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Submitted By dave91r
Words 329
Pages 2
October 25, 2012

To: John Doe

From: Jane Dope

Subject: Proposal to add a supervisor to the Transportation Department

We currently have ten yard drivers and a yard auditor in our yard operation. As our workload continues to grow the need for supervision is greatly needed. To solve this issue we need to hire a supervisor, who will control the entire yard operation. The supervisor will control many fascists of our yard and will work alongside our current Transportation supervisor and will report to our Transportation Manager. He will control efficiency of the drivers and keep up with production. With this control and a visual of the yard our department will not only become more efficient, but will also be able to ultimately save cost.

As our team grows, and our need to add more personnel becomes more evident, we need to take action when it becomes necessary, before we start to become inefficient. When building our budget for 2013, please consider this option to add a new supervisor. Once you have added this position to the budget, I will make all the arrangements with human resources to bring in some candidates for interviews. I believe hiring from within is a great possibility, but we should definitely look at all of options. Once I have interviewed all the candidates, I will narrow the pool down to five and then I will bring the five in for a second interview with you and myself. Once we have hired the new supervisor, I will have him work alongside all of office personnel until he is comfortable with all of software and database operations. Then he will be ready to take over the yard and start making improvements where needed.

Please review the possibility of adding a supervisor and understanding the need for this position. When reviewing all the needs for the department in the coming year, we would like to put, adding a new supervisor, as top priority. Thank you.

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Request for Proposal

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