...Principals and conscience in conflict before going to the Vietnam War has led to lifelong shame through the moral confusion in a lot of American soldier’s mind. In Tim O’ Brien’s story “On the Rainy River”, the author himself had a hard time deciding whether to go to the war or not. Feeling more ashamed and embarrassed than ever, he had experienced this moral confusion of going to the Vietnam War as an American soldier. Like any other American soldier, going to the Vietnam War is a heroic yet cowardly act. Tim O’ Brien did not know whether to go take part in the war or not, he felt fear in a numerous things about war: “I feared losing the respect of my parents. I feared the law. I feared ridicule and censure.” (3) From this one can see how Tim is aware of how his parents and...
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...Culture Wars Culture wars; there have always been a variety of music to listen to such as Country, Pop, Latin, Hip Hop and Rap. The meaning of culture wars to me is people who dislike a certain genre for instance rap music. Some people are against rap music because of the controversial meaning that songs have. In this paper you will be reading on an interview for Foxx 11 news with O’reily interviewing rap icon Cameron and CEO producer Damon Dash. Principal Salome Thomas-EL asked a couple of questions stating that gangster music is a terrorizing impact on his students, On my opinion you can never tell a rapper they have a negative effect on the youth. It’s their work and their art and what they do as a musician. For example when you hear the stories of kids shooting up a school, was it the rap music they listen to? No, it is the parent’s responsibility to moderate what their kids listen to, it’s wrong for people to blame rappers for the actions that people make. O’reily interviewed rap icon Cameron and CEO producer Damon Dash. During this interview there was also a principal from an elementary school who had questions for the rap stars. The principal complained that the kids at his school look up to the rap star and he thinks Cameron is showing a bad example. He confronted Cameron asking him why his music is so negative when there are little kids listening to his music. Cameron replied that his music is just what he see’s and what he goes through as a person. ...
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...Christianity highlight the importance of world peace within their religious communities and throughout the world by religious principal teachings which are emitted through sacred texts of the specified religion. Adherents of Christianity and Islam use sacred texts as a driving force behind the contribution of each religion to world peace. Christians turn to the bible for guidance and knowledge on how to live out the notion of peace. The New Testament is the normative text for all Christians, it’s the principal and foundational source of teaching for all Christians in which peace is mentioned over ninety times. Christians are taught to reject violence, the strongest statements against engaging violence come from the preaching of Jesus himself. In Matthew 6:39 it states ‘turn the other cheek’, this statement has a strong impact on all Christians and teaches them not to retaliate or return violence with violence. One major principal teaching supporting this notion is the ‘just war theory’. The Just war theory sought to establish guidelines under which it was morally acceptable to engage in warfare. It maintains that nations are morally justified in fighting war providing that the circumstances of the conflict meet the seven principles that suggest the requirements to be involved in war. In April 1963, Pope John XXIII wrote the encyclical Pacem in Terris due to the cold war which is addressed to not only Christians but ‘all men of good will’. It recognized peace as a necessity and a goal...
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...essay on cold war ‘Account for the phenomenon, known as the cold war, which dominated world politics between 1945 - 1989. Evaluate the extent to which the principal nations involved fought proxy wars as a substitute for armed conflict with each other. In this essay I will discuss the extent to which the principal nations, mainly the USA and the Soviet Union fought proxy wars as a substitute for armed conflict with each other during the Cold War between 1945 – 1989. As the Second World War ended in 1945 with the victory of the allies, a new war was launched. It was a battle predominantly between the USA and the Soviet Union, between two conflicting ideologies: America’s capitalism versus and the Soviet Union’s communism. Ranging from two of the most devastating wars; the Korean War (1950) and the Vietnam war in the 60s, to the smaller conflicts in the Middle East and Africa in terms of the scale of the battle, every corner of the globe was involved in the Cold War. (Dunbabin 1994) The USA and the Soviet Union were the sole super powers at the end of the Second World War. There are a number of views regarding why the Cold war was unavoidable, and one of the reasons is that both countries were expansionist. The USA in particular was afraid of the Soviet sphere of influence over Europe in particular, believing that it needed to be contained. (Mowry, 1962) But on the part of the Soviet Union, it was also afraid of the USA’s power and its ideology which it believed to...
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... Since the mid 20th century, there has been controversy about freedom of speech, especially in the school setting. These controversies led to four very important cases that have paved the way for the freedom of speech that is or is not allowed in school today. These four cases are Tinker v. Des Moines, Bethel v. Fraser, Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier, and Morse v. Frederick. Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District was the first case of freedom of speech for students. This case took place in 1969 in Des Moines, Iowa. John F. Tinker and his siblings and friends decided to wear black armbands to school in order to protest the Vietnam War. The principals and other parents and students were not fond of this gesture because they thought it was disrespectful to the people who were serving in the war. The principals of the school heard about this before it occurred and decided to make a policy that stated that any student that wore these black armbands would face consequences. These consequences included taking off the armband and being suspended until the student agreed to not wear the armband anymore. The children wore the armbands to school and were suspended. The Tinker family decided to take this to court. This case went all the way to the Supreme Court where they ruled in the favor of Tinker. The case law that resulted from this case stated that schools could only suspend speech if: 1) the speech causes problems or disrupts the educational process; 2)...
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...injustices. This I would think was a contributing factor in John Rawls philosophy of justice as fairness. His time in World War II challenged his faith as he learned of the holocaust and senseless killings upon innocent people in combat. Then the Vietnam War caused Rawls, like many other Americans, to begin to challenge the political system and how conscientious resistance from citizens could affect policies. (Wenar, 2008) Rawls attended Princeton University John Rawls is claimed to be the most important political philosopher of this century. His articles of the 60s and his first book, Theory of Justice written in 1971, was about collective coercive power and its’ use in demanding justice and fairness in a societies as addressed in his dissertation in 1951, “Outline of a Decision Procedure for Ethics”. (Richardson, 2005) Rawls also studied at Oxford University. His first appointments were at Cornell University and MIT and joined the Harvard University faculty in 1962 where he remained for his career of thirty years. (Wenar, 2008)John Rawls had a philosophy of social justice that said individual rights went hand in hand with justice and equality through basic personal and political liberties. This first principal said that everyone had a right to participate in politics, have freedom of associations, and the right of due process by law. Rawls’ principal said that everyone had a right to be active and play a role in politics regardless of wealth....
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...Bush over the caption "International Terrorist." At lunch, a student approached the assistant principal, said that he was "angry" about the t-shirt, and stated that "someone should take care of Brett for wearing that shirt." A teacher who observed the shirt told the assistant principal that he thought the shirt "may be inappropriate." Although there had been no actual disruption, the principal, concerned about the effect of the shirt on the 31.4% of the school population that was of Arab descent, eventually sent the student home. The principal was also motivated by her own experience at another high school ten years earlier during Desert Storm, when students displaying pictures of Saddam Hussein caused fights, protests and...
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...Laura Hillenbrand’s, Unbroken is “A World War II story of survival, resilience, and redemption.” Louis Zamperini had many successes in life, but he also had failures. The Zamperini family had helped him achieve his potential as a runner, and had changed his life for the better. As a young boy he was a troublemaker, and quite reckless, but he had his family to help him change into a man with a beautifully tragic, touching story. Louis was the exact opposite of his brother Pete. Pete was impeccably groomed, polite, handsome, and blessed with sound judgment. Louis as a young boy was reckless and could never stay still. Louie was always causing a ruckus. “The principal punished him by making him ineligible for athletic and social activities....
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...Berlin. This, they believed, would make it impossible for the people who lived there to get food or any other supplies and would eventually drive Britain, France and the U.S. out of the city for good. Instead of retreating from West Berlin, however, the U.S. and its allies decided to supply their sectors of the city from the air. This effort, known as the “Berlin Airlift,” lasted for more than a year and carried more than 2.3 million tons of cargo into West Berlin. Korean War The Korean War was a war between North Korea and South Korea (with the principal support of the...
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...Religion and Peace 22 indicative hours ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The focus of this study is the distinctive response of religious traditions to the issue of peace. Syllabus Outcomes: H1 explains aspects of religion and belief systems H2 describes and analyses the influence of religion and belief systems on individuals and society H5 evaluates the influence of religious traditions in the life of adherents H6 organises, analyses and synthesises relevant information about religion from a variety of sources, considering usefulness, validity and bias H7 conducts effective research about religion and evaluates the findings from the research H8 applies appropriate terminology and concepts related to religion and belief systems H9 coherently and effectively communicates complex information, ideas and issues using appropriate written, oral and graphic forms. Incorporating a Catholic emphasis: In approaching the teaching of this unit within the context of a Catholic Religious Education program it is expected that: 1. Each lesson would begin with prayer that is meaningful for students and pertinent to current local...
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...Some Colombians are Pro-Peace, they agree with the accords in the peace agreement. This group is composed by some politicians, some leaders of the guerrilla and some population in Colombia. The second principal group, is call “Civil Resistance”, they are against the arrangements between Colombia Government and FARC. This group is composed of politicians, FARC people and some Colombians. Today, the concept of ‘Peace’ given by the Colombian Government and FARC agreement is controversial between these two groups. Pro-Peace believers agree with the concept of ‘Peace’ given by the agreement, their concept has the purpose of do not penalize the people for their crimes when they enjoyed the guerrilla and letting them the opportunity of control the country with their corrupt behaviors, and the most important thing is do not claim justice for the real victims. In the other hand, “Civil Resistance” supporters, think that this ‘Peace’ offers by the government...
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...The War Against ISIS Ahmed Sheikhahmed Southern New Hampshire University Background Description of how the War against ISIS Began ISIS (The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) is a terrorist group that has the objective of forming a caliphate (Islamic State) in territories stretching from Syria to Turkey, to Lebanon, to Egypt, and to Jordan, if not beyond (Blaise & Jessica, 2014). The group started in 2004 as al-Qaeda in Iraq after which it rebranded itself to ISIS two years later. The group was an ally of Osama Bin Laden’s al-Qaeda and had similar ideologies. The war against ISIS began after the group started radicalization and terrorist activities, by capturing swathes of lands in Syria and Iraq. The group was formed out...
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...History of Sun Zi Art of War The Art of War or “Sun Wu’s Military Science” is a Chinese military treatise written by Sun Tzu during the spring and autumn period in the 6th century BC. The book is composed of 13 chapters, with the first chapter "laying plans" as the principal line. It consists of laying plans, waging war, strategic attack, disposition of the army, forces, weakness and strengths, military manoeuvres, variations and adaptability, movement and deployment of troops, terrain, the nine battlegrounds, attacking with fire, and lastly, intelligence and espionage. Sun Zi Art of War is one of the oldest and successful books on military strategy. It presents a philosophy of war in managing conflicts ad winning battles. Its strategies and philosophical thoughts stated have been widely practiced and used in all fields such as military affairs, politics and economics especially in the business nowadays. The Art of War was translated into the French language in the year of 1772 by French Jesuit Jean Joseph Marie Amiot. It was then translated into English by British officer Everard Ferguson Calthrop in the year of 1905. It has influenced military leaders such as Napoleon Bonarpate, Mao Zedong, Vo Nguyen Giap and General Douglas MacArthur.(The Art of War - Chinese Ancient Military Treatise, n.d.) During the Sengoku era in Japan, a Samurai named Takeda Shingen is said to have become nearly invincible in battle without relying on guns.(as cited in Shawn Conners, Lionel Giles...
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...lawQUESTION 1 Explain on the FOUR (4) ways on how a contract can be discharged. First way on how a contract can be discharged is discharge by performance.For discharge by performance to occur, the contract must be exactly or substantially performed, to allow for recovery of the contract price. Partial performance does not allow for recovery of the contract price but payment may be recovered in restitution for the work. Failure to perform a contract according to its terms will be a breach of the contract This can be illustrated by the example of a contract for the sale and purchase of goods. The contract will be performed when goods corresponding to the requirements (description) have been delivered. The case , Re Moore and Landauer [1921]. Moore and Landauer (1921) led to what some may see as a harsh decision. A contract provided for the sale of 3,000 tins of canned fruit. The tins of fruit were to be packed in cases of 30 tins. It was discovered on delivery that half the cases contained only 24 tins although the total number of tins was still 3,000. The market value was not affected. The Court of Appeal invoked the Sale of Goods Act and held that, notwithstanding that there was no loss, the buyer could reject the whole consignment because goods must correspond with the description. Another harsh decision can be found in Cutter v Powell (1795). The facts were that a seaman who was to be paid his wages after the end of a voyage died just a few days away from port. A court...
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...Contract of agency is whereby a person is bound by the principal to act, represent or speak for him in front of the third party and make decisions on behalf of the principal. A principal may hire an agent who will act as a principal and will be solely responsible for the decision he makes on the name of the principal (Mckendrick 2012,p. 5). There are three types of authority but an agency made with an agreement is an implied authority. Contract of agency can be helpful for big business official as they cannot be available anywhere, anytime. The relationship with an agency can be terminated if the parties feel that the relationship is not going in a beneficial manner. There are various factors which can influence and terminate contract of agency it depends on the legal contract and various clauses they have signed during the agreement. According to Scottish law if the contract which has been set up for indefinite time the notice for termination of agency to be given for first year should be 1 month for second year two months and for third year 3 months prior before the termination by any of agent or the principal. There are different ways in which contract of agency can be terminated 1)Act of parties 2)Operation of law 3)By agreement. Under act of parties there can be few scenario's one is revocation by principal in which the principal no longer wants the agent to work or act for his business or premises this situation can be handled by giving a notice to an agent and the notice...
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