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Research Paper On Axel Manica

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Expository writing

The person I look up to is Axel Manica he is sixteen and also in high school. The question for this essay is who is Axel Manica. This essay will describe Axel Manica in an introducing essay. It will describe his friends his personality and him. Also, what he does on a usual basis. This is not stalker-ish it is for a project in language arts. Also, Axel is my best buddy and so that is how I know a lot of information. The first is what does he do for most of the time. So far that I know he usually goes to school most of his time. He also hangs out with me after school most days. We usually play black ops two and three together on the game mode zombies. After he hangs out with …show more content…
The only way I could describe Axel’s personality is free and nice. Not like a hippy where he is loose, but nice and very caring. As well as friendly too, he is very careful around delicate feelings. If you got caught under a rock Axel would be the one to help you. Axel cares about everyone he is the nicest person I know for a long shot. Entirely Axel is a very nice person. And that is one reason I look up to Axel. The last question is what are Axel’s fiends like. Axel’s friends are fairly similar to Axel himself. But most of his fiends may be more hippy or may be less of his friends is Orian he is a very nice person and similar to Axel except he may be a small bit less careful around peoples feelings. And there is Zachary and he is less careful to.but axel is nice so just about everyone likes him, I have never met someone who dislikes him. Axel has lots of different friends overall. The person I look up to is Axel Manica he is sixteen and he goes to high school. Axel has most of his time spent in a day. Also has a very nice personality. Last, he has many genuine friends. He is very kind and genuine unlike most people in life. So that is why I look up to Axel Manica. He is nice and truthful along with kind hearted and

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