Command 1. Slmgr.vbs -ato 2. Slmgr.vbs -did (note the GUID). 3. Slmgr.vbs -dli 4. Verify License status is set to Licensed (activated).
Quick Reference for WS08 Server Core Installations
Print and fold this guide to have convenient access to common commands and procedures for configuring and maintaining Server Core installations of Windows Server® 2008.
Activate a server remotely
Task Join a computer to a domain
Command 1. Type: netdom join %computername% /domain: /userd:\ /passwordd:* 2. Restart the computer.
Install an update Remove an update Type: wusa .msu /quiet Configure your server to use a proxy server Type: netsh Winhttp set proxy : Note: You cannot access the Internet through proxy servers that require a password to allow connections.
Change a computer name in a domain
Type: netdom renamecomputer %computername% /NewName: /userd: /passwordd:* Type: netdom renamecomputer /NewName: Type: slmgr.vbs- ato
1. Type: expand /f:* .msu c:\test 2. In C:\test, open .xml in a text editor. 3. In .xml, replace Install with Remove and save the file. 4. Type: Pkgmgr /n:.xml
Change a computer name in a workgroup
Activate a server locally
Configure automatic updates
To verify updates: :
Scregedit.wsf /AU /v
To enable updates: Scregedit.wsf /AU 4 To disable updates: Scregedit.wsf /AU 1
Task Change to a static IP address
Command 1. Type ipconfig /all and record relevant information or redirect to a text file (ipconfig /all >ipconfig.txt). 2. Type netsh interface ipv4 show interfaces and verify that there is an interface list. 3. Type: netsh interface ipv4 set address name source=static address= gateway= 4. Verify the change by typing ipconfig /all. Check that DHCP enabled is set to No.
Task Add a driver for a new hardware device
Command 1. Copy the driver to a folder at %homedrive%\. 2. Type: pnputil -i -a