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Pressure Ulcers


Submitted By MatthewSlawter
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Pages 8
Evidence Based Practice & Pressure Ulcers
Matthew Slawter
Chamberlain College of Nursing
NR451 RN Capstone Course
November 2014

Evidence Based Practice & Pressure Ulcers Evidence based practice (EBP) gives nurses a method to use critical appraised data and scientific evidence that is proven to confirm the delivery of quality health care to a patient population. Pressure ulcer prevention continues to be a major and growing concern among todays patients and healthcare providers. This problem is a concern because prevention of pressure ulcers can be accomplished through good skincare techniques and increased education of nurses. The field of nursing along with the healthcare industry can benefit from simply decreased the occurrence of pressure ulcers. The general purpose of this proposal is to determine if the value nurses place on skincare and pressure ulcer prevention can decrease the incidence pressure ulcers.
Change Model Overview The John Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Process is simply related to the complex challenges organizations and nurses face with the implementation of evidence-based practice and translation. Furthermore, this process provides guidelines for managing the process, structure, and evidence translation among various healthcare settings and outcomes of EBP projects. Nurses should use this process as a guide to facilitate change as it suggest leadership and planning for EBP measurement, identification, evaluation and monitoring outcomes for those in charge with implementing EBP in their organization.
Practice Question
Step 1: Identify an EBP question The prevalence of pressure ulcers in relation to healthcare raise many questions. For example, why do pressure ulcers occur among patients despite protocols and recommended treatment modalities in place throughout facilities? The population/problem is pressure

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