...Reed Elsevier is one of the world leading providers of medical, scientific, legal, technological and business solutions, consulting and providing expertise advice and business solutions for all kinds of businesses. Reed Elsevier was established in 1993 when two companies, Reed Elsevier plc and Reed Elsevier NV combined to form two jointly owned companies (parent companies). First, a UK’s based, Reed Elsevier Group PLC which is equally shared and consists of publishing and information businesses. Second, Elsevier Reed Finance BV which manages the financing activities and is owned 61% by Reed Elsevier NV and 39% by Reed Elsevier PLC. Both of the parent companies have attained their separate identity and are listed separately in the stock market. The company started as two separate organisations, Reed Elsevier plc was started as Reed International and was laid down by Albert E Reed in 1894 in Kent as a newsprint manufacturer. The company underwent several acquisitions to diversify in its operation to finally reorganizing its portfolios and becoming the most recognized company in the publishing industry. On the other hand, Reed Elsevier NV started off as Elsevier NV was formed by Jacobus George Robbers in 1880 as a Dutch publisher which gained support from well known Dutch booksellers and newspapers, later concentrating on business publishing activities and disposing the commercial and book publishing activity. In 1993, both these companies contributed their expertise to form a...
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...Merrill Lynch The Dual Listings July 2002 EVENT DRIVEN & EQUITY ARBITRAGE SALES FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Trades Examined: UK - Netherlands Reed Elsevier NV (REN NA) vs Reed Elsevier Plc (REL LN) Royal Dutch Petroleum (RDA NA) vs Shell Transport & Trading Co Plc (SHEL LN) Unilever NV (UNA NA) vs Unilever Plc (ULVR LN) UK - Australia BHP Billiton Ltd (BHP AU) vs BHP Billiton Plc (BLT LN) Brambles Industries Ltd (BIL AU) vs Brambles Industries Plc (BI/ LN) Rio Tinto Ltd (RIO AU) vs Rio Tinto Plc (RIO LN) Introduction: The purpose of this report is to provide a basic overview of the dual-listing environment, highlighting the nature of company structures involved, why the structures were adopted and how they work. Contents: Page 1. Frequently Asked Questions 2 2. Why do Dual Listed Companies Exist? 4 3. Dual Listing Structures 5 4. Currency Risk 6 5. Terminology 7 6. Factors Affecting Performance 8 Appendix 1: Stock Specific Data A.1 Reed Elsevier NV vs Reed Elsevier Plc 10 A.2 Royal Dutch NV vs Shell T&T Plc 12 A.3 Unilever NV vs Unilever Plc 14 A.4 BHP Billiton Ltd vs BHP Billiton Plc 16 A.5 Brambles Ind. Ltd vs Brambles Ind. Plc 18 A.6 Rio Tinto Ltd vs Rio Tinto Plc 20 Glossary of Terms 22 1. Frequently Asked Questions Q. What is a dual listed structure? Where a company is listed on two exchanges it is referred to as a...
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...Research Synthesis Template Quotation 1: Cultural Influences |Part A: | |'In an interview with Publishers Weekly, Sebold said that writing The Lovely Bones "was a delight, because I loved my main | |character so much and I liked being with her. It was like having company. I was motivated to write about violence because I | |believe it's not unusual. I see it as just a part of life, and I think we get in trouble when we separate people who've | |experienced it from those who haven't. Though it's a horrible experience, it's not as if violence hasn't affected many of us."' | |Part B: | |I think this means that she is not afraid to express her thoughts and beliefs on violence, because she believes violence is now | |apart of everyone's life, and that it affects everyone in some way. | |Part C: | |This connects to the universal truth that no one lives in a perfect world because it shows how she believes no one is perfect | |for violence is within society. That through this violence, no one can be completely living within a perfect...
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...Competitive Intelligence At Lexis-Nexis Submitted to: Ms. Marian Pio Submitted by: Lourdes Andrada Paolo Garces Ji Hyeon Kim (Leila) Victor Kim Jevan Sugue Julia Valenzuela Koko Victory Table of Contents Background of the Company 3 Background of the Business Intelligence Undertaking: Challenge 5 Background of Business Intelligence Undertaking: Solution 6 Sources 6 Background of the Company As a market leader with a significant revenue base to protect, Lexis-Nexis certainly understand the value of competitive intelligence. A source of real time and archival information for 26 years, with 1998 revenues of $1.3 billion, the Lexis-Nexis Group provides customers with highly structured information tools. Our mission is to be the preferred provider of decision support information and services to professionals in legal, business, and government markets. We are comprised of companies operating either within Lexis Publishing (for the legal profession) or the Nexis business unit (serving business, government, and academic markets). Their brands guarantee access to information from authoritative sources, enriched with enhancements such as indexing, linkages, and segmentation. Lexis-Nexis is a large group, global organization with about 8,000 staff in 63 locations, and all 8,000 staff members have access to our CI tools through our internal corporate intranet. Lexis-Nexis have 1.8 million subscribers, excluding the two-thirds of the U.S. undergraduate...
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...Tolley® Exam Training UK CORPORATION TAX CHAPTER 10 CHAPTER 10 INTEREST ON LATE PAID TAX AND REPAYMENTS This chapter looks at interest and in particular it covers: – interest on late paid tax and repayments; – the effect of losses carried back. In this chapter both FY 2013 and FY 2014 rates will apply 10.1 Introduction Interest runs from the due date for payment to the actual date of payment of the tax where corporation tax is paid late. FA 2009, Sch 53 So, if tax due on 31 March 2015 is paid on 1 April 2015, interest runs from 31 March to 1 April and is charged for one day, as the payment was one day late. This applies to all payments of corporation tax – whether the company pays by instalments or not. So small companies, which are required to pay their tax 9 months and 1 day after the end of the chargeable accounting period, will also be charged interest where they pay that tax late. HMRC charges interest at an interest rate calculated as bank base rate plus 2.5%. The current rate is 3%. Repayments of overpaid tax receive repayment interest at an interest rate calculated as bank base rate minus 1%, with a minimum rate of 0.5%. The current rate is 0.5%. FA 2009, Sch 54 10.2 Interest on instalments Problems are experienced particularly by larger companies, as tax due by instalments is based on the tax liability of the current year, yet the payments are made during the year. A company will therefore have the problem of estimating its tax...
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...© 2012 Reed International Books Australia Pty Limited trading as LexisNexis. Ancillary for Australian Insolvency Law 2nd ed by Symes and Dun Suggested answer to end of chapter problem, and Examiner’s tips - by Christopher Symes © 2012 Reed International Books Australia Pty Limited trading as LexisNexis. Permission to download and make copies for classroom use is granted. Reproducing or distributing any material from this website for any other purpose requires written permission from the Publisher. Chapter 9 – Deeds of Company Arrangement Example problem Sheilabeerite Skip Pty Ltd was a waste removal company whose directors appointed Ben as their administrator. The second meeting of creditors in June has agreed to a DoCA of nine months’ duration with Ben as deed administrator. The DoCA proposes to sell some collection areas in which the company operated but that were considered unprofitable. This would mean reducing the current workforce by four drivers. It also proposes that the company move to a service contract with each of its customers and drop the casual one-off service it offered to anyone who rang or otherwise approached the company. The DoCA contained a clause that employees would discount their long service leave entitlements by 50 percent in an attempt to assist the restructure. Ben has had no experience administering a DoCA with such a clause and he is uncertain of the expectations of him as administrator. Another clause in the DoCA provides that unsecured...
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...Group Interim Report Group Name Date submitted Client’s name Executive summary of the changes you are proposing with a rationale for the changes. Portfolio 1 Portfolio 2 SOURCE ----------------------- 27/10/2013 Group 20: Girls’ Power David King Markowitz portfolio theory (MPT) is a theory on how risk-averse investors can construct portfolios to optimize or maximize expected return based on a given level of market risk, emphasizing that risk is an inherent part of higher reward. According to Markowitz portfolio theory, investors attempt to maximize portfolio expected return by analyzing risk, return, correlation and diversification...
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..._______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Report Information from ProQuest 22 August 2012 04:09 _______________________________________________________________ Table of Contents 1. Carbon tax: expert sees opportunities for energy management suppliers................................................... 1 22 August 2012 ii ProQuest Document 1 of 1 Carbon tax: expert sees opportunities for energy management suppliers Author: Hodgkinson, Steve. Publication info: Manufacturers' Monthly (Jul 2011). ProQuest document link Abstract: Putting aside the politics of how best to design Australia's strategy for transitioning to a greener economy, the Government's Climate Change Plan finally gives businesses some clarity over the imperatives to invest in technology to reduce CO2 emissions.For most organisations this means that they will need to invest in systems to monitor operational processes and to analyse and report on their energy consumption, the energy efficiency of production facilities and offices and their overall CO2 emission... Links: Linking Service Full Text: Putting aside the politics of how best to design Australia's strategy for transitioning to a greener economy, the Government's Climate Change Plan finally gives businesses some clarity over the imperatives to invest in technology to reduce CO2 emissions.For most organisations this means that they will need to invest...
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...For this assignment I decided to search for a topic related to my class project, ERP. I used Google.com to search for information on the topic. The return results were plenty subsequently I decided to repeat the search using Google.com/scholar. Google scholar is a search engine that allows you to perform a board search using scholarly literature. Google Scholar categorizes documents using the same methodologies of researchers. I selected the one of the articles that returned at the top of the results list, ERP plans and decision-support benefits from Sciencedirect.com. The website reminded me of many websites that I have visited before to perform research for papers. Although the article was published in 2005 the information is still valid today. The website provides users with a link to both author’s credentials. The website links to an article provides extensive detail regarding ERP and the benefits of implementing the systems. Science Direct is a science based website, however the articles are written in a language which all visitors can understand. Visitors are provide with an abstract of the article and allowed to view the entire text by purchasing rights to the article or becoming a member of their website. In reading the abstract I felt that the article and source were both credible. The article provides source verification and knowledge of the subject. This website provides users with links to third party sponsored links for additional research. I believe this is a...
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...Zzzzzzzzzzzvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvsfsfdssdfsdgkadfuytafuashshfusafaufahfuashfsahfusssssssssssssssehgehed8ieegdsScreen-reader users, click here to turn off Google Instant. 1. +You 2. Search 3. Images 4. Maps 5. Play 6. YouTube 7. News 8. Gmail 9. Drive 10. Calendar 11. More 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. | ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form | | | Bottom of Form 1. 2. Sign in Web Images Maps MoreSearch tools 1. * * * * About 19,900,000 results (0.16 seconds) Search Results 1. toyota global - 10 results for “crm” | TOYOTA MOTOR ... www.toyota-global.com/webservice/tg/dc/en/search?q=crm 10+ items – 10 results for crm. Salesforce.com and Toyota Form Strategic ... www2.toyota.co.jp/en/news/11/05/0523.html - 16k | www2.toyota.co.jp/en/news/11/05/0523.pdf - 42k | 2. Successful International CRM – Toyota Case Study www.theidm.com › Resources › Presentations Jun 23, 2006 – Successful International CRM – Toyota Case Study. On 22 June 2006, Graham Hill an advisor to CRMGuru.com and a principle with Sophron ... 3. Toyota Crm Free Ebooks (pdf, doc, ppt, pps, xls and etc.) ebookbrowse.com/to/toyota-crm Found 4 files for toyota crm.Review these results or try to change your...
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...Accountability inside the health care industry Accountability by definition can best be described as “the perception of being held answerable for one’s actions or decisions” (Gelfand, Lim, and Raver, 2004, pg. 138). Unfortunately, for some Americans the terms “accountability” or “accountability standards” appear to be nothing more than cleverly marketed buzzwords that are used to fool imprudent consumers into a believing that there is a system of proper checks and balances within American businesses (Hughes, 2004). After all, for years the American public has taken a front roll seat to watch business after business fold because their company executive were brought up on charges of accounting fraud, theft, or ethical violations (Valentine, Godkin, Page, and Rittenburg, 2008). The cynicism of these detractors is clearly understandable, considering that to date only a handful of executives have been successfully prosecuted or charged with a crime. Despite the validity of the detractors argument, there is one fact that these cynics seem to forget and that is, “the concept of accountability dates back to the time of Aristotle”, who back then, contextualized the subject in terms of justice, punishment, and social control (Gelfand, Lim, and Raver, 2004). In fact, accountability is a topic that has been closely aligned with psychology, politics, law, education, health care, and organizational behavior (Gelfand, Lim, and Raver, 2004). Indeed, accountability and accountability...
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...UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY. DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY AND HISTOLOGY. ANAT 3008. MUSCULOSKELETAL ANATOMY. SEMESTER 2, 2011. COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Copyright Regulation WARNING This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of the University of Sydney pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (the Act). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. Do not remove this notice UNIT OF STUDY INFORMATION. UNIT OF STUDY CODE AND TITLE. ANAT 3008. Musculoskeletal Anatomy. UNIT OF STUDY DESCRIPTION AND GOALS. The unit of study is available in semester two of year three in medical science and science degrees and is worth six credit points. The unit provides an opportunity for students to study the macroscopic topographical and systems anatomy of the limbs. The curriculum varies from year to year and other regions and topics are introduced. Emphasis is placed upon the identification and description of structures, the correlation of structure with function and the use of anatomical knowledge in understanding or solving problems in other disciplines. Particular emphasis is given to the innervation of the limbs. The unit also aims to develop the general skills of observation, description, drawing, writing and discussion as they apply to biological structures. The unit builds upon...
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...Privacy policies, code of ethics, insider trading policies. All the policies are consistent with each other. They all want their employees and board members to act ethically. They want their nonpublic information to stay private and prohibit insider information trading. vi. II. Corporate Governance a. Board of Directors i. Mostly External members. Jay Hoag- Technology Crossover Ventures. Timothy Haley- Redpoint Ventures. Ann Mather- MGM holdings Inc. Leslie Kilgore- Linkedln Corporation. Richard Barton- Zillow, Inc. A. Battle- Aspen Institute. Reed Hastings- Chair of board ii. Significant shares on the board are only held by Leslie Kilgore. Reed Hastings and Jay Hoag hold 0. iii. Publically traded iv. Richard Barton-2002 A. Battle-2005 Timothy Haley- 1998 Reed Hastings- 1998 Jay Hoag -1999 Leslie Kilgore- 2000 Ann Mather- 2010 b. Top Management i. Reed Hastings is the Founder and CEO. David Wells is the CFO. ii. Reed Hastings has been the CEO since 1998. He...
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...Reed Hastings is the founder and CEO of NetFlix. Hastings has traveled a long way from selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door, which was his first job after graduating from H.S. in 1978. Hastings went to Bowdoin College where he majored in Mathematics and he graduated in 1983. After graduation, Hastings backpacked along Africa in the Peace Corps where he taught high school math to children. Upon his return from the Peace Corps, Hastings chose to go back to school to receive his master’s degree in computer science from Stanford University. After attending Stanford, Hastings worked for a software company where he invented a tool for debugging software. In 1991, Hastings left the company to pursue his own business endeavor, which was a start-up organization called Pure Software. The purpose of this company was to provide products which would help individuals troubleshoot software. The company was a huge success and was rapidly growing; in 1996 the company merged with another software company and became Pure Atria. Hastings asked to be appointed as Chief Technical Officer, but left shortly after the company was merged. In 1997, Hastings founded Netflix and launched the subscription service in 1999. Netflix was invented when Hastings had a $40 late-fee when he lost Apollo 13 while renting it. Netflix has grown a lot since then; it is a large company known for their innovative practices. The company grew to one million subscribers in less than four years, and reached...
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...Project Proposal The proposed organizations for this project are Netflix and Blockbuster. This research project will demonstrate why the two companies changed to stay in competition. Additionally, this research project will demonstrate how technology obligates organizations to change their business model. Blockbuster opened their first store in 1985 in Dallas, Texas and expanded to operate 6,500 video rental stores (Blockbuster, n.d.). The organization was a competitor in the small video rental stores by providing a wider selection of movies and game rentals. Because of the positive, public acceptance Blockbuster expanded quickly and opened stores across the nation, London and Canada (Blockbuster, n.d.). Netflix was founded in 1997 in Scotts Valle, California. The organization website was launched in April 14, 1998 providing to the public online-per-rental model. Netflix introduced the monthly subscription concept in September, 1999. In February, 2007 Netflix introduced the video-on-demand via the Internet. At the present time Netflix provide services in Canada, Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe. Netflix is recognized to be one of the most successful dot-com ventures (Funding Universe, 2011). ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES Blockbuster was purchased by Dish Network after filing for bankruptcy in late September 2010. The company has closed a large number of stores at it works to create an online video-streaming outlet (Merced, 2010). Blockbuster’s edge over...
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