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Submitted By guardmari84
Words 1544
Pages 7
Early Civilization IV: Civilizations At War
(Simulation for MS 3313: US Military History)

Early Civilization III is a Turn based simulation designed to teach team building and coordinating skills. This is a revamping and expansion of the original Early Civilization rules.

I. Set Up

The group is divided into Teams of between 6 and 8 players each. The Instructor graphically displays the six (6) beginning cities of each team by the name of each team, along with each team's Treasury and Granary. The Instructor also designates which player in each team is the Team Leader. The Team Leader's decision is final.

II. The Turn

1. The Turn Sheet

Students are encouraged to accomplish most of the coordination with their teammates outside of class. Then the Team Leader turns in the Turn Sheet within the first ten minutes of class. This Turn Sheet shows the Team name, lists the Team Members, and was written to be quite self-explanatory. There will usually be one Turn per week.

Each Team starts the game with 6 Cities. Each City produces 1 Food and 1 Gold per Turn, and can support 1 Unit. Now Divide the Units between Offense and Defense. You may assign 6 Units to Defense and 0 to Offense, or 0 to Defense and 6 to Offense, and anything in between.

It is through the Turn Sheet that you learn the result of any Disasters or attacks upon you from other Teams (Civilizations). You also use the Sheet to plan your attacks against other Civilizations (if any) and to purchase Civilization Advances with Gold.

2. The Disaster Phase (Not on the first three Turns!)

While your Turn Sheets are in my possession, I will roll two six sided dice (2D6) to determine what Disaster struck your civilization. Disasters will not happen during the first three Turns.

Table I: Disasters Disaster | 2d6 Roll | Effect | Barbarian Raid | 2-3 | Two of your team’s

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