Premium Essay

Pros and Cons of Marijuana


Submitted By hstephanie17
Words 709
Pages 3
Stephanie Hernandez

BLAW 235

July 12, 2015

Reasons Why Marijuana for Personal or Medical Use Should Not Be Legal: * Marijuana is usually the drug people call a ‘stepping-stone’ drug, or ‘gateway’ drug to the realms of more harsher and serious drugs such as heroine and cocaine. It is said that, more often than not, people who experience marijuana, even as a recreational, one-time thing, move on to more addicting substances that can produce a bigger high once their tolerance has been built up passed that of simple marijuana. * The number one reason I personally would take into consideration when deciding against marijuana is the fact that since drunk driving is already a thing, and kills hundreds of thousands of people a year, what makes people assume that there are not idiots out there driving high? Driving a vehicle under any substances should be considered a crime, and with the legalization of pot, it would become a more prominent issue of people driving while high, thus causing more accidents and even deaths. * Though I half-heartedly support the claims that medical marijuana may work wonders for people suffering from chronic and terminal illnesses, there are people out there who find drugs, even for medical purposes to be completely morally wrong. For some religious believers, any type of substance abuse, even medical, can and will be seen as a sin. Legalizing marijuana would send many religious fanatics into frenzy because of this aspect. * A very serious reason why, in my personal opinion, I feel as though it should not be legalized, is that if the drug is so widely used, and easier to get your hands on, it could just as easily get into the hands of minors. It is already an epidemic with younger generations becoming addicted to cigarettes and alcohol, who is to say that the same will not come of the legalization of marijuana?


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