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Pottluck In The Park Analysis

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Potluck in the Park
I volunteered for the Potluck in the Park organization. This agency serves homeless people directly with warm food and drinks. None of the volunteers and staff are paid, as the program is completely non-profit. Their main concern is feeding Portland’s growing homeless population.
When I volunteered for the potluck in the park. At first, I was nervous, because I previously had bad experiences with homeless people in Portland. However, the other volunteers made me feel at ease. I served soup to homeless people by the waterfront.
The most rewarding part of my service was seeing the homeless people come together, and feel important. They felt as though they mattered, and deserved to be treated the same as everyone else. It was pleasing to …show more content…
It was very rainy, which caused a few problems with the serving of food. Additionally, there were some mentally-ill homeless people that caused disturbances. It was pretty difficult to deal with those outbursts, but I adapted to it.
I would do this service again, but not often. I enjoyed seeing the homeless people happier, but the outbursts some of the attendees had was frightening. I would prefer to indirectly aid the homeless people rather than directly doing so.
There would not be anything I would do differently. Everything that made me unhappy was out of my control, and everything I did do went smoothly.
Yes, I was surprised by the first homeless man’s outbreak. I was just serving soup to the line of people waiting their turn. All of a sudden a man began to yell at another volunteer, which spooked me. I was near the altercation, so I thought I would get yelled at too, but things turned out fine.
I made the contact to set up the service through Hands on Greater Portland. It was very easy to sign up through the website’s calendar.
I encountered problems with a homeless man’s outbreak, which I mentioned

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