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Racial Discrimination


Submitted By mreis816
Words 253
Pages 2


Develop job specifications that fit the job position. Based on the data received about the existing position and candidates. Evaluate the pre-employment test scores, interviews for similar positions, resume submissions.


To narrow down the selection they searched internally and externally. They were hoping to get some of the minorities and some women to apply.


No, whether or not a woman would get "dirty" should not make a difference in how she can perform her job duties. If she is capable of the job and willing to go a step further to get "dirty" and still be professional and come out on top of her male counterparts then more power to her.


Yes, it would. Because of the how the company went about gathering all the information. The company tried to cover all the bases when it came to the process. The candidates went through an extensive testing which included, but was not limited to job specifications, duties, and knowledge as well the aptitude tests. There was also a reasonable time frame associated with the process.

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