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Submitted By ptlove4ever
Words 366
Pages 2
Assignment: FINA 6201
This assignment is a Harvard Business Review case about the proposed acquisition of Intuit by Microsoft, by William Fruhan.
Source: Harvard Business School: 20 pages.
Publication Date: May 24, 1995. Prod. #: 295121-PDF-ENG
The case is available using the following link. It costs $ 6.99 and I believe you can also get the spreadsheets with the data in the case in soft copy (excel) format if you buy the case from HBR – You may need to create a student account and sign in. (Each group can buy just 1 copy of the case and share)
Please go through the case in detail and try to solve it.
I am not looking for particular answers, but rather the approach you adopt to solve it.

Report Format and Guideline

I expect critical thinking. Please do not rewrite what the business press has suggested. This is NOT meant to be a summary of the case itself. I expect you to intelligently and critically analyze the issues raised. Your final report must be no more than ten double-spaced pages (Times New Roman, Font 12), excluding the list of references and any supporting materials. Be concise and to the point and abide by the space restriction. I recommend the following sections in your report.

I. Introduction (1 page) – what the case is about.
2. Background and some facts (1 page maximum with some supporting figures)
3. Analyses (5 pages) what you did to analyze the case (the proposed acquisition) and what you find.
4. Interpretation and conclusions of the results (1 page maximum)
5. Supporting spreadsheet and tables with your calculations. (2-3 pages).

Please compile all this and try to work as a team. I am deliberately leaving this as an open ended exercise so you have the freedom to analyze and explore.

Due Date: December 5, 2013 in class.

Please bring me a hard copy of the

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