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Promotion to Health


Submitted By amiraxo
Words 316
Pages 2
Health promotion is information and education both for individuals and the nation which will help them make positive lifestyles. It allows individuals to take control of factors that affect their own health and to take steps to improve their health and well-being. Health promotion is not forced on people it simply gives people information and they make their own minds up on the actions that would be made with that information.
The purpose of health promotion is to inform people different way off living healthy currently. It’s aimed to motivate people to adopt healthy lifestyles. Health promotion should be proactive in describing health related challenges and issues. The purpose of health promotion is to target issues like the rising incidence of obesity in this country and the problems that arise from this for example the cost to the NHS for treatment.

5 aims of health promotion are

1) Reduce the number of people smoking .For example activates about smoking and how it can affect the human body or lifestyle. 2) Encourage safety and reduce accident. For example road safety and how you can reduce the amount of accident, to help aim for people to drive more slowly. 3) Encourage health eating habits. Information about how’s and why’s of why eating healthy eating is important and helps people have better lifestyles. 4) Reduce alcohol intake. Information on the risks of access alcohol consumption and guidance on safe weekly levels may encourage people to cut down their alcohol. 5) Raise health awareness. For example safe sex and how not having safe sex have can effect an individual.
Three types of health promotion are

1) One type of health promotion can be leaflets at your GB. For example leaflets that gives information about obesity effects and ways to avoid becoming obese. 2) A website. For example a website which promotes road

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