...800 014, Phone/Fax: 0612-2226538 Summer Internship Report Submitted by Shaily J. Osta Enrollment No: 1201212004 Session: 2012-14 Submitted to Chandragupt Institute of Management, Patna CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Ms. Shaily J. Osta, student of Central University of Bihar, enrolment no. CUB 1201212004 worked as intern in the study entitled ‘Evaluation of MGNREGA DIWAS in Bihar’ assigned to Chandragupt Institute of Management Patna by Rural Development Department, Government of Bihar. She also worked to prepare report on ‘Inequality in Bihar’. This internship work has been done under my supervision and she significantly contributed in the aforementioned project. ______________________ (Dr. Debabrata Samanta) Place: Date: DECLARATION BY STUDENT I, Shaily J. Osta, hereby declare that this project report entitled “Economic inequality of Bihar, Evaluation of MGNREGA DIWAS in Bihar” has been prepared by me as an intern under the internship programme of Central University of Bihar during the summer internship at Chandragupt Institute of Management, Patna from 04th June 2013 to 13th July 2013 for academic purposes only. The contents of the internship report have not been submitted before to any institute/university/organization. ___________________________ Signature Date ACKNOWLEDGMENT I acknowledge my profound sense of gratitude...
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...A Study on MGNREGA and its impact on wage and work relation BY ABHISHEK THAKUR SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK TATA INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES DEONAR, MUMBAI-400 088 2011 A Study on MGNREGA and its impact on wage and work relation A Project Report Submitted to Academic Council of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master’s of Arts in Social Work By Abhishek Thakur School of Social work TATA INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Deonar, Mumbai-400 088 2011 Dr. Manish K. Jha (Research Guide) Signature of Research Guide Date: 3rd March, 2011 Declaration I, Abhishek Thakur, hereby declare that this dissertation titled “A Study on MGNREGA and its impact on wage and work relation” is the outcome of my own study undertaken under the guidance of Dr. Manish. K. Jha, Associate Professor, Centre for Community Organization and Development, School of Social Work , Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. It has not previously formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma or certificate of this institute or any other institute or university. I have duly acknowledged all the sources use by me in the preparation of this dissertation. Mr. Abhishek Thakur Date: 3rd March’ 2011 Certificate This is to certify that the dissertation titled “A Study on MGNREGA and its impact on wage and work relation” is the record of the original work done by Mr. Abhishek Thakur under my guidance. The results...
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...Term Paper BHUPESH MANOHARAN (0086/49) ACNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to Professor Nimruji Prasad J. for providing me with this opportunity and helped me in doing this term paper. It was her able guidance and constant appraisal of the paper that led me to have holistic view of the subject and improvise the paper. Table of Contents ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... 3 INTRODUCTION: ............................................................................................ 4 ORGANIC AGRI-BUSINESS: HOW IS IT DIFFERENT?............................ 4 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................ 5 LIMITATIONS OF THE METHODOLOGY .................................................... 5 SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES IN ORGANIC AGRIBUSINESS ........................ 5 ENVIRONMENTAL/ECOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITY ........................... 5 ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY: ................................................................. 6 SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY: ....................................................................... 7 OPPORTUNITIES & CONSTRAINTS IN ORGANIC AGRIBUSINESS ........ 7 OPPORTUNITIES ......................................................................................... 7 CONSTRAINTS ............................................................................................. 8 SUSTAINABLE PRINCIPLES...
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...Term Paper Bhupesh Manoharan ACNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to Professor for providing me with this opportunity and helped me in doing this term paper. It was her able guidance and constant appraisal of the paper that led me to have holistic view of the subject and improvise the paper. Table of Contents ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... 3 INTRODUCTION: ............................................................................................ 4 ORGANIC AGRI-BUSINESS: HOW IS IT DIFFERENT?............................ 4 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................ 5 LIMITATIONS OF THE METHODOLOGY .................................................... 5 SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES IN ORGANIC AGRIBUSINESS ........................ 5 ENVIRONMENTAL/ECOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITY ........................... 5 ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY: ................................................................. 6 SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY: ....................................................................... 7 OPPORTUNITIES & CONSTRAINTS IN ORGANIC AGRIBUSINESS ........ 7 OPPORTUNITIES ......................................................................................... 7 CONSTRAINTS ............................................................................................. 8 SUSTAINABLE PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIC INTEGRATED AGRIBUSINESS...
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...Faster, Sustainable and More Inclusive Growth An Approach to the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17) Government of India Planning Commission Contents 1 An Overview 1-14 2 Macro-Economic Framework 15-27 3 Energy 28-38 4 Transport 39-44 5 Sustainable Management of Natural Resources 45-58 6 Rural Transformation 59-66 7 Farm Sector 67-79 8 Manufacturing Sector 80-86 9 Health 87-95 10 Education & Skill Development 11 Social and Regional Equity 104-107 12 Challenge of Urbanisation 108-114 13 Science and Technology 115-118 14 Services: Tourism, Hospitality & Construction 119-125 15 Governance 126-134 16 Innovation 135-139 96-103 Tables Table 1.1: Structure of Global GDP 13 Table 2.1: Sectoral Growth Rates - Previous Plans and Target for Twelfth Plan 18 Table 2.2: Broad Macro-Economic Parameters - Previous Plans and Target for Twelfth Plan 19 Table 2.3: Projection of Centre’s Resources for the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17) (Figures in Rs Crore at Current Prices) 23 Table 2.4: Projection of Centre’s Resources for the Twelfth Five Year Plan (as per cent of GDP) 24 Table 3.1: Projected Energy Demand 29 Table 14.1: Construction Sector: Contribution to GDP 122 Table 14.2: Construction Components Involved in Creation of Physical Infrastructure 122 Table 14.3: Requirement...
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...Economy of India The economy of India is the tenth largest in the world by nominal GDP and the third largest by purchasing power parity (PPP).[1] The country is one of the G-20 major economies and a member of BRICS. On a per capita income basis, India ranked 140th by nominal GDP and 129th by GDP (PPP) in 2011, according to the IMF.[13] The independence-era Indian economy (from 1947 to 1991) was based on a mixed economy combining the worst features of capitalism and socialism, resulting in an inward-looking, interventionist policies and import-substituting economy that failed to take advantage of the post-war expansion of trade.[14] This model contributed to widespread inefficiencies and corruption, and the failings of this system were due largely to its poor implementation.[14] In 1991, India adopted liberal and free-market oriented principles and liberalized its economy to international trade under the guidance of Manmohan Singh, who then was the Finance Minister of India under the leadership of P.V. Narasimha Rao the then Prime Minister who eliminated License Raj a pre- and post-British Era mechanism of strict government control on setting up new industry. Following these strong economic reforms, and a strong focus on developing national infrastructure such as the Golden Quadrilateral project by Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the then Prime Minister, the country's economic growth progressed at a rapid pace with very high rates of growth and large increases in the incomes of people...
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...Economic Outlook, Prospects, and Policy Challenges 01 CHAPTER This year’s Economic Survey comes at a time of unusual volatility in the international economic environment. Markets have begun to swing on fears that the global recovery may be faltering, while risks of extreme events are rising. Amidst this gloomy landscape, India stands out as a haven of stability and an outpost of opportunity. Its macro-economy is stable, founded on the government’s commitment to fiscal consolidation and low inflation. Its economic growth is amongst the highest in the world, helped by a reorientation of government spending toward needed public infrastructure. These achievements are remarkable not least because they have been accomplished in the face of global headwinds and a second successive season of poor rainfall. The task now is to sustain them in an even more difficult global environment. This will require careful economic management. As regards monetary and liquidity policy, the benign outlook for inflation, widening output gaps, the uncertainty about the growth outlook and the over-indebtedness of the corporate sector all imply that there is room for easing. Fiscal consolidation continues to be vital, and will need to maintain credibility and reduce debt, in an uncertain global environment, while sustaining growth. On the government’s “reformto-transform” agenda, a series of measures, each incremental but collectively meaningful have been enacted. There have also...
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...State of the Economy and Prospects CHAPTER 1 While India's recent slowdown is partly rooted in external causes, domestic causes are also important. The strong post-financial-crisis stimulus led to stronger growth in 2009-10 and 2010-11. However, the boost to consumption, coupled with supplyside constraints, led to higher inflation. Monetary policy was tightened, even as external headwinds to growth increased. The consequent slowdown, especially in 2012-13, has been across the board, with no sector of the economy unaffected. Falling savings without a commensurate fall in aggregate investment have led to a widening current account deficit (CAD). Wholesale price index (WPI) inflation has been coming down in recent months. However, food inflation, after a brief slowdown, continues to be higher than overall inflation. Given the higher weightage to food in consumer price indices (CPI), CPI inflation has remained close to double digits. Another consequence of the slowdown has been lower-than-targeted tax and non-tax revenues. With the subsidies bill, particularly that of petroleum products, increasing, the danger that fiscal targets would be breached substantially became very real in the current year. The situation warranted urgent steps to reduce government spending so as to contain inflation. Also required were steps to facilitate corporate and infrastructure investment so as to ease supply. Several measures announced in recent months are aimed at restoring the fiscal health...
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...Professor Tarun Khanna for this opportunity. I will be speaking on the Indian Economy. India is home to 1.21 billion people, which is about 17.4 per cent of the global population. However, it accounts for only 2.4 per cent of world GDP in US dollar terms and 5.5 per cent in purchasing power parity (ppp) terms. Hence, there exists a huge potential for catch up. The global welfare too is linked to progress in India as reflected in the keen global interest in India. But, India seems to inspire and disappoint at the same time. This is reflected in various comments on the Indian economy. Yasheng Huang and Tarun Khanna in their much debated article in July 2003 issue of Foreign Policy had observed: “Can India surpass China? This is no longer a silly question”. The July 23rd 2011 issue of The Economist observed; “Twenty years ago they said the yardstick against which India should be measured was its potential. On that measure, there is much to do.” As a fledgling democracy, India’s economic experiment of planned development was held out as an example to many aspiring low-income countries in the 1950s. While some countries raced ahead in the development process, India lagged behind. This is evident from the fact that it took 40 long years from 1950-51 for India’s real per capita GDP to double by 1990-91. But, 1991-92 was a defining moment in India’s modern economic history as a severe balance of payments (BoP) crisis prompted far reaching economic reforms, unlocking its growth potential. As a...
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...Corruption is efforts to secure wealth or power through illegal means for private gain at public expense; or a misuse of public power for privat e benefit. Corruption like cockroaches has co- existed with human society for a long time and remains as one of the problems in many of the world’s developing economies with devastating consequences. Corruption as a phenomenon, is a global problem, and exists in varying degrees in different countries (Agbu, 2001). Corruption is not only found in democratic and dictatorial politic s, but also in feudal, capitalist and socialist economies. Christian, Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist cultures are equally be deviled by corruption Corruption in India From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Political corruption | Concepts | * Bribery * Cronyism * Kleptocracy * Economics of corruption * Electoral fraud * Nepotism * Slush fund * Plutocracy * Political scandal | Corruption by country | | Europe | * Albania * Armenia * Belgium * Bosnia * Denmark * Finland * France * Germany * Croatia * Cyprus * Czech Republic * Georgia * Greece * Iceland * Ireland * Italy * Kosovo * Latvia * Lithuania * Luxembourg * Macedonia * Moldova * Montenegro * Netherlands * Poland * Portugal * Romania * Serbia * Slovakia * Slovenia * Spain * Sweden * Switzerland * Ukraine | Asia | * Afghanistan * Bahrain * Bangladesh * Cambodia * China...
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...ANNUAL REPORT 2011-12 Government of India Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation Sardar Patel Bhawan New Delhi - 110001 Website: http//mospi.gov.in. CONTENTS Chapters Page Vision Mission Introduction Development and Highlights National Statistical Commission Central Statistical Office National Sample Survey Office Coordination of Statistical Activities Computer Centre Statistical Services Indian Statistical Institute Twenty Point Programme Infrastructure and Projects Monitoring Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme Hindi Promotion Other Activities ANNEXES I IA IB IC ID IE IF IG IH II IIIA IIIB IVA IVB IVC V VI VII VIII Organisation Charts Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation Administration National Statistical Commission Central Statistical Office National Sample Survey Office Computer Centre Programme Implementation Wing Abbreviations used Allocation of Business to the Ministry Project, Seminar/Conference/Workshop and Travel Grant Assistance sanctioned during 2010-11 Project, Seminar/Conference/Workshop and Travel Grant Assistance sanctioned during 2011-12 (Up to December, 2011) Statement of Budget Estimate (SBE) -2011-12 Total Plan Gross Budgetary Support (GBS) for 2010-11 (BE and RE) for North-Eastern Region. Total Plan Gross Budgetary Support (GBS) for 2011-12 (BE and RE) for North-Eastern Region. Performance of Monthly Monitored Items under TPP-2006 (April, 2010 to March, 2011) Performance of Monthly Monitored Items under TPP-2006...
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...4 Agriculture 4.1 An important aspect of ‘inclusive growth’ in the Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007–12) is its target of 4 per cent per annum growth in GDP from agriculture and allied sectors. This target is not only necessary to achieve the overall GDP growth target of 9 per cent per annum without undue inflation, but it is an important element of ‘inclusiveness’ since the global experience of growth and poverty reduction shows that GDP growth originating in agriculture is at least twice as effective in reducing poverty as GDP growth originating outside agriculture. TABLE 4.1 Growth in GDP at Factor Cost, 1999–2000 Prices Agriculture and Allied Sectors Tenth Plan 2002–03 2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 Eleventh Plan 2007–08 2008–09 2009–10 Revised Estimate Triennium 2009–10 over Triennium 2004–05 Eleventh Plan average (2007–10) –7.2 10.0 0.0 5.9 3.8 4.7 1.6 0.2 3.4 2.2 Total Economy 3.8 8.5 7.5 9.4 9.6 9.2 6.7 7.4 8.6 7.7 with the strong growth recovery after 2004–05, which reversed a prolonged deceleration since the mid-1990s. However, agricultural growth fell to 1.6 per cent in 2008–09; and a severe drought in 2009 (the worst in 37 years) produced virtually flat growth (see Table 4.1) because of major losses in kharif output which also led to high food price inflation. The setback in the second and third years of the Plan implies that an average growth rate of about 7 per cent per annum will be required in the remaining two years (2010–11 and 2011–12) if the Eleventh Plan...
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...National Events – 2013 January: S Ramakrishnan takes charge as Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre Director Senior scientist with four decades of experience in rocketry, S Ramakrishnan has assumed charge as Director of the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre in Tiruvananthapuram. Ramakrishnan, who was director of the Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), succeeds P S Veeraraghavan. A Padma Shri award recipient, Ramakrishnan is an expert in aerospace propulsion, launch vehicle systems and project management. The new director was one of the scientists who took part in the mission to realise India's first satellite launch vehicle SLV-3. He was the mission director for PSLV C1, C2, C3 and C4 flights. Amitabh Bachchan, Vidya Balan named PETA's hottest vegetarian celebrities Bollywood megastar Amitab Bachchan and actress Vidya Balan have been named PETA's hottest celebrity vegetarians of 2012. The other names in the running were Miss India Neha Dhupia, actor Shahid Kapoor, Sonu Sood, southern star Dhanush, Kareena Kapoor and veteran actress Hema Malini. Bachchan, 70, has been named the hottest vegetarian celebrity three times in the past and even won the crown in PETA Asia's equivalent contest in 2011. Balan, who had won the crown in 2010 too, has often credited her curves to her meat-free diet. IPS officer creates triathlon record A senior officer of Andhra Pradesh cadre has created a record of sorts on completing a 695 km long journey from Visakhapatnam to Hyderabad on a bicycle. Rajiv Trivedi...
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...Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012–2017) Economic Sectors Volume II Copyright © Planning Commission (Government of India) 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. First published in 2013 by SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd B1/I-1 Mohan Cooperative Industrial Area Mathura Road, New Delhi 110 044, India www.sagepub.in SAGE Publications Inc 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, California 91320, USA SAGE Publications Ltd 1 Oliver’s Yard, 55 City Road London EC1Y 1SP, United Kingdom SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd 33 Pekin Street #02-01 Far East Square Singapore 048763 Published by Vivek Mehra for SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd, Phototypeset in 11/13pt Minion Pro by RECTO Graphics, Delhi and printed at Saurabh Printers, New Delhi. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Available ISBN: 978-81-321-1131-3 (PB) The SAGE Team: Rudra Narayan, Archita Mandal, Rajib Chatterjee and Dally Verghese Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012–2017) Economic Sectors Volume II Planning Commission Government of India Thank you for choosing a SAGE product! If you have any comment, observation or feedback, I would like to personally hear from you. Please write to me at contactceo@sagepub.in —Vivek Mehra, Managing Director and CEO, SAGE Publications India Pvt...
Words: 131771 - Pages: 528
...Inclusive Learning Guaranteed!!! (LIKE US ON FACEBOOK AND GET ALL IMPORTANT UPDATES) Category Wise Current Affairs from January 2015 to June 2015 1) Awards and Honours 2) Appointments 3) Banking and Finance 4) Indian Affairs 5) International Affairs 6) Science and Technology 7) Sports 8) Obituary Visit DayTodayGK.com for Current Affairs, General Knowledge, Current Affairs Quiz, Banking Quiz, Marketing Quiz, Science Quiz, English Quiz..etc 9) Important days observed from January to June THE MORE YOU VISIT THE MORE YOU SUCCEED All the Success for your upcoming Exams!!! Contact us at arunsathyan.day2daygk@gmail.com & prerikagupta.day2daygk@gmail.com (Feedbacks are Greatly Appreciated) Do It Now. Sometimes Later Becomes Never. Current Affairs Jan to June AWARDS AND HONOURS Name of the Award Business Person of the Year State Pre-Eminent Science and Technology Award 2015 Space Pioneer Award Award Winner Larry Page Yu Min – Nuclear Scientist ISRO’s Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) Team Asian Tour’s Players Player of Anirban Lahiri the Year Ballon d’Or 2014 Award Cristiano Ronaldo Governor of the Year Raghuram Rajan National e-Governance Award Vyas Samman Award 2014 Jammu and Kashmir National Tiger Conservation Authority Award Vikram Sarabhai Memorial Award Sahitya Akademi Award Periyar Tiger Reserve NSC Award for Best Electoral Practices Social Media Person of the year 2015 Giraffe Hero Award Best Indian Language Website in India Hindu Literary Prize 2014 CV Anand Martin Luther...
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