...It is understandable why some police departments prohibit police officers from accepting gratuities. Two opposing arguments for accepting gratuities are the slippery slope argument which notes that taking gratuities leads to more serious deviance. The unjust enrichment argument notes that the only honest compensation for police is their paycheck. The text relays that a gift given connects the giver and receiver in a bond of reciprocity similar to a friendship. The issue arises when one of the parties has an impure intent. The giver could be handing out gratuities because she wants more of a police presence to ward off would be thieves. Some police officers are experts on how to siphon free items from merchants. Some officers are given free...
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...FACTORS: Cultural context of the region (education, level of studies) and income levels and purchasing power for cultural products (see page 87) which are quite different from others Guggenheim Museums’ situations like Venice or NY (even though better than the other areas of the country). Consider also: art preferences and response to permanent and temporary exhibition. We must consider than the average expense for culture par family is not extremely high (6% of total expenses). MEMEBERSHIP PLAN B: Focus on Bizkaia region and Bilbao, rich cultural proposition. Offering events and special privileges indifferently by night at weekends (young, urban and “hip” audience). Relatively high membership fee for free entrance and exclusive events. PROS: * In Guggenheim museum SoHo survey private viewings of exhibitions, vernissages, and special arranged views of private collections were considered to be a source of attraction, as well as Lectures, films, concerts, cocktails and exclusive events… * Through events like this, the museum can become a cultural hub * This kind of...
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...working. Because of th. Alternative A – Shorten shift with as needed expansion hours One option is to shorten the shift the therapist is scheduled to work, with the option to open availability should the shortened shift be booked and more availability is needed. This would condense the available appointments to either morning or evening and prevent such a large schedule gap. Alternative B – Compensation Option for Unbook Session Another option would be to provide partial compensation for unbooked session. Each therapist is required to make state law minimum wage (NJ $8.38 p/h). Each session is paid at $16 per session with optional gratuity typically ranging between $15 & $20 per session. What typically happens, should a therapist not be fully book during the pay weeks, a calculation of their earnings is taken; Paid Sessions + Gratuities / Total Scheduled Hours. If their calculated pay does not equal $8.38 p/h or more, they are then compensated the amount that would equal $8.38 p/h. If they do make $8.38 p/h or more, even if only by one cent, then no additional compensation is made. What happens now is the therapist is making about half the rate...
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...Running head: PROS AND CONS Pros and Cons of Compensation for NCAA Division I Student Athletes Mark Dunkley PEP 461 Student The College at Brockport Abstract This paper weighs in the pros and cons for the compensation of Division I college student athletes. This paper also introduces a plan that would allow monetary compensation of college athletes in the United States. A survey was distributed to 14 males of the Suny College at Brockport basketball team Pros and Cons of Compensation for NCAA Division I Student Athletes The exploits of student-athletes in sports have variously been advanced as generating a lot of dollars in forms of revenues for their respective institutions, which has generally raised the question as to why they shouldn’t be compensated for their sporting prowess. Student-athletes generate tens of millions of dollars for their respective athletic departments and ideally then should be reimbursed. However, as per the guidelines of the National Collegiate Athletics Associations (NCAA), athletes are not supposed to receive any commercial use of their personas and likenesses and are indeed not expected to gain any monetary compensation for their sporting engagements. This has generally been interpreted to mean that they cannot enter into agreements for endorsements in their sporting activities as has been the case with professional engagements. Instead, students are expected to benefit from the payment for tuition fees from their sporting activities...
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...Compensation – The sum total of all forms of payments or rewards provided to employees for performing tasks to achieve organizational objectives Rs Compensation- Nature and scope • The complex process includes decisions regarding variable pay and benefits • It suggests an exchange relationship between the employee and the organization • It involves design, development, implementation, communication and the evaluation of reward strategy and process of the organization Compensation Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. To reward employees’ past performance fairly, in line with efforts, skills and competencies To attract and retain competitive high performing employees To motivate the high performing employees and reinforce desirable employee behaviour To remain competitive in the labor market 5. 6. 7. To align employees’ future performance with organizational goals To communicate the employees their worth to the organization To provide employee social status • Strategic compensation – Using the compensation plan to support the company’s strategic aims. – Focuses employees’ attention on the values of winning, execution, and speed, and on being better, faster, and more competitive.. • IBM Strategic Compensation Planning • Strategic Compensation Planning – Links the compensation of employees to the mission, objectives, philosophies, and culture of the organization. – Serves to identify the net monetary payments made to employees with specific functions of...
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...RomaCorral Foods Ltd. (RCFL) - Strategic and Operational Recommendations To: Senior Management Team at RCFL From: Alicia King, CMA Date: August 1, 2012 Executive Summary The purpose of this report to is address strategic and operational issues currently experienced by RCFL in order to achieve target of 5% growth in net profit margin as well as a dividend payout of $2 per share. The report includes a current situational assessment, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the strategic alternatives as well as recommendations on best course of actions. An implementation plan is also provided to guide RCFL for their next steps. Strategic alternatives considered are the expansion of Roma/Corral resturants, investing in a coffee shop chain and outsourcing bread products. It is recommended that RCFL pursues the launch of coffee shops as it provides more than 10% return on investment and allows RCFL net profit margin to grow by 5% for the next two years. Operational issues such as ethical and internal control issues are looked into for the best interests of RCFL. For instance, selection of contractors should be based on best quotes. RCFL will also attempt to improve their consistency in customer service as well as have higher retention rate for their high quality servers. With the introduction of 30 Roco coffee shops in Canada, RCFL will be well-positioned to mitigate risks of the current economic downturn. It will be diversifying in the market that is relatively...
Words: 2170 - Pages: 9
...The warehouse and wholesale segment of retailing is a very successful and fast growing industry. In 2011 it was a $155 billion business in the United States alone, and growing at a rate that was 15-20 percent faster than retailing in its entirety. Offering low prices and legitimate quality with reasonably priced membership fees, the retail warehouse industry is particularly attractive to households with large families, bargain hunters, small business owners, churches and non-profit organizations. Through various distribution strategies, the retail warehouse store industry is able to stay atop other types of retailers. The retail warehouse industry continues to evolve by seeing and seizing opportunities, especially during times of economic turmoil. This is especially true for Costco, who anticipates crisis and change in the retail industry and with its circular vision finds a way to reinvent and change its distribution channel to maximize its volume and overall efficiency. The industry also continues to evolve by improving their website capabilities and sales, and continuing to deliver low prices along with value to its customers. The retail warehouse store industry is a comprised of three major competitors, Costco Wholesale, Sam’s Club, and BJ’s warehouse. These three are also in competition with a number of other retailers such as Target, Walmart, Dollar general, specialty stores, gas stations, and internet retailers. Stores that specialize in a small number of products and...
Words: 1894 - Pages: 8
...GUJARAT UNIVERSITY SYLLABI OF THREE YEARS LL.B. PROGRAMME WITH CREDIT BASED SYSTEM (As prescribed b y the BAR CO UNCIL OF INDI A and as per the Rules of Legal Education, 2008) Effective from the academic year 2011-12 THREE YEARS’ LL.B. POGRAMME First LL. B. Semester – I FIRST LL.B. - S EMES TER 1 (MONSOON ) PE R WE EK S UBJEC TS LEC TURE S OT HER S T OT AL C RED IT S (SE M)29 CORE COURSE 101 L aw of T ort i ncludi ng MV A cci dent And C on sum er Pr ot ecti on Law s 4 1 5 5 CORE COURSE 102 Crim in al Law P aper – I (General P rinci pl es of P en al Law ) 4 1 5 5 4 1 5 5 4 1 5 5 4 1 5 5 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 CORE COURSE 103 CORE COURSE 104 CORE COURSE 105 FOUNDATIO N 106 F SOFT S KILL 107 K Crim in al Law P aper – II (S pec ific Off enc es) L aw of C ont ract S peci al C ontr act C on sti tuti on al Hist ory of I ndi a Use of Law J ournal s and L egal S oftw ar e 1 Semester – I Monsoon Semester CORE CO URSE 101 : LAW OF TO RT I NCLUDI NG M V ACCI DENT AND CO NS UM ER P ROTECTION LAWS Objectives of the Course : Wit h rap id industrializat ion, to rt actio n came to u sed again st manu factu rers and industrial un it fo r p roducts injurious to human beings. Present ly the emphas is is o n extend ing th e principles no t only to acts, which are h armfu l, bu t also to failu re to co mply with stand ards that are continuously...
Words: 16483 - Pages: 66
...ROOT LIST |1 |A, An |not, without (apathy) | |2 |Ab, a |from, away, apart (abnormal) | |3 |Ac, acr |sharp, sour (acrid, acid) | |4 |Act, ag |do, act, drive (active) | |5 |Ad, a |to, toward (advent) | |6 |Ali, altr |another (alimony) | |7 |Am, ami |love, friend (amicable) | |8 |Ambi, amphi |both (amphibian) | |9 |Ambl, ambul |walk (ampulate) | |10 |Anim |mind, spirit, breath (animal, | | | |animate) | |11 |Ann, enn |year (annual) | | | | | |12 |Ante, ant |before (antebellum) | | | | | |13 |Anthrop |man (anthropology) | |14 |Anti, ant |against, opposite (antivirus) | |15 |Auc, aug, aut |originate, increase (augment) | |16 |Aud |hear (audio) | |17 |Auto |self ( autocracy) | |18 |Belli, bell |war (bellicose) | |19 |Bene, ben |good (benefactor) | |20 |Bi |two (binary) | |21 |Bibilo...
Words: 1329 - Pages: 6
...Labor Economics Research Subject: Labor Strikes Date: 6th July 2012 Done By: Hala Aziz Heba Elgendy Presented to: DR.Doaa salman Contents Introduction Definition How does the strike develop? Why a strike? Causes of strikes Types of strike Strike affect in Diff Countries Strikes number in Different Countries How Were the First Labor Unions Formed? Who wins in strike? Case study Conclusion and recommendation Bros and Cons of Strike Action References Introduction: This study is about strikes phenomena, its definition, reasons, types, and whether these strikes are for good or bad, and also who will benefit from it. Also we’ll discuss a real case study that shows the real effect of strike and whether it’s for good or bad. Definition A strike is a very powerful weapon used by trade unions and other labour associations to get their demands accepted. This is done through a process called Collective Bargaining Process (CBP), which includes negotiations between the two parties (employees’ representatives and employer’s representatives). Often employees are represented in the bargaining by a union or other labour organization. The main responsibility of the CBP is to resolving individual or group disputes. How does the strike develop? A strike generally involves quitting of work by a group of workers for the purpose of bringing the pressure on their employer...
Words: 4077 - Pages: 17
...Jessica Yarington Critical Analysis: Bribery and its Effect on Business Practices BMAL 560-D06 Dr. Henry Critical Analysis Critical Analysis Topic: Bribery and it’s Effect on Business Practices PRINCIPLE: * Bribery refers to “the offering, giving, soliciting, or receiving of any item of value as a means of influencing the actions of an individual holding a public or legal duty” (Bribery, 2015). * Economist say that bribery negatively impacts economic growth because it encourages rent seeking behavior (Bribery, 2015). * Rent seeking behavior refers to an “individual’s or corporation’s attempt to illicitly influence the open market in order to provide that individual or corporation with a disproportionate amount of wealth” (Bribery, 2015). * The United Nations reported that corruption costs governments about $1.6 trillion dollars every year. * Economists estimated, based on a poll done in 86 countries, that 1 in every 4 businesspersons worldwide, paid a bribe in the past year (Lawrence & Weber, 2014). * Legislation has been established in an attempt to combat bribery. * The US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) is considered to have the widest jurisdictional reach, being aggressively enforced, both nationally and worldwide (Ernst & Young, 2013). PRACTICE: * Bribery is found in almost all sectors of the global market (Lawrence & Weber, 2014). * An analysis of Transparency International’s Corruption...
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...M U M BA I S I L I C O N VA L L E Y BA N G A LO RE S I N G A P O RE M U M BA I B KC NEW DELHI MUNICH N E W YO RK Start – Ups: What You Need To Know April 2016 © Copyright 2016 Nishith Desai Associates www.nishithdesai.com Provided upon request only © Nishith Desai Associates 2016 Start – Ups: What You Need To Know About NDA Nishith Desai Associates (NDA) is a research based international law firm with offices in Mumbai, Bangalore, Silicon Valley, Singapore, New Delhi, Munich & New York. We specialize in strategic legal, regulatory and tax advice coupled with industry expertise in an integrated manner. We focus on niche areas in which we provide significant value and are invariably involved in select highly complex, innovative transactions. Our key clients include marquee repeat Fortune 500 clientele. Our practice areas include Mergers & Acquisitions, Private Equity Investments, Corporate & Securities Law, Competition Law, JVs & Restructuring, International Tax, International Tax Litigation, Litigation & Dispute Resolution, Fund Formation, Capital Markets, Employment and HR, Intellectual Property, International Commercial Law and Private Client. Our specialized industry niches include funds, financial services, insurance, IT and telecom, pharma and healthcare, media and entertainment, real estate and infrastructure & education. Nishith Desai Associates has been ranked as the Most Innovative Indian Law Firm (2014 & 2015)...
Words: 22451 - Pages: 90
...sporting activities as has been the case with professional engagements. Instead, students are expected to benefit from the payment for tuition fees from their sporting activities. The borne of contention however has been that the universities they play for can enter into agreements of endorsements or other forms of commercial engagements and contracts by utilizing the players identities (Mueller, n.d). This would posit that students surrender their rights of publicity to the universities, raising both legal and ethical concerns. Essentially, this parity in opinions among the different players constituted the motivation for the current study. Based on a detailed review of literature on student-athletes, the paper will present both the pros and cons of monetary compensation for their sporting activities. Conclusions on whether students should be compensated or not will then be presented based on...
Words: 4076 - Pages: 17
...STUDY OF COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT IN HDFC BANK | |TABLE OF CONTENTS |Page no. | | | Acknowledgement |4 | | | Certificate |5 | |1. |Introduction | | | |Objective |6 | | |Limitation | | | |Scope | | | |Research methodology |7 | | | | | |2. |Details of the Project | | | |2.1 Introduction to compensation...
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...IPCS Special Report 25 June 2006 LEFT EXTREMISM IN INDIA NAXAL MOVEMENT IN CHATTISGARH & ORISSA Rajat Kumar Kujur Research Scholar, JNU INTRODUCTION One of the striking features of the Naxal movement is that right from its inception it has remained a point of attention for academicians, journalists and, of course, politicians. However, for some reason or the other, contemporary research on Naxalism has so far been focused on West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and, to some extent, Bihar, at the expense of ot her areas where the movement also has a strong presence. However, as Naxalism or the Naxal movement is a complex problem, it is necessary to look at the problem at specific levels in different regions. It is in this context a primary research on the Naxal Movement in the neighbouring states of Chattisgarh and Orissa, where the Naxal movement is placed at two different levels, is of considerable academic interest. This article is an attempt to explain the growth of the Naxal movement in the poor and underdeveloped regions of these two states. The focus of this paper is on I CHATTISGARH THE NAXAL WAR ZONE Chattisgarh, which is a part of the Dandakaranya region, has been a centre of Maoist activities since the early days of the People’s War. It was none other than the founding father of People’s War (PW), K. Seetharamaiah, who envisaged the idea...
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