...To describe corporate governance as a subject of topical interest would be masterly understatement. What had already become a hot topic in Australia during 2001 has since burst out across the world, involving the direct intervention of the President of the United States. I’d say that Monash University has got its timing pretty right. The interesting question is whether this initiative would have received any interest or support in Australia two years ago. There is little doubt that by the end of the 1990s the business community was becoming wearied by the concept of corporate governance, seeing it as somewhat irrelevant, even passé: a response to the no longer relevant excesses of the 1980s. Many years of sustained economic growth, and Australia’s remarkable survival of the financial crisis in Asia, had led to a period of complacency about corporate governance - over time it became institutionalised and compliance focused, more driven by process and legal liability management for corporate officers than by notions of shareholder protection and wealth creation. In retrospect this self-confidence looks particularly short-sighted. At the very time when most of Asia, supported by the World Bank and the IMF, was focussed on the importance of corporate governance and institution building, the more developed economies (including Australia) assumed that their existing standards were adequate. We were, I think, partly lulled by the knowledge that some of the key economic ...
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...Corporate governance and responsibility Spotlight C O R P O R AT E G O V E R N A N C E OECD principles Foundations of market integrity Bill Witherell, Head, OECD Directorate for Financial, Fiscal and Enterprise Affairs © Getty Images Good governance goes beyond common sense. It is a key part of the contract that underpins economic growth in a market economy and public faith in that system. The OECD Principles of Corporate Governance and Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are two essential instruments for ensuring that this contract is honoured. T he recent spate of US corporate failures and breakdowns in truthful accounting has undermined people’s faith in financial reporting, corporate leadership, and the integrity of markets the world over. The fact that the wave of scandals has come hot on the heels of a collapse in the high-tech bubble has a sharp ironic flavour. Both events have their roots in the heady days of stock market exuberance, when anything was possible, from creating multibillion dollar companies with little more than an idea, an investment angel and a lot of faith, to believing that markets would buy any yarn a group of fast-talking executives could spin, even if to cover up serious losses and illegal practices. The corporate scandals and the bursting bubble have different causes though: on the one hand, illicit management decisions and cover-ups, and on the other, over-bloated investment assessments...
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...Global perspectives on governance: lessons from east and west While the core principles of governance are the same throughout the world, the Asian model places particular emphasis on trust and relationships. This paper discusses the key differences between the western and Asian approaches to help business leaders explore the best aspects of both. Conclusions 1. The corporate governance model that’s familiar in Asia, Africa and most developing nations places strong emphasis on trust and relationships. This can be beneficial for stakeholders: the typical pattern of ownership in businesses means that there can be a longer-term view of an organisation’s success compared with that in a western company. But the system is potentially vulnerable to corruption and cronyism. It can also be difficult to implement basic control procedures. 2. The prestige of what can be broadly termed the western governance model has diminished in the aftermath of the financial crisis. This model has driven globalisation and has emphasised a combination of legislation and standards as well as transparency, with a focus on developing appropriate structures, processes and frameworks. This is widely understood and helps to create a level playing field. But major financial failures over the past two years, such as that of Lehman Brothers, have shown that there are limits to what can be done to tighten checks and balances. A new emphasis on the behavioural aspects of governance is overdue. 3. ...
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...OECD Definition of Corporate Governance: 1 Financial Times Definition of Corporate Governance: 1 Cadbury Report Definition of Corporate Governance: 1 BusinessDictionary.com Definition of Corporate Governance: 1 Why is it important? 3 Why was it in the news recently? 3 Literature Review: 4 Agency Theory: 5 STAKEHOLDER THEORY 7 Stewardship theory: 10 Motivation: 10 Identification: 10 Policies: 10 Consequences: 11 Theory- Resource Dependence: 11 Principles: 12 Benefits of Corporate Governance: 13 Definition of 'Agency Problem': 14 Investopedia explains 'Agency Problem': 14 Agency Relationship and Agency Costs: 14 Conclusion: 23 Agency Problems Are Mitigated by Good Systems of Corporate Governance 23 Legal and Regulatory Requirements: 23 Compensation Plans: 24 Board of Directors: 24 Monitoring: 25 Takeovers: 25 Shareholder Pressure: 25 OECD Definition of Corporate Governance: "OECD defines corporate governance as follows: “Procedures and processes according to which an organisation is directed and controlled. The corporate governance structure specifies the distribution of rights and responsibilities among the different participants in the organisation – such as the board, managers, shareholders and other stakeholders – and lays down the rules and procedures for decision-making." Financial Times Definition of Corporate Governance: "How a company is managed in terms of the institutional systems...
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...Introduction Good corporate governance (GCG) in a corporate set up leads to maximize the value of the shareholders legally, ethically and on a sustainable basis, while ensuring equity and transparency to every stakeholder - the company's customers, employees, investors, vendors-partners, the government of the land and the community (Murthy, 2006). GCG is a must for ensuring the required values to different stakeholder groups. It enhances the performance of corporations, by creating an environment that motivates managers to maximize returns on investment, enhance operational efficiency and ensure long-term productivity growth. Consequently, such corporations attract the best talent on a global basis. It also ensures the conformance of corporations with the interests of investors and society, by creating fairness, transparency and accountability in business activities among employees, management and the board (Oman, 2001). Again, GCG increase public confidence in a corporation, and lowers the cost of capital for investment. According to a McKinsey study (2002), over 60% of investors cite Good Governance practices in a corporation as a key factor in their investment decisions. Today, GG becomes a slogan and a pride. Here, we can uses accounting as a mean for establishing and retaining corporate governance. Accounting is a process of compiling information for reporting the internal affairs of any entity to different stakeholders at the end of a certain interval. It is defined as...
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...Principles of Corporate Governance and Responsibility. A Global Perspective. Prepared by: Mark Gray Large businesses around the world are controlled in a variegated fashion. Whilst the Anglo American system of corporate control is heavily based on a strict structure of a Board of Directors, in itself controlled by a chairman and constituting a various number of executive and non-executive directors. Whilst the primary function of the Board has fundamentally been seen as one of accountability, monitoring and goal setting, there is large chasm of difference in Board performance, and this highlighted graphically by the numerous large scale Corporate collapses in the United States. Indeed the U.S economy has been severely affected by ‘avoidable’ corporate bankruptcies. As the United States comprises a large proportion of the largest corporations in the world, it is not surprising that it has suffered a large number of corporate failures of corporate governance (Blackmore, 2006). The speedy corporate meltdown of very large U.S corporations, the like of Lehman Brothers and Enron threw the entire U.S business community into turmoil, prompting the U.S and other governments to speedily regulate as a deterrent to all business owners. This approach is ‘rules based’ and relies heavily on legislation for business compliance and good corporate governance. Although there have been corporate failures in New Zealand, most recently these have generally...
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...of Business Management Examination Paper MM.50 Corporate Governance Section A: OBJECTIVE TYPE (20 marks) 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. C 16. A 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. B SECTION B: Short Notes (10 marks) 1. Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement to the Indian stock exchange comes into effect from 31 December 2005. It has been formulated for the improvement of corporate governance in all listed companies. In corporate hierarchy two types of managements are envisaged: i) companies managed by Board of Directors; and ii) those by a Managing Director, whole-time director or manager subject to the control and guidance of the Board of Directors. --As per Clause 49, for a company with an Executive Chairman, at least 50 per cent of the board should comprise independent directors. In the case of a company with a non-executive Chairman, at least one-third of the board should be independent directors. --It would be necessary for chief executives and chief financial officers to establish and maintain internal controls and implement remediation and risk mitigation towards deficiencies in internal controls, among others. --Clause VI (ii) of Clause 49 requires all companies to submit a quarterly compliance report to stock exchange in the prescribed form. The clause also requires that there be a separate section on corporate governance in the annual report with a detailed compliance report. --A...
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...Good Governance 1. INTRODUCTION: Governance implies control, direction, and rule with authority or administers laws to govern a system to achieve certain objectives. Good Governance implies running administration according to the defined laws to achieve the objective of promoting the welfare of the people in a democratic oriented order. Bad governance means departing from the norms of laws and subjecting system of administration to whims, idiosyncrasies of the rulers to achieve certain ulterior motives at the cost of national interests. The hallmark of great nations is that they learn from their past experience to become wiser in conducting their current and future affairs. Another distinctive feature of such nations is that they try to understand the emerging long-term trends to identify new challenges, and plan for the future so as to take maximum advantage of the opportunities and avoid the pitfalls that may lie ahead. On the other hand, the nations on the trajectory of decay and ultimate oblivion neither learn from the past nor have the inclination to look ahead into the future to plan for their security, progress and welfare. All it lacks in the context of Pakistan; socially, economically and politically as well. In the words of Mahbbub-ul-Haq, ‘Crisis in Governance’, “Human Development Report in South Asia”: “Governance is the exercise of political, economic and administrative authority to manage the resources of a country. It is always based upon certain rules...
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...CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN NEPALESE FINANCIAL SECTOR: DOES POLICY MATTER? Submitted To Research Committee Research and Consulting Service Department Nepal Administrative Staff College Submitted By Basanta Raj Sigdel Santosh Koirala June, 2015 Copyright: Nepal Administrative Staff College Recommended Citation Sigdel, B.R. & Koirala, S. (2015). Corporate governance in Nepalese financial sector: Does policy matter? Lalitpur, Nepal: Nepal Administrative Staff College. Declaimer: This study is funded by Nepal Administrative Staff College. The opinion expressed in this research report do not represent official position of Nepal Administrative Staff College and are those of the researchers. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research paper has been materialized in this form with the help of many individuals and institutions. First, the team extends profound gratitude to the respected respondents of banks and finance companies for their valuable and generous support without which the project would not have been successful. Similarly, we are thankful to the Research Committee of NASC and Research and Consulting Services Department for their continuous guidance, facilitation and support in this endeavor. ABSTRACT The study examines insiders' perspectives on the determinants of corporate governance in the Nepalese financial sector. For this, we use a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire developed by CLSA, modified and contextualized to Nepalese setting. The study...
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...[pic][pic] Corporate Governance and Performance An Exploration of the Connection in a Public Sector Context By Meredith Edwards & Robyn Clough Issues Series Paper No. 1 January 2005 Preface This paper is part of a major project - Corporate Governance in the Public Sector: An evaluation of its Tensions, Gaps and Potential. The project will provide the first comprehensive theoretical and empirical work on corporate governance in the Commonwealth public sector. It has been designed to enhance communication and participation in governance across government, industry, and the community by improving corporate governance literacy and making information publicly available. The project is a collaborative venture between three University of Canberra research centres and key governmental and industry partners including the Australian National Audit Office, the Australian Government Department of Finance and Administration, Deloitte, Touche, Tohmatsu, CPA Australia and MinterEllison Lawyers. This paper is the first in a series that will be produced by researchers and industry partners involved in the project. The aim of the series is to identify and explore key emerging public sector governance issues and encourage wider discussion and activity. The series has been designed for public sector practitioners and corporate governance ‘enthusiasts’ across the public and private sectors. All papers will be broadly distributed and will be available online - www...
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...CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The need for corporate governance is not something typical to our country or economy .even in countries where regulatory mechanism are more demanding in their content and more vigilant in its implementation. Flagrant violation under the corporate veil have generated the demand for better governance . The advent of information age has created an awakened shareholders , vigilant public and almost predatory journalistic fervour. Depending upon the model of corporate disclosure followed by different legal framework, right to information has forced corporation to divulge more than they ever did. Corporate governance is derived from Latin term ‘corpus’ which means ‘body’. governance means administering the process and system placed for satisfying stakeholders expectations . when the two terms are combined it together brings out set of system procedures , policies , practices , standards put in place by a corporate to ensure that relationship with various stakeholders is maintained in transparent and honest manner. One of the basic feature of corporate governance is that there is a separation of ownership and management. The board of directors work and operate as trustee and agent of shareholders and they have to safeguard the interest of shareholders and other stakeholders It may also be considered as a network of legal provisions , regulations, practices to bring accountability and transparcy in functioning of the body corporate. It specifies the distributions...
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... The need for corporate governance among listed and unlisted companies and state-run enterprises is so great in Zimbabwe. The drive toward corporate governance has been fuelled by a number of factors. There is wide recognition that corporate governance can contribute to the economic success of corporations and to their long-term sustainability (going concern). It is also recognised that good corporate governance can enhance corporate responsibility and improve the reputation of companies, which in turn can attract local and foreign investors. Corporate governance is also seen as a deterrent to corruption and unethical business practices that has scared our business image.( WOYO MANNERS 2013) The market discipline and transparency...
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...Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance (FINM024) Assessment 1 – Case Study Aim: The case study aims at testing students’ understanding of the role of corporate governance in today’s business, how to establish good corporate governance practices, how to maintain an effective internal control system and assess control risk, and how to protect the organisation against fraud. Instructions: Students are required to read the case carefully before attempting the questions. All sources used must be cited using the ‘Harvard Referencing Guide’ in order to avoid plagiarism. Students MUST structure their answers as required. Please try to avoid language and grammatical mistakes, writing incorrect answers, and writing more than what is needed. Please read the questions carefully before answering them. Academic Honesty: Plagiarism will not be tolerated and could lead to your failure, so please make sure to use your own words in answering the case and to cite all the sources used. Please refer to Harvard Referencing guide to understand how to properly cite the sources used. Deadline and Submission: The deadline for submission is 10th April, 2015. All submissions have to be via Turnitin on NILE. Any submissions via email will be automatically discarded without prior notice. Students are only allowed to submit their assignment once, so no draft submissions will be accepted. Late submissions will not be accepted. If there are circumstances beyond the student’s control that deprive...
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...Corporate Governance What is Corporate Governance? Corporate governance is the set of processes, customs, policies, laws, and institutions affecting the way a corporation is directed, administered or controlled. Corporate governance also includes the relationships among the many stakeholders involved and the goals for which the corporation is governed. The principal stakeholders are the shareholders, management, and the board of directors. Other stakeholders include labor(employees), customers, creditors (e.g., banks, bond holders), suppliers, regulators, and the community at large. Objectives & Principles : Corporate governance is a major concern in the Asia and Pacific region, especially in the aftermath of the 1997 Asian financial crisis. The size and frequency of recent corporate governance debacles show that poor governance is not only a formidable hurdle to surmount but is also at the forefront of economic development issues. Ten core principles have been listed by Asian Development Bank (ADB). An attempt has been made to model the principles in a manner consistent with global best practice. Principle 1: Performance Orientation The principal objective of business enterprises is to enhance economic value for all shareholders by making the most efficient use of resources. A company that meets this shareholder value creation objective will have greater internally generated resources, improving its prospects for meeting its environmental, community, and social...
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...ROLE OF MEDIA IN PROMOTING GOOD GOVERNANCE Media are the storage and transmission channel or tool used to store and deliver information or data. Media are (mostly) non state actors who define themselves apart from the state and from all other societal actors (what Edmund Burke described as a “fourth estate”, distinct from government, church and electorate). While this notion of free and independent media acting on behalf of the citizen against both state and other interests is a widespread ideal, the reality of most media worldwide is complex, rapidly changing and extraordinarily diverse. Media can consist of everything from national newspapers to student magazines, global broadcasters to community radio, websites and blogs to social networks and virtual communities, citizen journalists to government mouthpieces. This briefing focuses principally on media – and to a lesser extent on linked information and technologies - at a national level within developing countries. The term media refers to several different forms of communication required to educate and make a socially aware nation. The communication forms can be radio, television, cinema, magazines, newspapers, and/or Internet-based web sites. These forms often play a varied and vital role in our society. GOVERNANCE Recently the terms "governance" and "good governance" are being increasingly used in development literature. Bad governance is being increasingly regarded as one of the root causes of all evil within our...
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