Premium Essay

Relationship Marketing


Submitted By minhtam
Words 750
Pages 3
Case study: tesco

Chapter one 2
1. RM and TM 2
Chapter two 3
2. The company-TESCO: 3
Chapter three 4
3. The Six Markets Model. 4
3.1 Influence markets. 5
3.2 Referral markets 6
3.3 Supplier and Alliance markets. 7
3.4 Recruitment Markets 8
Chapter Four 8
4. Customer relationship. 8
4.1 Loyalty/retention 9
4.2 CRM (Customer relationship management) 12
4.3 The 30 R’s of relationship marketing. (Green-relationship and E-relationship) 13
4.31 Green-relationship (CSR) 13
4.32 E-relationship 15
Chapter Five 15
5. External relationship 15
5.1 Stakeholders 17
5.11 Customers. 17
5.12 Community. 17
Chapter Six 18
6. Internal relationship (Employees). 18
Chapter Seven 20
7.Supply chain (supply chain management) 20
Chapter Eight 21
8. Conclusion and recommendation. 21


GUMMESSON, Evert (2002). Total Relationship Marketing. 2nd ed. Butterworth-Heinemann

TESCOPLC. com (2011). Our history. [online]. Last accessed 2011 December 23 at: VELOUTSOU, Cleopatra. et al. (2002). Relationship marketing: what if? European Journal of Marketing, 36(4), 433-449.

PAYNE, Christopher, and BALLANTYNE (1991). Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann.

THIS IS STAFFORDSHIRE.COM (2010). Government rejects Tesco plans to expand store. [online]. Last accessed 1 January 2012 at: PHILLIPS, Simon (2011). Why retailer Tesco bought a social media company. [online]. Last accessed 1 January 2012 at: FROW, P. and PAYNE, A. (1998). The referral and influence market domains* [online]. Last accessed 1 January 2012 at:

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