Premium Essay

Preventing Breach


Submitted By pirate943
Words 1060
Pages 5
In order to secure the future of Fortune Automotive and to avoid similar disasters in the future, our team has found two solutions which can be implemented quickly and fairly cheap. Firstly our main goal is to protect our data. Since this breach was caused by an outside computer the first step is to only allow our company controlled computers on our network. There are a few inexpensive methods which will be discussed later. Secondly, we can assume that the employee only needed to connect to our network because they needed internet access to something on their machine. So, in order to prevent employees from being tempted to connect to our main network we can make a separate wireless network for employee personal devices and customer devices. This network will not be connected to our business network, so if it ever does get infected there will not be any threat of data being stolen and clearing the infection is as simple as resetting the network. These are some easy steps to take to reduce the risk of our employee’s accidentally infecting our machines. However, these solutions do have some limitations. For example, this will do little to stop our employees from maliciously attacking our machines. Since we want to prevent accidental infections this should not be a consideration in proposal but rather only mentioned in order to help fully define our future security practices and the boundaries of each project. This combination of hardware, software and policy change will help our organization protect its self in the future by reducing the overall risk of an unauthorized person or program gaining access to our sensitive data and avoiding costly law suits.

Policy Change None, employees will still not be allowed to connect personal devices to our main network.
Software Change The router will not reject

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