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Project 6 Social Services Case Study

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11. Please describe who will be directly served by your agency:
1 Children 1 People with Learning Disabilities
1 People with Physical Disabilities 1 People with Mental Health Problems
1 People with Substance abuse Problems 1 Seniors
1 Low Income 1 Other (Please List) ¬Veterans________________________

12. Please explain how you evaluate your agency’s effectiveness?
Project 66 evaluates its effectiveness by receiving direct feedback from their recipients. This feedback has always remained positive. Also, they have demonstrated a consistent increase in demands for services. This increase is demonstrated by return clients as well as new clients.
Project 66 Food Pantry answers directly …show more content…
Please describe your clientele?
The Edmond community has a lower poverty population than much of the state of Oklahoma. This means that the poor in our community are underserved. While the median salary range in Edmond is high, the poor tend to be in extreme poverty or experiencing temporary circumstances that put them in a position of need. Often families facing temporary financial hardships will turn to a non-profit organization rather than seek state services.

Often families must choose between paying their electric bill/mortgages and purchasing groceries. Project 66 Food Pantry provides clients with two weeks of food, monthly--based on the number of people in their household. The pantry serves elderly, children, working families and veterans.

Many clients are referred by churches and other non-profits. This gives Project 66 a unique sense of community. One partner nonprofit, an English as a Second Language (ESL) class offered at Henderson Hills Baptist Church, refers a large number of Spanish speaking Edmond residence who might otherwise not seek assistance. Edmond has an estimated 5.1% Hispanic population. Project 66 Food Pantry serves many different people from a wide range of

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