayanan.
It’s been mentioned even in the ancient books. Potato peels provide moisture; they also have anti-bacterial properties that help in healing burn injuries.
It’s the moisture that helps. The juices in a peel keep the wound moist. Perhaps this helps speed up the healing process. A dry wound is very painful and takes longer to heal.


Histological and bacteriological studies of burn wounds treated with boiled potato peel dressings.
Keswani MH, Vartak AM, Patil A, Davies JW.
Burns Research Unit, Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children, Parel, Bombay, India.
Histological and clinical studies have been made on comparable burn wounds covered with either boiled potato peels affixed to gauze bandages or gauze dressings alone; both dressings were applied over a thin layer of 5 per cent silver sulphadiazine. Compared with treatment with plain gauze dressings, the application of the potato peel dressing reduced or eliminated dessication, permitted the survival of superficial skin cells and hastened epithelial regeneration. Bacteriological studies showed that the potato peels had no intrinsic antibacterial activity, the wounds beneath both dressings showing either no growth or, on most occasions, the same bacterial species. The easy availability of potato peels and gauze bandages on to which they can be affixed, the simplicity of the preparation of this dressing, the ease of sterilization and its low cost of production make this the dressing of choice for burn wounds in our developing country.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
(Solanum tuberosum) The potato plant has compound leaves believed to be poisonous. For medicinal use, flowers, roots and fruits are utilized. Traditional use of the potato poultices is used for small burns. It is applied directly on minor burn injuries.
Medicine for the skin
For burns, chilblains, skin cracks, sores, swelling of eyelids: shave a sufficient amount of raw potato and apply on that area, mixed with a teaspoon of honey or olive oil, leaving at least two hours to act; fix it with a bandage. Change the cataplasm during the day, until complete healing. For sunburn, place thinly cut potato slices. Leave them for a few minutes. Potato flour is a good sedative in case of burns, erysipelas, varicose ulcers, skin rashes and cracks. Fix them with a bandage for an hour or two. Repeat the operation twice daily until complete healing. For warts, place raw thinly cut potato pieces, once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

Excessive sweat of the feet can be treated with potato flower powdered on the skin after washing the feet.
The potato, or Solanum tuberosum as it is known in the scientific community, is native to the Americas. It was supposedly endowed with powers such as the ability to cure impotence, and so long as the plant remained rare in Europe, its price often reached astronomical heights. Potatoes have been used for medicinal purposes for hundreds of years, and are extremely nutritious, supplying fiber, B vitamins, minerals, and vitamin C. The peels are high in potassium, and potato-peel tea has been traditionally used around the world for the treatment of high blood pressure. The juice of raw potatoes is most useful, and can be added to soups, juices, or stews to disguise the taste.
The potato has many healing and medicinal properties that very few people know that the same thing that gives them a French fry has. Potatoes are alkaline, which helps to detoxify and balance excess acidity in the body. This also makes the makes the potato an antiulcer. It helps to relieve inflammation and the pain caused by it. The skin of the potato contains chlorogenic acid, which can help to prevent cell mutation that sometimes causes cancer. Potatoes can also help to encourage healthy blood circulation which can regulate your blood pressure and lead to a more healthy heart.
Of course to benefit from all these wonderful properties you can't just eat French fries and mashed potatoes. There are specific ways in which the potato must be used to take advantage of its healing properties. The juice of the raw potato can be used for stomach ulcers and is excellent to relieve the inflammation of arthritis.
You can also make a potato poultice which is a great natural treatment for fresh bruises or sprains of any kind. Raw grated potatoes can even relieve the pain caused by a burn. Just apply the raw grated potato to a fresh burn to shorten and weaken the pain period. Got a baked potato in the oven but just got back from playing tennis? You can apply hot baked potato pulp externally to help relieve tennis elbow and other inner joint pains.
Boiled potato peel is said to be every useful for inflammation of the prostate. Apply the boiled peel as a poultice to the affected area. If you eat potatoes daily, they can help to prevent premature aging and even heart disease. Regular consumption can also help to prevent constipation and help to ease the inflammation associated with irritable bowel syndrome.
The potato is not without its risks though, although very small and easily avoidable, they should be taken note of. Poisonous alkaloids are present in most nightshade plants including most potatoes. But, once cooked they are perfectly safe, even when eaten raw; you would have to go out of your way to eat a lot of raw potatoes in order to get sick. Also, sprouting potatoes are poisonous and should never be eaten. Always consult your physician when dealing with a serious problem or any adverse reactions to natural remedies.

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