...The Haliaeetus leucophelaus, commonly known as the American Bald Eagle, is the only eagle that is indigenous to North America. This majestic bird of prey, the emblem of our county, was once on the brink of extinction despite its lack of natural predators. The bald eagle is one of the few species that has been removed from the Endangered Species list due to successful recovery efforts. Within the temperate deciduous forest of United States, the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge is home to the largest population of breeding bald eagles north of Florida (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service , n.d.). Identification Despite the distinct markings of the mature bald eagle, identification between male and female can be difficult. Immature bald eagles can be even more difficult to identify as they do not have the distinct white head that the adult eagles do. Another factor that can make identification of young eagles challenging in the area of observation is the similarities to the Golden Eagle that, while not as prevalent, also reside in the biome. (Clark, 1983). Mature Adults Mature adult bald eagles have distinct white plumage on their head and tail. The bill, legs and feet are bright yellow while the body and wings are dark brown. Female bald eagles are larger than males, with wider wingspans of 6 ½ to 7 feet versus 6 to 6 ½ feet in males and weigh 10-14 pounds versus 8-10 pounds in males. (Seattle Audubon Society, n.d.). Immature Bald Eagles Immature bald eagles plumage...
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...UNIT TWENTY - ONE GENERAL AVERARE AND THE YORK-ANTWERP RULES The origin of the word “Average" is lost in the mists of time. Various theories have been put forward to explain its derivation, but in general, under the law and practice of all maritime nations, it may be taken to mean material damage or pecuniary loss suffered in the course of maritime adventure. The terms Particular and General denote the character of the loss. Broadly speaking, they are defined as follows: | |Particular Average is a partial loss | |General Average is a partial loss | |1. |due to purely accidental causes. e.g., stranding, fire, |1. |voluntarily and reasonably incurred in time of peril | | |collisions etc.; | |for the safety of the joint adventure; | |2. |which is borne by the owners of the property damaged, |2. |which is contributed to by the owners of all property | | |e.g., ship or cargo, as the case may be. | |saved, e.g., ship, freight and cargo. | Particular Average, then, is an accidental loss which concerns only the owner of the property damaged and, if the cause of the damage is an insured peril, his underwriters. General Average, on the other hand, is the result of a voluntary act, and the loss is subject to contribution by the owners of all the property saved by the General Average...
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...Assessment Process and Need Statement Introduction of Need The House of Ruth is a non-profit organization that is a safe and supportive organization. The organization provides temporary refuge for battered women and children that are in danger of or at risk of homicide (hruth.org). The recovery process begins immediately once the victim enters the facility. The main goal for the client is to become psychologically and financially independent. The women are given the tools and services to work through trauma, begin to plan for self-sufficiency, and expand her capacity to grow through involvement in enrichment and wellness programs (hruth.org). The House of Ruth provides a wide array of services and support which are not limited to, Safe environment, Safety planning, Follow-up support, Caseworkers/advocacy, Referrals, Outreach programs, Court support, Transitional housing, Assistance with securing and maintain long term stable housing. There is a need of urgency to provide more housing availability to abused victims and children. The House of Ruth offers transitional housing that assist abused women that have made a life altering choice of leaving an abusive relationship to seek refuge to a safer environment for the sake of their lives and child safety. Women involved in domestic abuse are in need of help to establish an independent life. Through the House of Ruth two year subsidized rental assistance program, a dream can become a reality. Community involvement The House of Ruth...
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...Imagine the world falling apart just from one animal going extinct. It could happen if we don’t keep these wolves safe and out of harm's way. The Red Wolf is smaller and thinner than their cousins which is the gray wolf. They are the most endangered carnivore causing them to lose more than 99.7% of their territory. Their diet contains small mammals and deer. These wolves are nocturnal and communicate by marking their scent and sending out vocalizations. They are very shy and secretive, they also tend to form bonds for life and protect each other. The size of their packs varies between who gets chosen (Defenders of Wildlife). These wolves are very distinct animals and have many unique traits. This species once ranged from eastern Texas...
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...One of the most endangered wild Canidaes on earth is the North American red wolf; known by the scientific name of Canis Rufus. The reasons for this are the lack of natural environment for them to roam, the lack of food due to human hunting, an intensive predator control program, and the interbreeding of the red wolf and coyotes in the wild. There is one thing that is being done to help the recovery of the species and that is the restoration program. That along with other projects could help bring back the red wolf from the brink of extinction. The red wolf is one of two wolves native to North America, the other one being the gray wolf. They get their name from the reddish tint they have in their fur mostly behind the ears and on the legs and neck. Their size is in between the coyote and the gray wolf. The average adult is around 4 feet long from the end of their tail to the tip of the nose, and 26 to 31 inches tall at shoulder height. Average weight is between 50 to 80 pounds. They tend to hunt alone or in small packs of 5 to 8 individuals; often the individuals are the pups from the breeding pair. The breeding pair or alpha male and female are likely to mate for life. The gestation period for the red wolves is 60 to 63 days, mating season is late winter and the litter size varies from 2 to 8 pups. Only having one litter a year could be seen as a problem but there is nothing that can be done to change that. Their diet consists mainly of small animals such as raccoons...
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... Acting Locally My father was a teacher. He would take the family on educational camping trips to learn about the environment. One of the trips that was most memorable is the trip to Death Valley in California. Death Valley is an amazing place to visit if you love nature. There is so much to see and learn about. You will see faults, geologic formations, sand dunes, salt flats, and so much more. Death Valley has the lowest elevation in the United States. Death Valley dates back to the Ice Age and was covered by ice. It contains many species and beautiful landscapes. Ash Meadows is a wetland region with springs, small reservoirs, and streams. “The meadows are protected as national wildlife refuge principally for the many types of birds found there, but they also support fish, lizards, and various mammals, and provide the sole United States habit for no fewer than 24 species.” (americansouthwest.net, 2013) Devils Hole is a flooded cave entrance which provides the only remaining habitat for the endangered species the Devils Hole Pupfish (Cyprinodon diabolis). Farming has caused a dramatic drop in the water level in the Ash Meadows. This drop threatens to expose spawning and feeding shelves of the Pupfish. The Pupfish has been around for thousands of years and calls this restrictive environment home. The water level changes caused by barometric pressure, evaporation, precipitation, tide forces and pumping from nearby farms. A fragile...
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...Rasuwa districts. Adding woes to already suffering quake victims, on Wednesday the strong storm in Gorkha and Rasuwa districts two of the earthquake severely hit districts blew away hundreds of temporary structures where the earthquake survivors were settling. In Gorkha, Barpak, the epicentre of the April 25 earthquake, and neighbouring VDCs like Laprak, Gumda, Kerauja, Lapu, Uhiya, Thumi, Manbu, Sirdibas, Kashigaun in Gorkha were greatly affected as the strong wind ripped through the district. In Rasuwa, Dhunche, Haku, Syaphru, Goljung, Gatlang, Chilime, Thuman, Bridim among other VDCs were affected. People are forced either to take refuge in caves or spend night under open sky. Roofs of a number of schools and health facilities were also tossed. Some villagers sustained injuries. Human Rights Alliance wishes for the speedy recovery of the wounded and the losses. Human Rights Alliance urges all the human rights community as well as those advocating for protection and promotion of human rights as well as reconstruction to fully involve in the rescue, and rehabilitation of the victims on humanitarian ground. We especially urge the Government of Nepal to ensure immediate rescue and rehabilitation of the victims by launching relief activities including treatment of the injured and food and shelter for losing the same on massive scale keeping in mind the respect, protection and fulfillment of all human rights of all, prioritizing the needs of women, children, people ...
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...5 Things About Gospel Singer Donnie McClurkin Photo Credit: Donnie McClurkin is recognized as one of the world’s best Gospel music artists with millions of albums sold all over the world. He has won 3 Grammy, 11 Stellar, 4 BET, 3 Dove, and 4 NAACP Image Awards. McClurkin is also a prominent minister who was born in South Carolina and raised in Amityville. Here are some things you should know about him. 1. He had a difficult childhood. At only 8 years old, he lost his brother to an accident. Meanwhile, he and his two sisters were abused by their relatives. His family at the same time battled severe drug and alcohol abuse. Consequently, the church become his only refuge. He attended the Bethel Gospel Tabernacle, Assemblies of God and committed his life to the Lord....
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...Ethical Saw believes that the SMRT team can play a part in environmental sustainability (SMRT 2008). SMRT thus came up with the new Euro V bus which signifies the company’s initiative to go green. This fleet of Euro V buses will reduce the amount of harmful pollutants that are emitted into the environment as a result of the operations of the buses (Channelnewsasia 2008). Society today expect organisations to do business in more responsible ways and by introducing the Euro V bus, Saw has proven her stand on ethical leadership. Ho believes that “ businesses can, if morally driven and passionately executed, be a positive force in making this a world of greater equality and prosperity for all in the community” (Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts 2008). Banyan Tree has received a lot of environmental awards, starting from 1992-2008. For example, the PATA Gold Award 2008 Ecotourism Project category." (Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts 2008) Ho kept the environment in mind when designing and constructing his resorts. A situation when he displayed his ethical leadership will be when building the Banyan Tree resort in the Maldives. He ensured that the fragile coral reefs that surrounded the Maldives were protected. Apart from this, the Banyan Tree design team also came up with innovative roofs that took into consideration the environmental concerns of the Maldives. (Hospitality Industry in Asia) Mr Ho always ensured that factors in the external environment are not affected as a result...
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...How Oil Prices are Established Did you realize that at our current consumption of crude oil and at our current status of known reserves, we have approximately 40 years of reserves remaining? This is a startling fact when we take into account all the products that are produced from refined crude oil or from its by-products. Many people are aware of the price increases they feel at the gas pump, but has anyone ever considered the cost or investment put forth in finding new reserves? Under the right conditions, oil would sometimes seep up to the surface, but in our times, the search for new reserves is more costly and dangerous. When considering how the price of crude oil and its by-products are determined, one must first look at the quantities available and the amount required by its users. Crude oil by itself is not a valuable product. The products that are refined from crude oil are where the value lies. Crude oil is refined down into such products as gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, propane and various flammable gasses, perfumes and insecticides. Some refined products from crude oil are also used as feed stocks in the production of other products like animal feed, plastics and other household items. With the expanding economies of various countries like China and Russia (Brown and Virmani 2007), the demand for these products has risen dramatically over the past four to five years. Many nations classified as third world countries are also increasing their need. Unfortunately...
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...Endangered Species Our planet earth has produced many wonderful and bewildering things. Our planet was once lush of vegetation, plants and amazing animals. There are numerous plants and animals that are now extinct, either due to natural selection, climate change, or urbanization. Knowing this, we should not take advantage of what earth has to offer, this includes animals that are now endangered species. According to Richard T. Wright, “endangered species is a species that has been reduced to the point where it is in imminent danger of becoming extinct if protection is not provided (page 254). Although some animals may seem unimportant to most, many of these animals are what help keep the earth’s ecosystem in equilibrium. There is much controversy on endangered species and the devastation of their habitats. Before someone establishes their own opinion on the subject matter, it must be understood what an endangered species is and how it came to be, along with the controversy between it. Endangerment is a very broad issue that involves habitat, the surrounding environment and the interaction between other species. There are many factors that have lead to endangerment and possible extinction to earth’s animals. One of the biggest factors is habitat destruction. Habitats are constantly changing due to the earth’s constant change in climate and movement, although that is only a slight change. The biggest component to habitat destruction is the result from human activity...
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...Internally displaced people returning to their homes following the end of fighting in Sudan’s Blue Nile state between the Sudanese army and fighters allied to Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), the dominant force in newly independent South Sudan. (Photo: REUTERS/Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah, September 2011) Internal displacement in Africa Burundi p. 41; Central African Republic p. 42; Chad p. 43; Côte d’Ivoire p. 44; Democratic Republic of the Congo p. 45; Ethiopia p. 46; Kenya p. 47; Liberia p. 48; Niger p. 48; Nigeria p. 49; Senegal p. 50; Somalia p. 50; South Sudan p. 51; Sudan p. 52; Uganda p. 53; Zimbabwe p. 54 In 2011, IDMC monitored internal displacement in 21 subSaharan African countries. There were an estimated 9.7 million IDPs in these countries, representing over a third of the world’s total internally displaced population. Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Somalia continued to be the countries with the largest internally displaced populations in Africa. The number of IDPs in Africa in 2011 was down from 11.1 million a year earlier, continuing a sustained downward trend since 2004 when there were over 13 million. Violent struggles between groups vying for access to natural resources, land and political representation and power were among the root causes of most of these displacements. These struggles were manifested either by armed conflicts pitting governments and their armed forces against armed opposition groups, or by inter-communal...
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...valid your information is. Actions have to be in place to ensure no miscommunications. The person appointed to deliver the message has to know audience and be good representative for the company. The owners of a Chilean Cooper Mine were faced with natural disaster in 2010, there mine caved in and left 33 workers trapped for 2 months. They were faced with delivering the message worldwide. A gold and copper mine near the northern city of Copiapó, Chile caved in, trapping 33 miners in a chamber about 2,300 feet below the surface. For 17 days, there was no word on their fate. As the days passed, Chileans grew increasingly skeptical that any of the miners had survived — let alone all of them. But when a small bore hole reached the miners’ refuge, they sent up a message telling rescuers they were still alive. (Chile Mining Accident 2010). For 17 days families, employees and the media were all skeptical if the miners were still alive. Many families were concerned and anxious for answers. At the time of relaying the message to families their cant be any miscommunications due to the sensitivity of the subject. Credible information needs to be delivered. Before answering and deposing of information all sources have to be verified. Any incorrect information can be a quick lawsuit. Employees need to be informed immediately. The employees need to also know that the company is supportive of them, as well as the ones in danger. The employees need to know the company...
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...Japan. The U.S. responded to the Holocaust. A new mission came about for WWII and that was to unleash the upcoming atomic bomb on Japan. Their plan was to drop bombs in hopes that it would be so powerful it might bring the war to an end (Class notes 3/25-4/1). Industrially, America had a long way to go in order to be ready to fight in a second world war. Roosevelt and his advisers started a draft which enlisted millions of Americans in the armed-forces. This would be fighting strength to the U.S. for a two-front war (The American Promise pg 903). To mobilize America economically, Roosevelt had to put aside the New Deal and started transforming the economy into a military machine. The New Deal was achieved by full employment and economic recovery which were goals that the New Deal had avoided. Factories strained to increasing numbers of bombs, tanks, ammunition ships and airplanes(The American Promise pg 921). Roosevelt needed our country to mobilize not just industrially for war but also politically. There was great fear of espionage against the U.S. particularly by Japanese Americans. Thus on February 19, 1942, Roosevelt issued an order that authorized all Americans of Japanese decent to be sent to ten internment camps. Even though a previous survey had confirmed that Japanese Americans were of no threat to America, Roosevelt still took precautions (Class notes 3/1). News of the Holocaust came as a shock to most Americans. They initially responded in disbelief. Most people...
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...independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1832 Greece has spent more than half its years in default. For generations the Political system in Greece has been driven by public service jobs. Politicians regularly handed out favors in the form of government jobs to attain votes. They also made working for the state an attractive proposition with better wages than the private sector and retirement after 25 years of service. This effectively meant that if you started working after completing university you could retire before the age of 50. This is a clear example of country club style leadership. In recent years the promises made by new political leaders led some to believe that change may have been on its way and Greece could be on the road to economic recovery. As it turns out the new promises of a new government were broken, just like those of previous administrations. Continually the world finds misguided leadership in Greece. Politicians focused on appealing to Greece’s citizens short term happiness in attempts to earn political favor rather than addressing the more important task of developing a plans to avoid bankruptcy, lower its debt ratio, and stabilize its economy. For decades Greece was able ignore these tasks by selling bonds to fund...
Words: 1919 - Pages: 8