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Regional Integration for and Against


Submitted By pinky36
Words 527
Pages 3
Regional Integration for and Against
(For)- The ECOWAS is The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is a regional group of fifteen countries, founded in 1975. Its mission is to promote economic integration in development strategies of the countries ("Discover Ecowas", 2007). Some economic changes would include agriculture, natural resources, and telecommunications. Advantages are regional economic integration plays an important role in the economic process and property development in West Africa. The availability of job production will increase with better economic opportunities that could be limited without access to modern energy. Energy is an important part of the system that allows the poor to grow beyond, which will generate and increase their demand for modern energy services. Increasing foreign direct investment will increase competition among poverty stricken countries around the world. They would need to gain environmental, and social economical use of resources. Market growth will promote larger specialization and quicker industry through economies of scale. The development in domestic and foreign direct investment will increase competition of the region within the world economy. Speedy and in depth improvement through increased competition among the collaborating countries will enhance incentives for the readying of recent technologies and strategies of production aboard speedy innovation. Greater regional co-operation in infrastructure comes like energy, can cut back business costs, expedite market integration, promote economic integration and growth and increase the incentives for investment, preferably by an undisclosed sector. Improved energy trade and increased competition of industries could contribute to an enhanced economic process. The completion of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) deals with severe the obliteration poverty and

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