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Power Essay


Submitted By OSmith7
Words 516
Pages 3
Essay: Watch the Types of Power tutorial in your lecture, and write a 250-300 word essay about what you learned from the video. Answer the following questions: Which type of power do you find most effective? Which type of power do you think that you have? Do you use it? If so, in what situations? How could you improve your leadership and management skills now that you have a better understanding of the types of power and how they are applied? Remember, always add the 'whys' with the 'whats.' From the video, I was able to better ascertain how I use power. i don’t think I was ever consciously aware of the type of power I was using at any given time. I was exhibiting them, but not being effective; am I truly using these types of power at the right time? Am I taking advantage of some of the benefits? Those are some of the questions I came away with after viewing each video. Referent power is in my opinion one of the more effective out of the bases of social power. It relies heavily on interpersonal skills; which involves active listening and persuasion. Very early on in my management career interpersonal skills were one of the “tools” that needed to be mastered. Referent power for all intents and purposes is therefore one of the best ways to lead an organization because it is based on collaboration and influence instead of command and control. Due to it’s collaborative nature it draws creativity from the people around you; people are inspired and invested because it feels as if they are apart of the process. The process of building a business, finishing a task that can drive profitability, etc. Once in a leadership position, all forms of power are available, different powers are used in different situations. In retail management, a mixture of power could be used in an hour,

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