...the rare and precious human capitals. Without leaders to guide and shape decisions society would become stagnant. Within the arena of leadership there are good leaders, bad leaders, and effective leaders. All three coexist simultaneously in a world of followers. A good leader is one who possesses many qualities. First and most important a good leader is just. To be just is to possess the ability to recognize what’s fair, good, and honest. A good leader always sets a good example of integrity, morals, and will lead his followers in accordance with these qualities. In addition to being just a good leader must be a strong thinker. A strong thinker is able to think outside of the box. Thinking outside of the box means to approach decision making in an unconventional manner. One way a good leader must do this is to suspend judgment. A good leader must not form opinions until he needs to after accounting for all possibilities. Opinions should not happen until the leader has heard all the sufficient facts needed to make a well-educated decision. This takes a strong mind because it is very easy for humans to form opinions without know all the facts of a given situation. This can be a big mistake for a leader because making decisions based off opinions fuel bad or incomplete information will prove disastrous for any decision maker. The next quality of a strong thinker is the ability to think without bounds or limits. A good leader must not only be able to think outside of the box...
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...The Standard of a Good Leader From my experience in the military I have been lead by some of the most amazing Marines whom define the standard of a good leader. It was not their position of authority that made them good leaders, but rather the personal attributes they possessed and the principles they exhibited that made them impressionable and successful leaders. The combination of unique traits and guiding principles delineate what leadership is and how to measure the quality of a good leader, their leadership. A good leader exercises leadership principles by setting the example for others to emulate and by developing the individual leadership qualities of the people in their charge. To ensure these principles are achieved, it is essential for a leader to possess qualities such as knowledge, courage, honesty, judgment, resilience and passion. As a leader, there is no better way to impress upon others what you expect of them, than by making yourself the shining example of that expectation. Can you imagine having a leader who lacks expertise, but expects you to know your position inside and out? Who crumbles under pressure, but expects you to never fail? Who lies to cover for their mistakes, but holds you accountable for yours? Would you want to be like this leader? Most likely not, as the example they have set is hypocritical and does not inspire others in a positive way. The type of leaders who set the “do I say, not as I do” example are poor leaders and do not possess...
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...GOOD LEADERSHIP Good leadership is a crucial characteristic in organizations of all kinds. Qualities such as kindness, sincerity, honesty, and credit-sharing encourage productivity among colleagues and subordinates and stimulate and flow of ideas that will accomplish the organization's goals. It is often said that a good leader takes people, not where they want to go, but where they ought to be. This is true in the business world because it is a leader's responsibility to direct others in a way that is beneficial for the organization and to inspire them to be as productive as possible. Doing so requires the synthesis of many good qualities. It is important to remember that leaders may not necessarily be managers, but may simply be a fellow employee, who through hard work has become the pillar of the company. Leadership is defined as the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals” (pg402, Organizational Behavior, S.A. Judge and T.A. Judge, 2006, 12th Ed.). A good leader is one that is interested in the welfare of the people they lead. Just because someone has been placed in a leadership capacity does not mean they can lead and /or motivate employees. Not all leaders are managers and not all managers are leaders. To lead effectively requires the ability to influence people for the good, and to inspire someone to bring out their hidden talents and skills. Everyone has potential and value. A good leader...
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...are the qualities of an effective leader. But what is a leader? What is leadership? Is it the person who is loud and outspoken, or the calm and quiet professional? Are good leaders made or are they born with these qualities. The image that pops into an individual’s mind when leadership is brought up, is a strong and confident person who knows the right answer to all the question. This leader provides clear guidance, vision and handles any situation with calm and ease. Many believe that in order to be a good leader you must have three main qualities, which are: Be, Know, and Do. Leadership The US Army states that leadership is defined as “The process of influencing others to accomplish the mission by providing purpose, direction and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and improve the organization” ("Army leadership," 2008). So as long as someone can direct someone to do something by barking out how to do it and yelling at them is sufficient to have the qualities of good leadership. Not really, being a good leader and leading people to accomplish the task is very complicated. Everyone has different backgrounds and are born and raised with different morals, norms, values and beliefs. How to lead one person to complete a certain task is not the same way you would lead another person to accomplish that same task. Leadership is certain qualities that is ever moving and changing by the minute and must be honed and polished daily. There is no one perfect leader who exhibits...
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...A successful civilization is a reflection of the leaders hard work to create a peaceful, organized community. To make a strong civilization, it is crucial to have a excellent leader. All rulers lead differently, some are successful and some are not. Depending on personality, ability to rule, and commitment to their people determines their success. Pharaohs had a massive say in how to rule their kingdom. A lot was on their plate, and it was up to them to make positive change and impact. Queen Nefertiti was a very successful leader during the time of the New Kingdom, and her leadership helped Egypt become one of the greatest civilizations to dominate western Europe. Some of the qualities that a good leader must posses to effectively rule a nation are selflessness, confidence, intelligence and determination....
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...on leadership research is concern about a greater extent role of leadership research which describe and give some understanding and recommends for effective leader behaviour and normative models. They focus more on explanations of leadership processes, describing leader behaviours, and present why behaviours occur in certain situations. If there are behavioural recommendations are available it means this is usually done more carefully and rarely without any philosophy that anything is possible. Current leadership theories are accepting the limits which have leader influence. "The best leaders are those most interested in surrounding themselves with assistants and associates smarter than they are. They are frank in admitting this and are willing to pay for such talents."(Amos Parrish). Leader is a "person who rules or guides or inspires others"(Andrew, 2007). A leader is a person having personality which others want to follow him. They may not always make right decisions but they are confident in hte decion making and they know when they should change their directions and why. Even after a few mistakes a leader will not lose his or her follower's confidence . Leaders are recognised, not chosen or selected. In short, leaders have something extraordinary in their personality to inspire their followers. They have the qualities that the others dont have. It is an...
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...up' its own leaders in each succeeding generation. Whether in the school-room, or on the battlefield or in governmental deliberations, people who are natural leaders and who are chosen to lead, always have the same qualities of character and of outlook. In order to become the best leader the person should possess several qualities that will be described in this essay. Leadership is an indispensable activity, which every leader has tap perform for directing the people, working under him. It is the ability of the Leader to induce subordinates to work with confidence and zeal. In other words "Leadership is the process by which an leader imaginatively directs, guides and influence the work of others in choosing and attaining specified goals by mediating between the individuals and the organisation in such as manner, that both will obtain maximum satisfaction. As a matter of a fact many people choose their perspective leader by appearance, however it is their fault. Some people have a misconception that only those people who are physically strong can become good leaders, but this is not the fact. A leader may not be physically strong but he needs to be mentally strong and firm in decisions. For example, Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation was the greatest leader but he was active and had a firm desire to serve the Nation. He had the power of organizing and uniting people and attracting people towards him by his speeches. This is the best quality of a leader which he had...
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...Qualities of A Good Leader Ledership Essay An efficient leader is defined as a person who is followed by the others. Besides that, a leader has to know about the human nature, and be able to direct people reducing the group's doubts about succeeding. Some people believe that a leader is born that way and there is no way, practicing or studying, to create a leader. They are wrong because inside of each and every one of us there is a leader waiting to be awake and holding on an opportunity to come out. A leader is capable of influencing and inspiring the people around him to voluntarily commit towards accomplishing a certain goal. There are different types of leadership people who specialize in trying to understand this important phenomenon. The only kind of leadership in which a person communicates true self are by way resonates with other people. This behavior is highly individual and situational for both the leader and follower and therefore there are a huge variety of ways in which effective leadership occurs. On top of that, when we think about the characteristic of a leader, we often think of leaders that are dynamic, which makes each of us to follow. We could take an example, such as Hitler. He did not have the values that we should follow, but he had that inspiration for the country to follow. If we also stop to think about the leaders today, we do not get the same vision of a leader that has a dynamism that is hard to resist, but rather a leader that has a good quality...
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...LEADERSHIP Leaders need to have qualities and attributes that would make followers go the extra mile. LEADERSHIP TRAITS AND QUALITIES * TRUST A leader must be trusted. The team members must accept that the leader will stand up for them whatever the situation. It is only that kind of trust makes people feel empowered, gives stand the courage to innovate , take risks and to push themselves beyond their comfort zone to find success. There are four attributes on which to assess your trust quotient: Credibility, Reliability, Intimacy and self-orientation. * EMPATHY A leader should treat other team members as human beings , helping them to get rid of any anxiety and understanding them and their worries. Emotional is widely recognised as a widely quality. Today good leaders are transparent about their emotions. Leaders enjoy with their team members in their successes and laugh and cry with the highs and lows in the life of the team members knowing that the leader cares for them is a strong motivation for team members. * MENTORSHIPS No matter how talented we may be, we crave for the guiding hand of, the mentor who will teach us the rules of the game. A leader should show a quality that is quite rare today- mentorship. When people are perplexed about what the future holds for them, mentorship is critical. * CALM NATURE A leader should be soft spoken , not raising their voice and remaining calm during stressful events. However they should assert themselves. *...
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...Every company has leaders and managers, and sometimes they are the same person. Leaders are those who can motivate and inspire others to perform at their best to get the job done. Managers are those in charge who organize and make sure that things get done, not necessarily worry about popularity or unity within the group (Brown, 2010) (DuBrin, 2010). • Those put in a position of power over others, either a manager position or a leadership position must have the qualities that will benefit the company in those roles. • Leaders are those who work hard and perform positive results and in doing so are able to bring out the best in others around them. Leading by example is a key trait of a leader and not necessarily that of a manager in charge. • A manager is the key person is in a position of authority over others and they are the one who has the ability to get a task done and stay on schedule. Popularity with subordinates may not be the primary goal of finding a manger but one who is task and detail oriented. • Leaders may not always be good managers. Leaders tend to get the job done through a different approach than managers. Leaders evoke the feelings of determination and quality work in others which is not always accomplished under time constraints. The job gets done but in no set time. • Managers set goals and expectations for the group to get done and the group is expected to perform. This is where having a good leader under a good manager creates...
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...A good leader is hard to define. “Leadership is the art of leading others to deliberately create a result that wouldn’t have happened otherwise” - search inside yourself leadership institute. There are also many qualities of a good leader. Some of the qualities include honesty, decisiveness, and selflessness. In the epic poem the Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus, the main character, is faced with the decision between the monsters Scylla and Charybdis. Scylla is a female monster with 6 dog heads, and Charybdis is a whirlpool. He chooses to pass by Scylla instead of Charybdis on his journey home. Odysseus is a good leader he makes good decisions, and he puts his men's needs in front of his own. As mentioned before, the main qualities of a leader...
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...person to follow and emulate as an example to them. Guiding them in various aspects of learning is also important. Having someone who has a good knowledge of the children is very important when it comes to guiding them. As a leader, from the school I earlier taught, there are several qualities that they should hold or be associated with. Such a leader should always be dedicated. As someone leading a child, they should always be apt and have full dedication to leading the child. This is because children tend to demand a lot of time and attention. Such a leader should cultivate the required qualities. Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of ECE 312 WEEK 1 JOURNAL in order to ace their studies. ECE 312 WEEK 1 JOURNAL To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/ece-312-week-1-journal/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM ECE 312 WEEK 1 JOURNAL Administration of Early childhood development journal As it can be noted from life’s experience and learning, people at their younger age tend to learn and emulate a lot from older people. It is thus necessary to have someone who is well knowledgeable to lead them. Children should have this person to follow and emulate as an example to them. Guiding them in various aspects of learning is also important. Having someone who has a good knowledge of the children is very important when...
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...I have retained a copy of this assignment for my own records. STUDENT NAME : JOSEPH PALLICKAPARAMBIL JOSEPH STUDENT ID : 18169520 CAMPUS : BENTLEY Table of Contents ORIGINALITY 4 RELATIONSHIP TO LITERATURE 4 METHODOLOGY 4 RESULTS 4 IMPLICATIONS OF THIS WORK 5 QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION 5 OBSERVATION 5 CRITICAL AND REFLECTIVE THOUGHT 7 REFERENCES 9 ORIGINALITY The authenticity paradox is an interesting article, which stress on maintaining a right balance in once authentic nature cultivated from the invaluable experience on the job and the willingness to move out of the comfort zone to explore and embrace change to become a more efficient leader. The article takes the real life experiences of managers in different organisations citing as examples to explain in the detail about the concept of becoming a better leader. The article on self leadership basically points out the importance of personal choices and decisions taken to move a person in the right direction of being an efficient leader. The concepts of this article are explained using a mix theories and examples. The importance of lessons learned from past failures are stressed as a necessity for a good leader. RELATIONSHIP TO LITERATURE The article on authenticity mainly looks into the experiences of different...
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...10 Qualities of a Good Leader 1 of 3 http://penfieldrobotics.com/forum/index.php?topic=1750.0 Welcome, Guest April 14, 2010, 05:30:52 AM Please login or register. Login with username, password and session length News: 1511 will be hosting the 6th Annual Rochester Rally on Sunday February 21st!! HOME HELP SEARCH CALENDAR LOGIN REGISTER Team 1511- Rolling Thunder » Subteams » Team Leadership » 10 Qualities of a Good Leader « previous next » Pages: [1] Author Kims Robot Let's Go Thunder! Administrator Hero Member Posts: 2329 PRINT Topic: 10 Qualities of a Good Leader (Read 30251 times) 10 Qualities of a Good Leader « on: January 15, 2008, 11:28:50 AM » I was searching for some stuff today and ran across this list. Its a pretty honest and downright straightforward discussion, so dont read it if you arent ready for it In this generation of entitlement, some of it may not make sense, but I guarantee its all true. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What follows is a list of the 10 qualities of a good leader. 1. Honesty Do or Do Not, there is no Try! Leaders have to be honest. If those under your charge do not trust you, then they won’t follow you. Common sense, if you ask me. 2. Responsibility If you are going to make decisions, then you should take responsibility for the decisions that you make. Good leaders don’t pass the buck or blame other people – they deal with situations that arise and take responsibility...
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...social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal.” An effective leader will accomplish goals, not necessarily by performing an act, but through influencing others to do so. A leader’s words and actions should always match, as leading with actions, instead of words, is crucial to success. To be a successful leader, I am of the belief that he or she should possess certain qualities. Some of the qualities I believe a leader should possess are: flexibility, accountability, patience, creativity, humility, self-discipline, good listening and coaching skills, perseverance and courage. I also believe a good leader will be an equally good follower. The willingness to be led is one of the more important qualities I feel a leader should possess. As a leader, it is imperative that he or she is humble and able to learn from its followers. A leader and its followers should be a team of working parts that are effectively communicating and learning from each other. Having effective two-way communication skills, being able to listen and present ideas, reduces potential barriers amongst the team. An effective leader should ensure that his or her followers are being groomed to eventually be effective leaders themselves. I use my instincts as my approach to understanding leadership. When determining if a person is a leader, I look for several qualities. If a person is leading by example, has the ability to encourage its followers to work effectively...
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