...Cloning is not new and experiments with frogs and toads date back to the 1970s . Experiments involving plants and animal embryos have been performed for years, yet experiments involving human beings have never been tried or thought possible, until "Dolly". Her birth shocked the scientific community and has spurred discussion about the possibility of human clones. In the following essay I am going to speak about the subject of Human Cloning, its pros and cons, and speak against the following issues. Pros of Human Cloning Prior to arguing against the human cloning it is imperative to note the positives of this genetic technology. Human cloning will allow doctors to determine the cause of spontaneous abortions, give oncologists an understanding of the rapid cell growth of cancer, allow the use of stem cells to regenerate nerve tissues, and advance work on aging, genetics, and medicines. Some people argue that cloning is the logical next step in reproductive technology. Identical twins are natural clones, so reproductive cloning can be regarded as a technological version of a natural process (McGee, 82). If a couple are infertile, why shouldn't they be able to produce clones of themselves? If a couple have lost a child, why shouldn't they be able to replace that loved individual with a clone if that is possible? Equally if someone has made a great contribution to science, music, the arts or literature, it seems like a good idea to produce more of them in the hope that we might...
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...Contrary to popular notion, cloning started more than a century before Dolly, the first cloned mammal, became famous. It cannot be denied, nonetheless, that Dolly awakened the imagination of the populace regarding the pros and cons of cloning. It is a debate that continues to polarize society 15 years after the birth of the most famous sheep on Earth. Discussion We must emphasize that the cloning referred to in this article refers to reproductive, gene and therapeutic cloning. Reproductive cloning is used in the creation of an animal with the same nuclear DNA as another animal, the latter of which may be currently or previously in existence. This was the technology used in the creation of Dolly. Therapeutic cloning refers to the production of human embryos for the purpose of research. It has also been applied to create new organs or tissues for transplantation into a waiting patient with possible applications in the treatment of diseases like diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and even cancer. These two types of cloning – there is a third type known as gene cloning, by the way – are at the center of heated debates. If you wish to cast your vote on the pros and cons of cloning, it is important to acquire as much reliable and relevant information and education on the matter. Advantages of Cloning With that being said, the following are the generally accepted benefits of cloning: • Easy replacement of internal organs and tissues for patients in need of transplants...
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...Even though there are many ways that cloning can help to improve lives, there are still some people who worry that it could do the opposite. This sparks a debate over the moral and legal issues of cloning, and how it could deprive humans of their lives in certain ways of cloning such as reproductive cloning. They worry that embryos and fetus’ will be grown for their stem cells, which is essential for cloning. "Several countries have enacted legislation to ban human cloning.”(Cloning) as well as “several states have passed their own laws prohibiting such research.”(Cloning) This “raises a number of challenging scientific, legal, philosophical, and ethical issues.”(Cloning) These examples show multiple Government’s views on cloning. And how...
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...Cloning is a very unknown but coming thing. Cloning can be used to reproduce a human or animal with the same genetic makeup as the parent. It can be used in many different ways such as therapeutic cloning as well as just cloning an animal or human to be the same as its parent. Cloning when done carefully can do great things. Cloning a human doesn't have to be completely about cloning them into another person. Scientist can use cloning techniques to create stem cells for various needs. Creating stem cells for the use of treating diseases or even experimenting with treating diseases is called therapeutic cloning. Clones could be produced to provide organs for transplants. So this helps show that clones have many uses and beneficiary qualities....
Words: 401 - Pages: 2
...“A trust to be broken, a belief to be changed” What defines strong faith? Is letting go an option to what you believe in? According to the Merriam Webster dictionary believing is basically to accept or regard something as true or in a layman’s term, trusting something and fighting for it, but people’s belief is and can be contradicted and subjected to change. Beliefs are easy to change since the only constant thing on earth is change and the mind can easily be fooled with ignorance. This is what, as a student, concerns the author specifically the effect of genetic or human cloning to Filipinos. People may vary and not everything one believes another accept and understand, thus contradiction can never be avoided. Genetic or human cloning, considered...
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...Two of Us: Cloning Cloning didn’t make a significant impact in culture or science until the first mammal was cloned in 1997. Cloning is the process in which an exact genetic copy of an organism is made. The first successful cloning was of Dolly the sheep. Though this was a huge stride for the scientific community, there has been many public riots against this action. Over the years scientists have researched and there has been several successful cloned animals; however, there have been many unsuccessful clonings. Throughout its history, cloning has overcome many obstacles. Scientists have discovered three types of cloning, anyhow, it is still not well received in society today. The founders of modern genetics, took the first steps in re-evaluating the previous theories used for cloning. August Weismann, Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy at the University of Freiburg, proposed that cells can be manipulated by similar genetic organisms (Beale 2). Soon after Weismann’s theory was given public attention, two other scientists tried experimenting with his theory on manipulating similar organisms. During this time of trial and error, most of the animals used were small, such as: frogs, bird eggs, mice, and...
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...Genetically Modified Foods --------------------------------------------------- p. 3 Gene Therapy/Cloning------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ p. 4 Stem Cell Technology------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ p. 5 Position Paper------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p. 6-7 Bibliography-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p. 8-10 Evaluation Rubric----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p. 7 DNA Fingerprinting DNA fingerprinting are tests that help to identify and analyze a person’s DNA. The term “fingerprinting” is used because finger prints, like DNA, vary from person to person and no two people have the same DNA or fingerprints. So, when scientists identify a person’s DNA, it can only be linked back to one individual and can help to obtain information about that specific individual. DNA fingerprinting can be done through many different ways. Some ways are through blood samples from a vein or heel, saliva samples, skin samples, or hair samples. The purpose of DNA fingerprinting is to help link family members together, find things that cause diseases, to help aid in crime scene investigations, and to identify the deceased. The Pros of this technology are that it can help to bring justice to victims in a criminal case through...
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...supporting or against it, is cloning. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could clone a dying family dog or cat that everyone is extremely attached too or even cloning fish, cows, and chickens when food source is scarce in a certain region of the world. The world population is continuously growing and will not slow down anytime soon and the food supply can only grow so fast This topic has been in discussion and arguments for years. There are many arguments that make sense and can convince people that this might be a great idea to do and there are also many great points of why cloning is a really bad and shouldn’t be done. It will always be a hot topic in society and will always be arguments whether it’s in a classroom discussing touchy subjects or in congress to pass a bill that involves the topic of cloning. Some of the big pros of cloning especially for human cloning that caught my attention are defective genes could be eliminated, faster recovery from traumatic injury, and organ cloning. According to Healthresearchfunding.org , The Genetic illnesses caused my damaged DNA lines will disappear because the cloning of the human healthy human cells. This could prevent so many young children that have Genetic diseases especially the deadly ones. I feel this is very convincing for me because seeing young children with diseases like that breaks my heart and feel they deserve to how regular life. Another big pro of cloning is that of cloning organs for the human body...
Words: 1100 - Pages: 5
...up controversy. One of the ethical issues in technology that is very controversial is cloning. Some people would say cloning is the future, while others including myself would say it is harming our futures. I am against cloning because of the unethical experimentations, procreations turn into manufactures, and it threatens individuality and identity. In this report you will be learning about what is cloning, the pros and cons of cloning, and how to fix this controversial issue. Cloning is a cell or organism that is genetically identical to the unit or individual from which is was derived from. Cloning can be done on animals, plants, food, and even humans. The three types of cloning are Gene, Reproductive, and Therapeutic Cloning. Gene cloning creates copies the DNA, Reproductive cloning involves copies of animals, and Therapeutic cloning deals with stem cells in human beings body. One of the pros from cloning is that it can replace internal organs and tissue. Embryonic stem cells can grow and produce new organs and tissue from the damaged one. When patients are in need of a transplant, instead of waiting for an organ donor, they would just clone their organs and tissues. So if someone got into a car accident and needed a new heart and a new face, cloning would produce the organ so they could have another organ and the tissue so they could make his face without scars. Another pro for cloning is it being the solution to couples who have infertility issues. There are couples in...
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...Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Its Pros and Cons Because of its concept, embryonic stem cell research has become a hot topic in debates among scientific researchers, moral activists, religious groups and governments. It is a relatively a new science that holds medical treatments for many debilitating diseases and disorders affecting people today. But like other new scientific technologies, it is also believed to potentially do harm. To get a good insight about this type of research, let us take a look at some of its pros and cons. List of Pros of Embryonic Stem Cell Research 1. It can help treat many diseases. As scientists direct the differentiation of embryonic stem cells into specific cell types, they will be able to use the resulting differentiated cells to treat certain diseases, which include diabetes, traumatic spinal cord injury, Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy, heart diseases, and vision and hearing loss. It is also claimed to have the potential...
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...In the passage, “Should You Clone Your Pet” published by Sscholastic magazine, there are many pros and cons to cloning. The article stated, “With the help of modern day science, some pet owners are bringing their pets back to life…” Wow! This is amazing, if you lose your pet you can just get him back again! But that's not completely the case. Some people think that cloning is a good effect on society because researchers use cloning on other animals then just the average dog or cat to develop new present day medical discoveries. Also, they use it to find cures. Without cloning is there any possible other way to discover the undiscovered or solve the unknown? Well let's take a look at the cons. On the other hand people believe it will harm the...
Words: 362 - Pages: 2
... CLONING Cloning is a very controversial issue that has undergone severe criticism and debate ever since the technology was invented in 1983 and probably will not have a final end to it.So what is cloning? And why are there many controversies and concerns arising after the invention of this technology? Cloning is the process of generating a genetically identical copy of a cell or an organism. Cloning is a controversial issue because of the social and physiological risks associated with it. Opponents of cloning have concerns that technology is not yet developed enough to be safe, that it could be prone to abuse (leading to the generation of humans from whom organs and tissues would be harvested), and have concerns about how cloned individuals could integrate with families and with society at large. Religious groups are divided, with some opposing the technology as usurping God's place and, to the extent embryos are used, destroying a human life; others support therapeutic cloning's potential life-saving benefits. There are different types of artificial cloning and these are gene cloning, reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. Gene cloning produces copies of genes or segments of DNA. Reproductive cloning produces copies of whole animals. Different scientists have different reasons and goal unto why they want to clone and the reasons often directly correlate with the type of cloning to be conducted. For instance Rael who is a...
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...The debate over animal cloning will have an effect on our world for generations. When a whole organism is replicated from one single cell taken from the parent organism and in a genetically duplicate way, it is called animal cloning. Meaning the cloned animal is an exact duplicate of its parent, and has the exact same DNA. Other instances of cloning are when asexual reproduction in some particular organisms and the growth of twins from a solitary fertilized cell. However, now with the advanced biological technology, artificially recreating the process of animal cloning is a possibility. Pros and Cons: Some cons of the animal cloning process are a large percent of cases, birth defects occur like animals being born with two faces. Sometimes...
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...Morality of Cloning Cloning, is it morally right or wrong? That is the question many have been debating for years. Cloning an animal, or even more so a human, may seem, taboo. Ask yourself, what are moral standards built upon? Religion? Or do they come from ourselves? Most of today's moral standards are built upon Christianity, one of the worlds biggest religions. Many people believe that God made us to reproduce sexually, between a man and woman only, and that cloning is playing God and going against his will. Other religions too, have spoken out about cloning. Religion has been a main issue for the scientific community for many decades and will continue to be so. Many other subjects such as abortion, and assisted suicide have been a controversial...
Words: 1433 - Pages: 6
...2010 Cloning Human, animal, and plant cloning is one of the most controversial subjects in modern science. There are many good arguments in favor of cloning, as well as many against it. In my opinion, plant and animal cloning could be very efficient to society by way of creating more food, but I also view it as unethical. In this essay I will discuss many pro’s and con’s of cloning. Cloning can help the human race in many ways, but is it necessary? One way it can help us is by the cloning of plants and animals. In doing this, we could create more food and genetically engineer the food to maximize its health. "Commercial livestock cloning could inundate the food supply with novel products that have not been safety tested."(Mendelson). Most scientists who oppose the idea claim that cloned animals usually have birth defects, and have not been properly tested for safe consumption. Although this could be true, with the rapidly advancing technology in today’s world it probably will not be long until cloning is perfected, and the animals pass all tests. However, is the cloning of animals really necessary for us to survive? Those who are on the more ethical side of the matter believe that God has and will continue to provide us with plenty of plants and animals to survive on. Thus, the argument can go back and forth depending on your beliefs and personal ethics. Ultimately the answer to the question is what you make it. Another way cloning can benefit us is by the cloning of human...
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