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Progressive Era

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The progressive era was the period of social, economic ,and political reform that took place after the gilded age. The primary purpose of the progressive era was to correct the mistakes in America that had taken place during the gilded age and progress the United States forward in the right direction.
At the end of the gilded age the common American life was pretty crummy. People were controlled by corrupt governments and monopolies it was extremely difficult to get a job so many people were living in the streets.
This all began to change with the election of Theodore Roosevelt and his Square Deal. The square deal aimed to help with the labor ,business, consumion , and environment of the American people. Theodore passed many laws to improve …show more content…
They started struggling to make a profit after the war due to there not being soldiers to feed. During the war farmers spent money on tractors and other expensive equipment to make the most product as possible so that they could sell it during the war and make a large profit. The United states did not stay in the war long enough for the farmers to make any kind of profit. the farmers eventually had to give up their equipment and land because of debts and taxes which left the banks with land and equipment they could not sell. This caused numerous banks across America to go …show more content…
In an effort to keep up with the demand for their product many companies over produced items. They then struggled to sell them which caused these companies stocks to tremendously fall. After people started to realize that stock prices were falling people begin selling their stock as fast as possible to get the most out there money.
On Tuesday October 29, 1929 the stock market crashed, and Wall Street lost over an estimated 30 billion dollars many see this as the start to the great depression. The great depression was the worst economic crisis in American history, and would take numerous years of hard work to recover from.
The first step in the correction of what President Hoover had done was to elect a new president named Franklin. D. Roosevelt . Franklin. D. Roosevelt want to focus on getting the United States out of the depression so he came up with a plan called the New Deal. He planned to help relief, recover, and reform the people of America.
Franklin. D. Roosevelt started by relieving the people, and passing laws that addressed unemployment ,security and reconstruction. Laws such as the Civilian Conservation Corps which provided work for men, and the Emergency Banking Act, which secured banks and made them regulated by laws that would prevent them from going

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