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Racism, Prejudice And Discrimination

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Motivational speaker Wayne W. Dyer once said, “When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.” From the past to present-day, there are things such as discrimination, racism, and prejudice everywhere. But, even with the vast amounts of each of these deplorable things, I believe we can overcome them by working together. Overall, each of us need to have one mindset, you can’t judge a book by its cover. In order to combat prejudice, I must get to know an individual before I develop an opinion of them. For example, I have experienced myself where my friends may believe I am angry or depressed because of the expressions I tend to make without noticing. In the past, my classmates used to ask me “are you okay?” or “are you sad?” …show more content…
For example, some people think that the views your family or friends have on racism are the views you are supposed to have as well. Many people grow up in homes where they are exposed to racism and stereotypes, so the idea of racism is ingrained into their brains and they start to believe it as well. We are our own person; therefore, we don’t have to have limits on what we personally can or cannot think. Furthermore, to some children, their parent’s or guardian’s opinions are the only ones that have been voiced to them. Children are very easily deceived, so when they live around people who say things that are prejudiced and racist, they automatically want to believe it too. They may believe that is the only way you can think about topics like racism, and they can also grow to have the same premature judgements of others. Additionally, some may be forced to believe those things, for their parents don’t want them to get hurt by being their true selves and voicing their own opinions. In modern times, parents think it is much safer to keep their child with them and never let them do anything of their own choice. But, parents don’t realize that being so guarded to the point that you can’t be yourself can harm their children just as much as going out and experiencing life first hand could. All of these things could be helped by exercising our minds to think outside the box and thinking for ourselves. We unquestionably will have to strive to change all of these things that occur all over the world

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