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Race IAT Model

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The results after taking the Race Implicit Attitudes Test (or “IAT”) showed I had a slight, automatic preference for African Americans over European Americans. The IAT models itself on the strengths of association between ideas and evaluations, so in the case of the Race IAT, I had to identify facial images of African Americans and European Americans with words relating to good and bad. I found the IAT to be incredibly biased since the test switched moral concepts between blacks and whites, and often I would get confused with associating words to either race. I later discovered that the IAT is designed to predict behavior and preference towards race, and also connects implicit preference to racial discrimination in the job field, healthcare, …show more content…
Prejudice deals with one’s thoughts regarding a group of people. It originates as prejudgment and usually, the individual has zero interactions with this group. Racism is seen as a justified belief that one race is above another and will sometimes try to deprive a minority. White supremacists in the southern United States parade around and attempt to establish a culture of race superiority with little to no progress. Discrimination focuses on direct action against a minority and takes on many forms. America during the 1950s-60s displays a perfect example of discrimination with segregated areas such as schools, housing, and work for coloured people. That type of action against minorities is known as institutionalized discrimination, where society unjustly mistreats a group as a whole. This additionally builds on individual discrimination, where the behavior of one member of a group towards others is intended to have a harmful or detrimental effect on members of another group. Since the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States, media networks have shown the rise of individual discrimination of white Americans to coloured Americans that is expressed in police brutality, white nationalism, and white …show more content…
In contemporary views, minority groups are discriminated as having a lack of power compared to a dominant group. They are also distinguished by involuntary participation in the group, an awareness of subordination, and a high rate of in-group marriage. It is evident internationally that minority groups give up their own identity by taking on the traits of the dominant culture via assimilation. Within the United States, immigrants are noted for being dual-linguistic in being able to speak their mother tongue alongside the English language. Some forms of symbolism that immigrants carry from their original ethnicity are holidays and cultural traditions. Over time, descendants of immigrants have fully assimilated to their adopted culture that are highlighted by four traits: social and economic status, spatial concentration, language, and

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