Premium Essay

Power In John Steinbeck's 'Of Mice And Men'

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Words 713
Pages 3
Anissa Bell
Ms. Bowen
December 11, 2017
7* Only one friend
Is there ever a time when people felt powerful? When have people ever wanted power? Personal power is the ability to take action.
Curley show’s power because he is the boss’s son he think he can do anything to anybody and everybody he put himself first before anything because he think he special because of his dad he also shows power from his ego .Curley is a thin young men with a brown face, with brown eyes and a head of tightly curled hair he is also an amateur boxer and is always picking fights. He tries to prove his masculinity another way is by marrying a physically attractive woman she is refuses to talk to anyone on the ranch, curley beats up any men who dares to talk to her. Pg: 29 ‘curley take no chances. He always wins. He thought for a moment if he tangles with you lennie, were gonna get the can’. Pg:29 ‘He’s the boss’s son. Look Lennie. You try to keep away from him, will you ? Don’t ever speak to him’. George doesn’t want Lennie fighting Curley Lennie gone lose his job or get killed because …show more content…
Pg:53 ‘ curley burst into the room excitedly. Any you guys seen my wife ? he demanded. She ain’t been here said Whit. Curley looked

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