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Power of Supreme Court


Submitted By nesrin101
Words 913
Pages 4
The Power of the Supreme Court Cannot be Justified in a Democracy (45)

The US Supreme Court has a number of powers. These include the power to declare acts of Congress, the executive or state legislatures unconstitutional through the power of judicial review. The supreme court justices are also given the power to interpret the constitution when making decisions, again, through their power of judicial review. It is arguable that it is essential for the supreme court to have such powers in order to allow the American democracy to flourish. However, there is much evidence to suggest that the supreme court holds too much power for an unelected body, thus hindering democracy.

The ambiguity of the constitution means that there is much room for interpretation. Since interpreting the constitution is the role of the supreme court, the supreme court is often seen as a quasi legislative body. This is because through its interpretations, particularly those made by loose contructionists, the supreme court acts as an additional legislature. It's decisions can have the same effect as passing legislation. For example, the Grutter vs Bollinger decision (2008) involved the courts laying down a time frame for which affirmative action can be deemed necessary. This effectively acted as a piece of legislation even though it did not pass through Congress. This can be seen as being problematic and potentially damaging for a Democracy. Justices are unelected, they therefore lack legitimacy and should not be allowed to act as an additional legislature as this is the role of Congress who are elected and therefore have a mandate and legitimacy to make laws and so the power of the supreme court cannot be justified in a democracy.

Furthermore, the supreme court is far too powerful because their decisions can result in power being taken away from the people and being placed in the hands

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