Free Essay

Psy265 Week 2


Submitted By ESDonoghue21
Words 1091
Pages 5
Associate Level Material
Appendix B

Sexual Response Cycles

Use your own words to complete the table below with the experiences and changes in anatomy of males and females during the various sexual response phases.

|Stage of Masters |Male Experience |Female Experience |
|and Johnson |and Anatomy |and Anatomy |
|Sexual Response Cycle | | |
|Excitement Phase |The male will achieve a penal erection after |Physical and or psychological stimulation is |
| |stimulation. Physically and psychological |what brings the increased blood flow to the |
| |stimulation. The Vascongestion in a man is what |vagina. Because of the increases blood flow |
| |causes the erection in the male penis. Because of |the walls of the vagina, there is a fluid |
| |this there is blood flow which increases in the |that is like sweating that lubricates the |
| |Corpora Cavernosa. The male scrotum begins to |females vagina. This means that at the |
| |become tighter. |present moment all of the female’s external |
| | |genitals are beginning to swell. Just like |
| | |the males Vascongesetion also causes the |
| | |females vaginal area to swell. The female’s |
| | |nipples become perky and start to increase in|
| | |size and the clitoris flattens and swells so |
| | |that the vaginal lips can spread so they can |
| | |prepare for the next phase. |
|Plateau Phase |The head of the male penis is filled with blood |The arousal levels of the female remain |
| |which would cause it to be darker. Their testicles|consistent just like the males throughout the|
| |increase in size, which causes rapid breathing |whole phase. The woman also experiences the |
| |with an increased heart rate and their blood |same rapid heartbeat and blood pressure. The |
| |pressure rises. Myotonia then occurs in this |outer part of the vagina is swollen due to |
| |stage. The male experiences a small amount of pre |the fact of Vascongestion and contracts the |
| |ejaculation. This small amount of semen can get a |vaginal opening, which is preparing it to be |
| |girl pregnant. All arousal levels remain |able to grip the penis and build an organism.|
| |consistent throughout this whole phase. | |
|Orgasmic Phase |In this stage the males has two different types of|The orgasm of the female consists of |
| |muscle contractions. The first is the ejaculatory |in-between 3 to 15 contractions of our pelvic|
| |duct, seminal vesicles, the vans deferens and the |muscles that are surrounding the vaginal |
| |prostate gland causes the seminal fluids to begin |barrel. The contractions usually occur at o.8|
| |to collect in the base of the penis. The males |second intervals and they release the sexual |
| |balder is closed off so that the urine and the |tension. There are a few more contractions 3 |
| |semen cannot mix together. In the second stage the|to 6 that are weaker than the contractions |
| |external sphincter of the bladder is relaxing and |before. The uterus is contracting constantly |
| |allowing semen to pass through. Contractions of |and the muscles are going into spasms. Just |
| |the muscles surround the urethra, the urethral |like the male the females heart rate and |
| |bulb and the base of the penis to boost the |blood pressure can reach its peak. |
| |ejaculate through the urethra and out of the | |
| |male’s body. The muscles go into spasms The male’s| |
| |respiration can increase along with heart rate and| |
| |blood pressure. | |
|Resolution Phase |This stage is where the body begins to return to |The female body then returns to the normal |
| |the pre arousal state of mind. The penis will lose|pre arousal state. The orgasm triggers a |
| |its erection in both of the phases. The first one |release in the blood from the engorged areas.|
| |occurs within a few minutes and half of the volume|With there being no continued stimulation, |
| |of the erection is lost which means that blood |the swelling of the breast shrink which |
| |from the corpora cavernous is empting into the |causes the nipples to go back to normal size.|
| |other parts of the body. In the second phase this |The clitoris, uterus, and the labia goes back|
| |happens over a series of a few minutes. The |to their normal size. The labia minora |
| |swelling that is remaining starts to go away and |returns to the normal state in about as |
| |the corpus spongiosum is empting. In this stage |little as 10 to 15 seconds. The Mytonoia |
| |this is where the male testicles are returning to |tends to fall within five minutes of the |
| |their original size that they were before the |orgasm. The heart rate, blood pressure and |
| |sexual intercourse or sexual arousal. It only take|the breathing all take a few minutes to go |
| |a few minutes for the heart rate and the blood |back to normal. Unlike the men the woman |
| |pressure to resume back to normal. The men then |doesn’t go through the refractory period, she|
| |enter a period of time which we call the |is capable of having more orgasms within a |
| |refractory period, which is where they are |few minutes. |
| |physiologically incapable of having another orgasm| |
| |or ejaculating without having a chance to | |
| |recharge. | |

Dear fellow students in this paper I will explain the male experience with sex and the female experience with sex and the differences in them. It is a common misconception that men are stronger and better than women. I will give you information about both men and women sexual system and let you make your final decision. I hope that you find this to be both informative and helpful. The interesting thing I found out about the men is that they have so much going on. I didn’t know that for men it is a psychological and physical stimulation required for the male to get an erection. Men have 2 stages to get an erection. Men are incapable of getting another erection for a while until they rest. The female sexual stimulations and processes are just like that in men but there is 1 difference and that is that women do not have a rest period they can continue to orgasm until their sexual frustrations have subsided. Women have orgasms even during the time that men are resting. Women have an orgasm every.8 seconds. Women are very sexually aroused and when they become sexually aroused their nipples harden and their vaginas keep contracting to fit the dick in there body’s and make the males dicks ejaculate. Based on the information I gathered it is very difficult for me to decide who has an easier time during sex and getting an orgasm or ejaculating. There are many differences between men and women but ultimately we are the same sexually.

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