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Public Attitudes Towards Reintegration

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The topic of this survey prevails, what are public attitudes towards the reintegration of offenders? Reintegration of offenders into society is becoming exceedingly recognised, research exists in the reintegration of sex offenders, but not offenders collectively. Additionally, it focuses on the offenders themselves and not the public and their attitudes towards reintegration. Therefore, this survey should offer an improved insight into the publics attitudes towards offenders being reintegrated into society (Russell, Seymour and Lambie, 2011). Public attitudes cover the workplace, family relationships and the entire community. Research has supported the effectiveness of employing ex-offenders in reducing recidivism, and therefore highlighting the importance of employment in successfully reintegrating offenders (Crime and Justice Institute, 2006). However, there remains no such research into the general reintegration of offenders into the community and the publics attitudes towards this. Therefore, my survey holds importance as the offenders are reintegrated into communities and will have an impact on the people living there. …show more content…
The main body of the survey then leads on to cover 3 main areas which apply to people’s attitudes to reintegration, these being family and relationships, workplace, and community attitudes. Lastly the final question of the survey summarizes the other questions and the survey topic, encouraging the respondent to consider and draw their own conclusion as to whether they agree with

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