...Visuomenės egzistavimas neįsivaizduojamas be galimybės bendrauti. Šiuo metu yra ne viena bendravimo priemonė, o pagrindine paprastai yra laikoma kalba. Taigi, kalba yra neatsiejama, nuo tų, kurie ją vartoja. Bendraudami su kitais mes parodome savo kalbos turtingumą, per ją atsiskleidžia intelekto lygis ir kalbos etiketas. Kalbos etiketo taisyklių turėtų laikytis kiekvienas žmogus, tačiau taip nėra, nes dabartiniame amžiuje tarptautinė integracija šalims yra labai svarbi, Lietuvai taip pat, todėl neabejotina, kad ji turi įtakos lietuvių kalbai ir jos etiketui. Beveik kiekvienas pokalbis prasideda pasisveikinimu ir baigiasi atsisveikinimu. Lietuvių kalboje gausu pasisveikinimo ir atsisveikinimo formų. Dažniausiai vartojamos lietuviškos pasisveikinimo formos yra: labas rytas, laba diena, labas vakaras, sveikas, o atsisveikinimo formos: sudie (trumpesnė sudiev forma) ir viso geriausio. Tačiau jaunimo tarpe lietuviškas pasisveikinimo ir atsisveikinimo formas vis dažniau yra keičiamos kitų kalbų variantais. Dažniausiai tai rusų kalbos formos. Lietuviški pasisveikinimai yra keičiami į „zdarova“ (išvertus iš rusų kalbos – sveika, tačiau Lietuvos jaunimo tarpe taip sveikinamasi ir su moteriškos ir vyriškos lyties atstovais) ir „privet“ (iš rusų kalbos išvertus – labas), o vienas populiariausių atsisveikinimo žodžiu yra tapęs davai, kuris taip pat yra kilęs iš rusiško žodžio, kurio vertimas – sudie. Jaunimas šia formas vartoja norėdami pritapti prie bendraamžių. Populiarėjant...
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...Boxes packed with equipment and supplies scattered everywhere. BRIAN, a man in his late thirties, guides a still shaken up Justin to the examination table. He takes a seat. brian You sure you have nothing? JUSTIN Doc, I've already told you I'm fine - It didn't even touch me. Brian studies Justin carefully. He spots a newly cut scratch wound, stretching across his neck. BRIAN I'm guessing you got that on your way in? Justin readjusts his collar, covering the fresh wound. Brian moves to a nearby medicine cabinet. Opens and sorts through it. BRIAN(cont'd) Although the dogs have been cleared for Rabies, doesn't mean you're safe from an infection. Justin ignores Brian. Deep in thought. JUSTIN I raised those dogs since they were pupps - Those weren't the same dogs. Justin stares out a nearby window. Nothing is seen, except for a thick white layer of snowfall covering the window like a blanket. BRIAN This harsh environment makes you do the craziest things - It changes you. Brian withdraws a box of pills from the cabinet. Hands it to Justin who reluctantly takes it. BRIAN Take these. JUSTIN What...
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...A. Identify a current nursing practice within your healthcare setting that requires change. DEVELOPING OR CREATING AN INDEX TO MINIMIZE RISKS OFPRESSURE SORE 1. Describe the current nursing practice. An instrument specifically designed to aid health care workers evaluate the dangers of pressure sores that a patient faces is called the Braden Scale. After assessment, the victim is categorized depending on six aspects: capability of physical activity, hydration and nutrition status, capacity to alter position, the ability to respond after sensing discomfort related to pressure, shearing or exposure of the skin to friction during locomotion, and skin exposure to moisture. If the overall score is lower it means the risk of pressure sore is higher (Changing Practice, Changing Lives: 10 Landmark Nursing Research Studies, n.d). Prior to this Change, Skin assessment was based on non- formalized risk assessment which varies with each clinical practice. 2. Discuss why the current nursing practice needs to be changed Using non-formalized risk assessment in Predicting pressure ulcer resulted in non-uniformity and personal clinical judgement which varies from one person to another. Using Clinical judgement is more effective where the staffs are experienced and their experience assist in appropriate predictability, but with novice staff, the use of clinical judgment is inappropriate. In a multisite trial, Braden scale was tested by clinics bringing together skilled nursing facilities...
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...1捷克布拉格6天5夜(两个晚上各看一场黑光剧跟木偶剧,记得去吃猪脚跟黑啤酒啊!) http://www.booking.com/hotel/cz/aureus-clavis.zh.html?sid=99085b43e064b5055d225b26b54e7a36;dcid=1;checkin=2012-03-26;checkout=2012-03-31;srfid=d097673cc1863bd58880585a832a3986X7 http://www.booking.com/hotel/cz/prague-castle-romantic-apartments.zh.html?sid=99085b43e064b5055d225b26b54e7a36;dcid=1;checkin=2012-03-26;checkout=2012-03-31;srfid=d097673cc1863bd58880585a832a3986X9 http://www.booking.com/hotel/cz/adeba.html?tab=1&origin=hp&error_url=%2Fhotel%2Fcz%2Fadeba.zh.html%3Fsid%3D99085b43e064b5055d225b26b54e7a36%3Bdcid%3D1%3B&do_availability_check=on&dcid=1&lang=zh&sid=99085b43e064b5055d225b26b54e7a36&checkin_year_month=2012-3&checkin_monthday=26&checkout_year_month=2012-3&checkout_monthday=31 http://www.booking.com/hotel/cz/u-boa3-4ach-bojovnaka.zh.html?sid=99085b43e064b5055d225b26b54e7a36;dcid=1 http://www.booking.com/hotel/cz/terminus.zh.html?sid=99085b43e064b5055d225b26b54e7a36;dcid=1 http://www.booking.com/hotel/cz/apartments-wenceslas-square-36.zh.html?sid=99085b43e064b5055d225b26b54e7a36;dcid=1 http://www.booking.com/hotel/cz/salvator.zh.html?sid=99085b43e064b5055d225b26b54e7a36;dcid=1 2.奥地利维也纳3天2夜(1个晚上看爱乐演奏会,1个晚上看歌剧,记得去吃不好吃的士林夜市超大炸猪排) http://www.booking.com/hotel/at/vienna-urban-resort-apartements.zh.html?sid=99085b43e064b5055d225b26b54e7a36;dcid=1 http://www.booking.com/hotel/at/meininger-downtown-sissi.zh.html?sid=99085b43e064b5055d225b26b54e7a36;dcid=1;checkin=2012-04-03;checko...
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