...PERKEMBANGAN STANDAR AKUNTANSI KEUANGAN INDONESIA MENUJU INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS Rindu Rika Gamayuni ABSTRACT The Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards needs to adopt IFRS, so that the Indonesian financial reports can be accepted globally and the Indonesian companies are able to enter the global competition to attract the international investors. Currently, the adoption by Indonesian PSAK is in the form of harmonization, which means partial adoption. However, Indonesian is planning to fully adopt the IFRS by 2012. Such an adoption will be mandatory for listed and multinational companies. The decision as to whether Indonesia will fully adopt the IFRS or partly adopt for harmonization purposes needs to be considered carefully. Full adoption of IFRS will enhance the reliability and comparability of the financial reports internationally. However, it may contradict the Indonesian tax systems and other economic and political situations. If Indonesia were to adopt fully the IFRS by 2012, the challenges are faced firstly by the academic society and the companies. The curriculum, syllabi, and literature need to be adjusted to accommodate the changes. These will take considerable time and efforts due to the many aspects related to the changes. Adjustments also need to be done by corporations or organizations, particularly those with international transactions and interactions. Full adoption also means the changing of accounting principles that has been...
Words: 4353 - Pages: 18