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Red Bull


Submitted By suren14j
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Red Bull History and Ingredients….

Buyer Behaviour - MKT2600D Surenthiran Theannilawu - THSUD11

Contents Introduction 2 History of Red Bull 2 Ingredients 5 1. Taurine 5 2. Glucuronolactone 5 3. Caffeine 5 Buyer Behaviour Theory - Classical Conditioning 6 1. Definition 6 References 8

This report is a summary of the presentation that has been given out by me on the topic of Red Bull history and Ingredients. Red Bull “Gives You Wings…..” perhaps one of the most known slogans these days. Red bull headquarters is based
See, near
Austria.Approximately 4.6
billion cans
year where the product is available around the globe in 164 countries.
I have analyzed how a drink which was sold to truck drivers and laborers in Thai become a globally well-known no.1 energy drink. And thereafter I have discussed about the ingredients of Red Bull its benefits and drawbacks.
In spite of a lot critics faced by Red Bull, it currently holds the no.1 position in energy drink selling more than 4.6 billion cans around 164 countries according to Red Bull Official Web site. Perhaps, Red Bull is next best well known drink after Coke. This report basically outlines the history of Red Bull, the ingredients, and followed by a buyer behavior theory which I have applied to get more clarity and insight on this topic.
History of Red Bull

The product was actually founded way back in 1960s by a Thailand business man Chaleo Yoovindhya who passed away recently on March 17, 2012 at the age of 89 in Bankgok. In 1962, Chaleo developed an uncarbonated drink made with sugar and caffeine called Krating Daeng which means Red Bull in Thai. This product was copycat to Japanese energy drink Liptovian – D. Krating Daeng quickly became a very successful product with truck drivers and laborers.Chalo

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