...Hypothesis Reflection Learning Team A: Kala Chavez, Jessica Gonani, Stacie Knauss, Michael Orcutt, and Troy Stodard QNT 351/Statistics for Business and Economics June 17, 2014 Don Silva Hypothesis Reflection This week Learning Team A is tasked with discussing three parts to hypothesis research. These objectives included evaluating the steps to test a research hypothesis, compare the means of two or more groups, and calculating the correlation between the two variables. By discussing these three objectives, team A will gain a better understanding of how the objectives are associated with statistical analysis. Research hypothesis Testing a theory or hypothesis sounds like an easy task but it is not. There are many steps to testing a research hypothesis. The five steps of hypothesis testing are (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2012): 1. Stating the research question or questions 2. Specifying the null and alternative hypothesis involved 3. Calculating the test statistics 4. Computing the probability of test statistics or the rejection region 5. Stating the conclusions The first step, stating the research question, will clearly define and identify the research question. The population of interest, hypothesized values, and the parameters of the variables are clearly stated. Next is to state the hypothesis of at least two possible outcomes. These are the null and alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis states that nothing will...
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...nt Team Reflection Week 4 Team D Reflection Christopher Gonzalez, Jennifer Mai, Leonel Perez QNT 351 March 7, 2014 Mr. Victor Ornelas Week 4 Team D Reflection In week four, Team D read about the steps in testing a research hypothesis, comparing the means of two or more groups, and calculating the correlation between two variables. The following paper will go in to more depth on what was discussed and what we learned as a team as well as individuals. The team also was able to go over the Mystat lab that we were assigned in the individual assignment. In step one a team would state a null hypothesis as well as an alternate hypothesis. The null hypothesis is used only for testing. We either reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis. The alternate hypothesis is accepted if sample data provide enough evidence that the null hypothesis is false. No matter what the problem looks like the null hypothesis will always contain the equal sign. This is true because since the null hypothesis is being tested there is a need for a specific value to be seen in the calculations. When comparing the means of two or more groups the team must state the null hypothesis. Random samples of each population must be chosen to show the formula in a working status. To get a more accurate sample a higher number of the populations should be used. An independent sample T-test is used to compare the means of two or more groups. Pooled variance can be used if the variances of the two populations...
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...Reflection Cullen McPeek, Danielle Taliaferro, Afshin Mibrolooki, Joshua Lemmerman, Cary Colome QNT/351 February - 17 - 2015 Mohammad Sharifzadeh Reflection In week four, Team C read about the steps in testing a research hypothesis, comparing the means of two or more groups, and calculating the correlation between two variables. This paper will go into deeper into what we have learned as a team and as well as individuals. I think first we need to state what a research hypothesis is. A research hypothesis is "Represents the hypothesis that will be accepted only if the data provide convincing evidence of its truth. This usually represents the values of a population parameter for which the researcher wants to gather evidence to support." (Statistics for Business and Economics, 2011.) The first thing one must do in testing a research hypothesis is to make sure that a research question is phrased. The second step in this procedure will be to study the proposed theory in terms of parameters. Thirdly a study will be designed. Once this is done the fourth thing that takes place is data is recorded and collected. The fifth thing is the data is summarized and a test statistic is computed. After computing this the sixth thing is the observed significant level is computed. Once all of these things are completed the final and last thing to complete is to draw conclusion. In taking this seven step process one will be able to clearly state the steps in testing a research hypothesis...
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...QNT 351 Final Exam Guide (New) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Q1 The Director of Golf for a local course wants to study the number of rounds played by members on weekdays. He gathered the sample information shown below for 520 rounds. At the .05 significance level, is there a difference in the number of rounds played by day of the week? 2. An auditor for American Health Insurance reports that 20% of policyholders submit a claim during the year. 15 policyholders are selected randomly. What is the probability that at least 3 of them submitted a claim the previous year? 3. When a class interval is expressed as 100 up to 200, _________________________. 4. A coffee manufacturer is interested in whether the mean daily consumption of regular-coffee drinkers is less than that of decaffeinated-coffee drinkers. A random sample of 50 regular-coffee drinkers showed a mean of 4.35 cups per day, with a standard deviation of 1.2 cups per day. A sample of 40 decaffeinated coffee drinkers showed a mean of 5.84 cups per day, with a standard deviation of 1.36 cups per day. What is your computed z-statistic? 5. You perform a hypothesis test at the .05 level of significance. Your computed p-value turns out to .042. What is your decision about the hypothesis? 6. In a distribution, the second quartile corresponds with the __________. 7. The MacBurger restaurant chain claims that the waiting time of customers for service is normally distributed, with a mean of 3 minutes...
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...Learning Team Reflection QNT/351 1/22/2014 The way we would formally set up the hypothesis test is to formulate two hypotheses, one that describes our prediction and one that describes all the other possible outcomes with respect to the hypothesized relationship. By formulate your prediction (directional or not), and then we formulate a second hypothesis that is mutually exclusive of the first and incorporates all possible alternative outcomes for that BIMS case. In the first study, the process was plagued by data coding and entry problems, as well as some problems with the construction of the questionnaire, which together compromised the data integrity and yielded some disappointing results. However, the quantitative analysis of the data from the first study also provided some useful lessons learned from the process, which prepared the organization to undertake a more concrete quantitative analysis in a subsequent. The first step was to write the null hypothesis (H0), then write the alternative hypothesis (H1). We also set the alpha level (amount of error allowed) and determine degrees of outcomes. We Picked & calculate the significance test that fits our design. Last step was to accept or reject the null. Taking a closer look at the concrete quantitative analysis and the several degrees of outcomes we picked and calculated the appropriate significance test; as we discover interesting results that helps us formulate different conclusions about BIMS testing...
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...Reflection Veronica Rodriguez, Christopher Nieto Vanessa Monge, Rocio Valenzuela QNT/351 April 7, 2014 Victor Ornelas Reflection Statistical hypothesis is the numerical value of a population parameter. The chapter defines hypothesis in two different ways, one is the null hypothesis “which represents the status quo to the party performing the sampling experiment. The hypothesis that will be accepted unless the data provide convincing evidence that is false.” Another form of hypothesis that the chapter explains is the alternative or also known as research hypothesis “is that which will be accepted only if the data provide convincing evidence of its truth.” (McClave, Benson, & Sincich, 2011, Chapter 6). The null and alternative hypotheses are therefore * Null hypothesis (H0): μ ≤ 2,400 * Alternative (research) hypothesis (Ha): μ > 2,400 “The null hypothesis, denoted H0, represents the hypothesis that will be accepted unless the data provide convincing evidence that it is false. This usually represents the “status quo” or some claim about the population parameter that the researcher wants to test. The alternative (research) hypothesis, denoted Ha, represents the hypothesis that will be accepted only if the data provide convincing evidence of its truth. This usually represents the values of a population parameter for which the researcher wants to gather evidence to support.” (McClave, Benson, & Sincich, 2011, Chapter 6). Along with discussing the...
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...Team A Reflection QNT/351 Team A Reflection The importance of an educated guess lies in a 5-step process of testing. Understanding one’s research and the validity in its process helps to determine an educated decision. Once a decision has been made, there may be an option of more than one choice, thus comparing the means of more than one group allows one to weigh options. Once a choice has been made and one must be chosen between two or more that have a correlating relationship, it is important to understand how to calculate the correlation between the variable. The steps in testing a research hypothesis Hypotheses in research are predictions of the outcome of the study. Theories and research questions help form a research hypothesis. Hypotheses are meant to be tested and in order to test a research hypothesis, there is a set of five steps to follow to do so. Step one is to make an assumption that should include the level of measurement of the variable, the sampling method, shape of population distribution, and the sample size. In step two we need to state the interest of the relationship and start the research, create a hypothesis that contradicts the null hypothesis, and set the alpha which will help determine the probability of an error. Step three is where the sampling distribution method is selected. This is where the test statistics are specified. In step four, we compute the test statistic by using a formula and coming to a result. The final step, step five...
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...` Reflection Reflection For this week’s assignment, we were to execute “the steps in testing a research hypothesis, compare the means of two or more groups, and calculate the correlation between two variables.” Phoenix. (2016). Also, we were to reflect on topics we liked, struggled with and to show how we apply them to our real life. The steps in testing a research hypothesis In McClave text book, five steps of testing a research hypothesis were identified. According to McClave "specifying the null hypothesis, specifying the alternative hypothesis, the level of significance of the test, calculating the test statistic, and summarizing the results to obtain the conclusion"(McClave, Benson, & Sincich, 2011). The first two steps were specifying the null hypothesis and specifying the alternative hypothesis. HA1: There is significant relationship between turnover in BMIS and Employees satisfaction Ho1: There is no significant relationship between turnover in BMIS and Employees satisfaction With the research hypothesis, its’ known to be the thesis which was generated by an analysis that’s used to determine the conclusion of the experiment. It’s important that the hypothesis is testable and can to prove accuracy. Comparing the means of two or more groups There are many times when comparing the means of two or more groups is very useful. When researching it is important to collect as much information as possible about the two...
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...Ballard Integrated Managed Services, Inc. University of Phoenix QNT/351 May 22, 2010 The assignment evaluates data presented by Ballard Integrated Managed Services, Inc. (BIMS) to examine the reasons for increase of turnover at the Douglas Medical Center (DMC), and to offer suggestions for workplace improvement to the General Manager of BIMS, Barbara Tucker. The report was prepared by Team A professionals, and consists of interpretation of the raw data, data charts to demonstrate response patterns, and suggestions to further appreciate and reduce the causes of turnover of BIMS employees. The unprecedented high turnover rate at the Douglas Medical Center is in accordance with industry standards of 57% to 62%; surprisingly it has climbed over 73% during the past four months. BIMS must control the high turnover rate if it wants to maintain adequate levels of efficiency, service, and success. The data collected from the surveys administered to the three divisions run by BIMS was evaluated collectively, for each department individually. The Human resources department for BIMS was responsible for preparing, and developing the survey tool used to gather the data, BIMS staff was responsible for completing the data entry. Douglas Medical Center Current Situation Barbara Tucker is BIMS General manager at the Douglas Medical Center and supervises the three division managers for the...
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...Week 4 - Reflection Learning Team “B” University of Phoenix Online QNT/351 Quantitative Analysis for Business April 13, 2014 The last four weeks have been challenging but also fulfilling for our team. We have formed a collaborative learning team that works well together using problem solving techniques and work experiences. Our collaborative reflection for the last four weeks is as follows: The Steps in Testing a Research Hypothesis Hypothesis testing begins with a statement and assumption that determines the population of the mean, (Lind, 2011, p.288.). The five steps listed in Lind are as follows: 1. State null and alternate hypothesis 2. Select a level of significance 3. Identify the test statistic 4. Formulate a decision rule 5. Take a sample and arrive at decision However in McClave, 2011, pages 324 and 325 the steps for testing of a hypothesis are listed as “Elements of a Test of Hypothesis” and instead of five steps they list seven. The seven steps from McClave are listed as follows: 1. Null hypothesis: A theory about the specific values of one or more population parameters. The theory generally represents the status quo, which we adopt until it is proven false. The theory is always stated as Ho: parameter = value. 2. Alternative (research) hypothesis (Ha): A theory that contradicts the null hypothesis. The theory generally represents that which we will adopt when sufficient evidence exists to establish its truth. 3. Test statistic: A sample...
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...Reflection Kimberly Khalid, Magen Adams, Maria Orozco, Michelle Sachau QNT/351 January 26, 2015 Terrance Feravich Introduction As team C finishes week four of statistics 351, we have reviewed various aspects of testing a research hypothesis. Team C has also reviewed how to compare means of two or more groups and calculate the correlation between two variables. Team C has discussed some concepts that the team has struggled with and fully understood. Team C has also come to understand how this concept can be beneficial to their careers and how they may apply to improve productivity. The steps in testing a research hypothesis "Hypothesis testing starts with a statement, or assumption, about a population parameter - such as the population mean." (Lind, 2011). The purpose of testing the hypothesis is to determine whether to reject or not reject the hypothesis. The hypothesis itself is an assumption. That is; you are determining what the outcome will be given your current knowledge and understanding prior to testing it and obtaining results from those tests. Initially, one will state the null and alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis, in this case, represents a statement about the value of a population parameter developed for the purpose of testing numerical evidence. The alternative hypothesis is then accepted if the sample data has enough evidence to show that the null hypothesis is false. The next step is to state the level of significance or the probability of rejecting...
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... | Course Syllabus | | | |WEDNESDAY | | | |Downtown Campus | | | |6:00pm to 10:00pm | | | |School of Business | | | |QNT/351 | | | |Quantitative Analysis for Business | | | |Dr. Jacquelyn B. Frausto | | Copyright © 2013, 2012, 2011 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course integrates applied business research and descriptive statistics. Students will learn to apply business research and descriptive statistics in making better business decisions. Other topics include examination of the role of statistics in research, statistical terminology...
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...ork2012 - 2013 Catalog A Message from the President “Sullivan University is truly a unique and student success focused institution.” I have shared that statement with numerous groups and it simply summarizes my basic philosophy of what Sullivan is all about. When I say that Sullivan is “student success focused,” I feel as President that I owe a definition of this statement to all who are considering Sullivan University. First, Sullivan is unique among institutions of higher education with its innovative, career-first curriculum. You can earn a career diploma or certificate in a year or less and then accept employment while still being able to complete your associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree by attending during the day, evenings, weekends, or online. Business and industry do not expand or hire new employees only in May or June each year. Yet most institutions of higher education operate on a nine-month school year with almost everyone graduating in May. We remained focused on your success and education, and continue to offer our students the opportunity to begin classes or to graduate four times a year with our flexible, year-round full-time schedule of classes. If you really want to attend a school where your needs (your real needs) come first, consider Sullivan University. I believe we can help you exceed your expectations. Since words cannot fully describe the atmosphere at Sullivan University, please accept my personal invitation to visit and experience...
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