...Re-organization and Layoff: Decision Making Evaluation Paper Learning Team D PHL/320 07/20/15 Scott Phillips Decision Making: In our Decision Making Evaluation, we as a group most commonly agreed that the biggest factor to easing the “Layoff” would be to have a trained individual handle the situation. This would solve issues for all classes of individuals that are being relieved of their duties in a business setting while keeping the professionalism present in the process. Through other research there were other options available to remove the “Layoff” issues and it was best shown in Daniel Panger’s, “Alternatives to Employee Layoff.” Panger explains how the amount of money and time put into training an employee gets wasted when the employee gets laid off and expresses other ways to approach situations that demand change. The idea of reducing workdays and weeks is brought up to save money and escape the Layoff (Panger, 1971). The issues seen with this technique is in the long run it would seem to simply prolong the issue and still lead to a layoff. That leads us to the decision of having a prepared and educated person handle the laying off process. Implementing the Decision: For a businesses to use this solution there is many things that must take place and the most important would be to establish a formula and fundamentals that will be present in the process. There are fundamentals from others studies that have already been used and a...
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...Re-organization and Layoff: Decision Making Evaluation Paper PHL/320-Critical Thinking and Decision Making July 20, 2015 Re-organization and Layoff: Decision Making Evaluation Paper The term “working poor” aptly describes most employees in the middle income tax bracket. Middle class Americans typically live paycheck to paycheck. These workers face difficulty saving money as incomes barely cover living expenses. The financial struggles of middle class employees greatly intensifies when a facing a layoff. The laid off employees not only deal with the loss of income after a layoff; they also encounter barriers in finding a new job. During the past three economic recessions, millions of American jobs disappeared as companies decided to save money of labor costs by outsourcing “middle-skill” jobs (Tankersley, 2014). Middle class jobs are increasingly hard to find. Learning Team A discussed the financial strain sustained by these displaced workers. The team decided a company’s best course of action to assist these employees consists of offering a severance package to discharged workers. The Severance Package There are many considerations that a company must make when determining to lay off employees. One such consideration is how the decision will impact the company’s reputation with current and displaced employees. Employees will experience a multitude of emotions including anger, fear, and resentment. However, there are ways to reduce...
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...Results/Outcomes Page 9 Evaluation of the Effort Page 10 References Page 13 A Transformation in Health Care This diagnostic paper is based on my current experiences in my organization of a significant change initiative. I will be providing a high-level summary of key changes within my current organization, the reasons for the change, approaches taken, and current outcomes of the change. In the course project paper I hope to provide valuable input of lessons learned and incorporate key concepts and strategies learned in the course that can be implemented to help future change initiatives within an organization. Executive Summary They may not raise the dead but Resurrection Health Care (Res) does help people get back on their feet. The organization is Chicago’s largest Catholic health care system. Res consist of six acute care hospitals, eight long-term care and rehabilitation facilities, a home health care company, a dozen of outpatient facilities, and community ambulatory clinics. The organization specializes in services for Cancer treatment, pediatrics, cardiac care, and oncology. The organization also operates six retirement communities. Res is currently in talks to merge with Provena Health which is another Catholic health care system equal in every way. The organization is sponsored by the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth and the Sisters of the Resurrection. Res is currently going through a huge transformation through the introduction of technology. Res is taking...
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...TOPIC: STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Submitted by: Low Yun Sheng Winston Student Number: 13208652 Lecturer: Mr Dipan K Mehta Submission Date: 15 NOVEMBER 2013 Word Count: 1329 TABLE OF CONTENTS i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Introduction Advantages Challenges Evaluation Conclusion Referencing Pg 1. Pg 2. Pg 3. Pg 4. Pg 5. Pg 6. ! i. Introduction Starting off as an administrative function processing paperwork primarily, Human Resource Management (HRM) has reinvented and developed throughout these years to implement strategic changes in both policies and practices, in the hopes of achieving excellence within the organization (George F. Dreher, 2001). Now, HRM has taken a step forward in ensuring its functions and purpose, aligns with the missions and vision of an organization, making sure that its HR practices lead to intrinsic value and tangible results. Beyond that, their level of engagement now places more emphasis on the contributions and well-being of its people. This, in turn, largely motivates and inspires the workforce. Efficient HRM implementation creates a valuable competitive advantage by recruiting and retaining the top talents and rewarding its employees while ensuring the organization complies with the federal rules and regulations. 1! ! ii. Advantages 1. Training and development Developing and implementing training programs for its employees is a planned effort through HR to broaden and develop an employee’s skills, behavior and knowledge...
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...Global Communications Problem-based learning allows the student to develop his or her problem-solving skills by applying them to an authentic scenario that requires them to identify a problem, apply a problem-solving approach to develop and analyze alternative solutions, and recommend and defend an optimal solution (University of Phoenix, 2010, para. 2). The Global Communications (GC) scenario identifies several issues for the student to analyze and solve using the lessons learned from the course. This paper identifies the major issues that GC is facing. These issues will be analyzed and the perspectives and ethical dilemmas of the stakeholders will be identified. An examination of the problem statement will reveal what improvements GC would like to see in three years. Alternate solutions will be presented and analyzed for validity. An appropriate risk will be assessed on the selected solutions and mitigation techniques explored. From this evaluation an optimal solution will be selected and a plan to implement explored. Finally, a plan to evaluate the results will be presented. Situation Analysis Issue and Opportunity Identification This is a challenging time for GC, the mega-giant telecommunications company headquartered in Centralia, USA. The telecommunications industry is flooded with competition and the industry is waning. In the past three years, GC stocks have decreased in value more than 50 percent. To combat this decline in profits, senior leadership...
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...Global Communications Problem-based learning allows the student to develop his or her problem-solving skills by applying them to an authentic scenario that requires them to identify a problem, apply a problem-solving approach to develop and analyze alternative solutions, and recommend and defend an optimal solution (University of Phoenix, 2010, para. 2). The Global Communications (GC) scenario identifies several issues for the student to analyze and solve using the lessons learned from the course. This paper identifies the major issues that GC is facing. These issues will be analyzed and the perspectives and ethical dilemmas of the stakeholders will be identified. An examination of the problem statement will reveal what improvements GC would like to see in three years. Alternate solutions will be presented and analyzed for validity. An appropriate risk will be assessed on the selected solutions and mitigation techniques explored. From this evaluation an optimal solution will be selected and a plan to implement explored. Finally, a plan to evaluate the results will be presented. Situation Analysis Issue and Opportunity Identification This is a challenging time for GC, the mega-giant telecommunications company headquartered in Centralia, USA. The telecommunications industry is flooded with competition and the industry is waning. In the past three years, GC stocks have decreased in value more than 50 percent. To combat this decline in profits, senior leadership...
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...standard of excellence in policing. The mission of CPD is to “develop personnel and manage resources to promote effective partnerships with the community to improve the quality of life through the delivery of fair and impartial police services while maintaining an atmosphere of respect for human dignity.†This mission is accomplished through the core values of the department on a daily basis. These core values include: •Integrity – Our actions and relationship with the community are guided by an internal sense of honesty and morality. •Professionalism – Our conduct and demeanor display the highest standard of personal and organizational excellence. •Diversity – Our members recognize differences as strength in our organization and community. •Accountability – Our duty is to promote public trust by upholding our obligations to the department and community. •Vigilance – Our responsibility is to be alert to issues and activities impacting our community. Under the command of the Police Chief, the Police Department’s responsibilities are divided among five bureaus: Patrol, Resource, Investigations, Administration, and Information Management. The Police Chief is responsible for Police Department operations. The Chief coordinates, organizes, directs, and controls activities. The Chief also implements policy and makes necessary personnel and procedural changes to ensure the effective...
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...not leave spaces around a slash mark] 19 Failure to Change 19 Evaluation of The Effort 22 Change Approach 22 Reflections of Managerial Change Strategy 23 Reference: 25 Executive Summary: Hewitt Associates was a Fortune 500 company. They tried to mix their complex business model and standards globally with the culture of their clients and staff (Hewitt Associates LLC, 2010). Human resources consulting is the core function of the corporation. Hewitt’s organization was vast in size with over a dozen departments that worked various specialties in human resources. The actuarial department regulated the financial consulting aspects in retirement plans and other benefits. Hewitt Associates tried to keep their market share as the leading provider in health care reform, retirement restructure, and executive compensation for their client's. They also provided software packages to their client’s. This was to allow clients to have less stress and frustration. Hewitt’s philosophy is to maintain solid relationships with their clients through reliability. The reliability of data kept Hewitt’s prestige and service with their clients for daily operations, (Hewitt Associates LLC, 2010). This was a reason that a department was dedicated to actuaries; they would establish criteria and project out costs for decisions on employees and their...
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...INDEX Sr. No. | Contents | Page No. | 1. | INTRODUCTION TO COST CUTTING | 02 | 2. | COST CUTTING – AN ANALYSIS | 06 | 3. | CORPORATE COST CUTTING | 18 | 4. | COST CUTTING– A TRADITIONAL APPROACH TO POOR FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE | 24 | 5. | CHALLENGER CORPORATE COST-CUTTING SURVEY | 27 | 6. | COST CUTTING : DIFFERENT COMPANIES DIFFERENT METHODS A GIST | 31 | 7. | CONCLUSION | 32 | 8. | REFERRENCES | 33 | 1. INTRODUCTION TO COST CUTTING Cost cutting, cost reduction, consolidation or cost management have become central planning topics in all competitive markets. An established company in a maturing market is likely to see the best return from investments in cost cutting – but this has to be balanced with investments that will grow the top line – typically a mixture of selling more to existing clients (market penetration) finding new clients both locally and internationally (market development) and creating new profitable products and services (product development). This mix of strategies has been referred to as the golden circle: Consolidation improving cash flows which can be used to invest in building profitable sales in existing markets (market penetration); More profitable home market sales enabling investment in the existing product/ service mix in new markets (market development); More profitable sales in home and new markets enabling investment in new products and services which can then be transferred to existing distribution channels (product development)...
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...Chapter 1 – Strategic Human Res. Mgn Chapter 1: Strategic HRM HR functions: all relative to the company’s performance - analysis and design of work - employee relations -recruiting -selection - training and development - performance management - compensation - supporting the organizations strategy Environmental trends impacting HRM - Changes in the labour force * Aging workforce * Diverse Workforce * Labour unions * Contigent employees * Skill deficiencies - High Performance Work Systems * Knowledge workers * Employee engagement * Teamwork * Increasing education - Change in the employment relationship * New psychological contract * Organizational culture/climate - Others: * Economic conditions * Technological changes * Government * Globalization Chapter 2 – Changing Legal Emphasis There are 14 jurisdictions, 10 provinces, 3 territories and Canada as a whole for employment laws. - Provincial/territorial employment laws govern 90% of population - Federal employment legislation governs the other 10%. The legal framework for employment also includes constitutional law, particularly the Charter of rights and Freedom; acts of Parliament; common law (wrongful dismissal) and contract law. Regulations: legally binding rules established for the special regulatory bodies (ministry of labour, human rights commission) created to enforce compliance with the law and aid in its interpretation....
Words: 9446 - Pages: 38
...uillermo Furniture Store Analysis Week one individual paper was centered on Guillermo Furniture Store location, the production of work and the company finance. Week three individual paper will state three alternative measures for Guillermo Furniture Store working capital policy by weighting the average cost of capital, and by implementing multiple valuation techniques toward reducing the business risk. Business within Guillermo Furniture Store started to decline in the early part of 1900s. The effect of outside influences has opened up a new era of business for foreign competitors. The competitors have allowed their customers to crave the new technology of produced furniture by creating a lower price range. The simulation stated that housing were inexpensive, the location of business had mild weather, and beautiful scenery, along with uncongested roads a new International Airport and plenty of new development (University Of Phoenix, 2011). Alternatives To make a profitable decision the implementation of alternative needs to be considered. The three alternatives investment projects (the currently used approach, the high-tech approach, and the broker approach) needs to be categorized in a distinct order. The currently used approach consists of the company not changing their position, they will continue with their business lifestyle since the 1900s. High-tech alternative will allow the company to produce more custom furniture at a lower cost. The broker alternative...
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...Name Professor Class Date Managing Change Introduction Various external forces normally stimulate organizational change. These forces include substantial funding cuts, dramatic increases in services, decreased market opportunity, and firing or employment of employees. Organizations usually undertake technical, strategic, or structural shift to evolve to a different sector in their life cycle. This includes changing to a stable proactive environment from a highly reactive organization. This paper will focus on how organizations should cope with change when employees are fired, and others employed or any other major structural or procedural change is introduced in the organization. A "one-size-fits-all" approach is not effective for change management. Think about these changes: * Acquiring a company of near equal size * Getting suppliers to use a new web-based form and process * Relocating office spaces within an existing building or shifting to a new premises * Restructuring organizational chart to increase efficiency * Reorienting around processes instead of functions * Releasing a new product or adopting new HR policy These are all distinctly different changes, but each requires change management to be successful. Each impacts people and how they do their job. Each can suffer from slower adoption and lower utilization. Each has risks associated with people not becoming engaged or resisting the change. While each of the initiatives needs change...
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...Project By Sona Ngoh Missouri State University Department of Technology & Construction Management College of Business Administration Spring 2014 Contents 1. Summary of Findings 3 2. Background Information 4 3. Problem Statement 5 4. Analysis of Issues and Alternatives 5 5. Detailed Recommendations 8 6. Implementation and Evaluation 9 I. Bibliography 11 II. Works Cited 12 Summary of Findings The Blue Spider Project is an example of a situation where the project manager show lack of understanding of the life-cycle for project management and the inability to leverage the application of the key skills of integrated cost, schedule and technical performance management to achieve project success. Gray has engineering degree with an MBA, an outstanding record as a production engineer but fails as a project manager because he was unable to get a clear vision of all aspects of his project or capable of focusing on a specific aspect of the project while keeping tab of other aspects as required. Gray’s inability to leverage his newly acquired decision making responsibilities as a project manager with his technical expertise helped to escalate the drawbacks of a potentially valuable project into a near catastrophe, almost losing his job in the process. Background Information Parks Corporation is a Department of Defense contractor company that initially concentrated mainly on R&D projects for the...
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...Research Methods for Strategic Managers to Aid in Decision Making Abstract [P1] Managers can be trained to make better decisions. They also need a supportive environment where they won’t be unfairly criticised for making wrong decisions and will receive proper support from their colleague and superiors. A climate of criticism and fear stifles risk-taking and creativity; managers will respond by ‘playing it safe’ to minimise the risk of criticism which diminishes the business’ effectiveness in responding to market changes. It may also mean managers spend too much time trying to pass the blame around rather than getting on with running the business. The study is based on all-embracing research to assemble information from a variety of sources such as internet, interview and books. The research was conducting on the decision making in the different economic scenario data was collected and results were evaluated. Introduction [P1] [1.1] Some decisions are difficult because of the need to take into account how other people in the situation will respond to the decision that is taken. The analysis of such social decisions is more often treated under the label of game theory, rather than decision theory, though it involves the same mathematical methods. From the standpoint of game theory most of the problems treated in decision theory are one-player games (or the one player is viewed as playing against an impersonal background situation). In the emerging socio-cognitive engineering...
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...VIEW Strategic Human Resource Management Taken from: Strategic Human Resource Management, Second Edition by Charles R. Greer Copyright © 2001, 1995 by Prentice-Hall, Inc. A Pearson Education Company Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Compilation Copyright © 2003 by Pearson Custom Publishing All rights reserved. This copyright covers material written expressly for this volume by the editor/s as well as the compilation itself. It does not cover the individual selections herein that first appeared elsewhere. ii Permission to reprint these has been obtained by Pearson Custom Publishing for this edition only. Further reproduction by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, must be arranged with the individual copyright holders noted. This special edition published in cooperation with Pearson Custom Publishing. Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Please visit our web site at www.pearsoncustom.com ISBN 0–536–72690–6 BA 996748 PEARSON CUSTOM PUBLISHING 75 Arlington Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA 02116 A Pearson Education Company iii iv Table of Contents SECTION ONE ................................................................. 1 An Investment Perspective and Human Resources .... 2 HUMAN RESOURCE INVESTMENT CONSIDERATIONS ...6 INVESTMENTS IN TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ..... 14 INVESTMENT PRACTICES FOR IMPROVED RETENTION ..................
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