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R. Caslake Case Study

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Have you ever thought that your rights had been taken away by a police officer/TSA agent for the purpose of national security? If you agree with the aforementioned statement, then you agree with about sixty percent of Canadians 1. I am here to defend the minority. The Canadian government is doing a great job at keeping national security while minimizing the effect of eliminating your human rights. I will talk about how the government is keeping us secure within school, the general public, and at airports. Schools in Canada are the places where our youth go to learn. It’s where they go to create a future for themselves. It’s where they develop the basic skill and understanding of everyday knowledge. Did you also know that the students in …show more content…
One case stands out here. Its the case of R. v. Caslake, [1998] 1 S.C.R. 51(4). In this case, Caslake was arrested for possession of narcotics. Several hours later, the RCMP officer searched Caslakes impounded car and found lot of money and two bags of cocaine. The RCMP officer did this without a warrant. Caslake appealed to have the possession of marijuana trafficking and cocaine possession dismissed but was unsuccessful. The superior court of canada set a precedent of how cars should be searched. Searches and seizures must be authorized by law and can fail to meet this requirement if any one of three conditions is not met. First, the state authority conducting the search must be able to point to a specific statute or common law rule that authorizes the search. Second, the search must be carried out in accordance with the procedural and substantive requirements the law provides. Third, a search must not exceed its scope as to area and as to the items for which the law has granted the authority to search. this is reasonable for every canadian to abide by. Public safety is kept while keeping most of our civil rights. The other major car search is when the police set up DUI Checkpoints. The police are able to stop you, and check to see if you have been drinking or are high. They are able to issue a breathalyser check and if you have over 100 mg per 100 ml, you will be arrested and charged with a DUI. Some people think this is violation …show more content…
These air those pesky CATSA agents (TSA agents in America) you find at airport security. They are able to take the most rights away from you to make sure that all passengers on the aircraft and in the airport are safe. These rights are outlines in the Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, 2012, SOR/2011-318. In this it states that you can be searched at random to ensure the safety of the public. You can have your bag be searched fully, or you physical body. They can use a metal detecting wand, a metal detector, a full body scan or a pat down. These take away you very fundamental rights as a citizen of Canada, but it is worth it. Ever since 9/11 happened in The United States of America, nothing has ever been the same with airport security. We must take stronger precaution when people board public aircrafts. We need to make a deterrent so that bad people won't do terrible things to innocent people. Sadly, it has happened before so someone will try it again. We need to allow CATSA agents to do their job and search everyone to ensure public safety. Not just the safety of the the people in the airport or on the aircraft, but the safety of every single human being in the great country of

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