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Racially Biased Policing


Submitted By ROSHANDA
Words 637
Pages 3
Racially biased policing

I think that this article has a lot of truth for a person that does not experience the racial bias of the police they would be somewhat blind to the matter and to the person that has experience it this is something that has come very common in our society. I agree with the article when it states that must people have experiences with police discrimination either directly or indirectly. I personally believe that race does sometime play a factor in what a police believe is a criminal also the discrimination is not something that just happen. it has to do with the prejudice that officer might already had or as learned over the year to say that a person is prejudice just because they are a police would be a lie. Every person has some type of prejudice. Do races experience racially bias difference from each other I would say yes to be true some people in the same race have different experience with the police? For me I can only talk about what I know for my personally experience and the experience that others have told me about. I can say that there are stereotype that are place on people for example: an African American male that has a very nice car and dresses good and has a couple of dollars is a drug dealer. This is not always the case it could be that his family is well off and they can provide this luxury for their child, or that is person could be a professional person and just choice to dress like this when they are not working and yes there is a possible that he could be a drug dealer. Now if this was a Caucasian male the most likely comment is that he has money or he comes from money not that he is a drug dealer.
In the article when it talks about that some Hispanic have experience the same issues that African American have and other have not. I think it has a lot to do with the areas that they live in and a lot of

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