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Purpose Of Legalizing Marijuana

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Substance abuse in our society is a huge problem in the youth today, specifically marijuana. Having it illegal in the US has held many problems with the youth. In order to prevent teens from smoking marijuana, we must legalize it because with easy access to the drugs also comes more surveillance and when the teens do not have access to these drugs. By legalizing marijuana the youth is saved of many health risks as the marijuana will be more difficult and even impossible to access as a teenager.
Many adolescents in our society are finding a simple and inexpensive way to smoke marijuana. Due to it being illegal, much of the youth has access to it. Businesses on the black market, that sell illegal marijuana do not stop the teens …show more content…
For example, for many teens, money is a struggle as some are still not allowed to work. Legalizing marijuana, however, will raise the taxes on marijuana to prevent the adolescents from buying it. When the government was attempting to stop people from smoking cigarettes, they raised the taxes, “State taxes on cigarettes have increased” (Unit 1: History & Economics of Tobacco, 1). Increasing taxes will certainly help adolescents stop using marijuana because they will not be able to afford it. Legalizing marijuana will not only make it nearly impossible for teens to buy it because they will need to have an ID, or a legal parent or guardian there to buy it with them. The economical part in this equation tells us,” Replacing marijuana prohibition with a system of legal regulation would save approximately $7.7 billion in government expenditures on prohibition enforcement — $2.4 billion at the federal level and $5.3 billion at the state and local levels. (Friedman, 1). This will certainly help our economy grow and thrive. Another example is “Cigarette smoking among teens in grades 8, 10 and 12 continued a decades-long decline in 2015 and reached the lowest levels recorded since annual tracking began 41 years ago.” Also, “Students in 8th and 10th grades are asked how difficult they think it would be for them to get cigarettes if they wanted them. This perceived availability has shown a substantial decline since 1996. The 8th­ graders have shown the sharpest decline—from 77 percent saying they could get cigarettes ‘fairly easily’ or ‘very easily’ in 1996 to 47 percent by 2015. Perceived availability among 10th ­graders fell from about 90 percent to 67 percent over the same interval.” When these teens told us that it was going to be very difficult for them to access cigarettes after the government has but so much emphasis in regulating people's intake of

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