Research Proposal on Refugee Issues in Australiaresearch Proposal on Refugee Issues in Australia
Submitted By sirrkeff Words 1998 Pages 8
Research Proposal on Refugee issues in Australia
1. Introduction.
Refugees who are defined as people that are residing outside their countries of origin have a different reason for their migration to other countries. Sometimes referred to as asylum seekers, the individuals commonly seek refuge in other countries as they flee from harsh economic social and political conditions present in their countries of origin.
Since time immemorial, Australia has had international obligations to protect the refugee’s rights starting from how they arrive to where they arrive. The Australian government is internationally obliged under different treaties that ensure that the human rights of the refugees are respected as well as protected. According to (Phillips & Spinks, 2013, p.241), the number of refugees that arrive to Australia by boat is approximately 4586.
Research question, significance and aims of the research (I) Research questions * What accounts for the high number of refugees that arrive to Australia per annum? * What are the necessary actions, to ensure that the management of refugees and asylum seekers that come to Australia is done in the appropriate manner? * Is there a link between the number of refugees that arrive to Australia per year and the quality of service that the refugees receive from the department of immigration and citizenship? (II) Significance The significance of this study is to: * Examine the factors that are responsible for the high number of refugees that come to Australia every year. * Identify the particular factors that are required to ensure that the refugee’s management is done appropriately. * Establish the relationship between the high number of refugees and the quality of service given to them by the immigration department. (III) Aims of the research