Researching Community Psychology
Barbara Avery
Capella University
Table of Content
Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………….4
What is Community Psychology………………………………………………………………….4
Visions and Goals ….......................................................................................................................5
Reflection of Passion ……………………………………………………………………………..4
Research Question……………………………………………………………………………….5
Practices to Assist in Treating Intercity Youths………………………………………………….5.
Technology Impact……………………………………………………………………………….5
Relationship between Behavior of Intercity Youths and Role Models………………………….6
Application of Findings…………………………………………………………………………7
Integration of future Vision and Scholarships…………………………………………………..7
This paper explains the visions and goals of a psychology practitioner who specifies in the Community Psychology. It explores the passions that associated this particular field of psychology. It will define and describe what “Community Psychology” is and the needed skills, abilities, and requirements that associated with the field. While exploring the field of Community Psychology, intertwining the visions and goals of the practitioner with specifics that will assist with the passion to achieve those goals and visions is explored. The practitioner’s compassion for intercity youth’s mindset, their behavioral relationship with positive role models, and practices that can assist with the findings will also be investigated. Finally, the evaluation of the research found and the fit it has on the integration of scholarships in the field of Community Psychology is that in a community with needs there is always room for other practitioner scholar. Through observations of the outcome of the solution to the focused issue, it can be determined that there is a need for individuals to enter the field. Exhibiting and finding ways in which scholarships may be integrated into this field will be essential for finding solutions to other problems in the community.
Nick Saban, the head coach of University of Alabama, who is considered as a community activist was quoted as saying:
“When you invest your time, you make a goal and decision of something you want to accomplish. Whether it is making good grades in school, be a good athlete, be a good person, go down and do some community service and help someone’s who’s in need , whatever it is you are investing your time in that” (Brainy Quotes, 2015). Community Psychology is considered to be rooted from clinical psychology but there is a significant difference between the two. When one describes clinical psychology, it is considered a one on one counseling model. The field of community psychology goes further it focuses on the effect that the community has on the individuals in the community. Community psychology can be beneficial to a psychology practitioner in achieving their goals and visions that consist of making the necessary changes in a community. How one may contribute in this field and make an impact on the community is a foundation to finding practices that may help integrate scholarships and solutions to these issues.
As a scholar practitioner, one must be passionate about the field of psychology they choose. Community psychology engulfs the practitioner’s needs to answer questions such as what effect does the community have on the mindset of black youths? How can their mindsets be changed to a positive view concerning their potential and success in life? These questions correlates with the passion of the field of community psychology. As a community psychology, the need to address issues of black youths concerning their potentials and success in life can be researched. This research can contribute to changing the economic status of many black youths future. The use of the research can assist the community psychologist with finding methods of evaluation to address these issues and integrate scholarships in this field.
Community psychology focuses on assisting or solving problems that effect individuals in the community. The vision of the practitioner may to find a method that will change the mindset of black youths that disregard their potentials for being successful in life. The question is what are some methods or techniques that can assist in accomplishing changing the mindset of these black youths. Finding a solution to this question can have an impact on the community, the field of psychology, and society. By finding solutions or methods to accomplish, this vision may assist with giving these individuals self-worth and the field of psychology will have help to achieve the objective of psychology, which is to solve problems. Society will benefit in that it has productive citizens with self-esteem that may engage in making the country a better place to live.
When researching for practices the article Parker and Maggard (2009) suggest that there are three factors in being successful in making changes, which are domain expertise, social interaction, and opportunities. Domain expertise entails conveying your skills focused to change; the more expertise assists in offering proposals that fit the community. Social interacting extends the skill of influencing others. When involving others in your ideas requires the trust of the individuals, which is what leads to social integration. The third factor opportunities acknowledges that you cannot control your environment but you can control how you engage in it.
Community psychology involves retrieving information and resources that can assist with solving the problem. Technology has become the major source for communicating. Technological tools such as computers, PDA’s, smartphones, and a vast amount of tools are what society has become addicted to today. Community psychologist must communicate and seek individuals to assist with finding the target areas in which to research. The impact that technology will have on the visions and goals set by a community psychologist is overwhelming. For example, for one to find the solution to a problem or issue one may often have a need to research past occurrences. Technology is also the major resource in which data is kept and retrieved when needed.
Research shows that there are various reasons that are associated with the mindsets of black youths and the lack of self-esteem and acknowledgement of their potential. Research has conveyed that the reasoning behind the mental slavery of black youth’s is the need for a transformation of their mindset and offer them guidance so they may take responsibility for their destiny. Pretoria News of South Africa (2015) recently wrote an article depicting some of the reasoning behind the mindset of black youth’s. The article states that in a “global environment being a black youth is neither special nor unique.” It uses references from Bill Hook that defines the world we live in as “white supremacist patriarchal capitalist” system that promotes wealth monopoly, selfishness and greed (The mental slavery, 2015).” The article can be summarized by stating that the reasoning behind the mindsets of some black youths is the denial or acceptance of the stereotypes associated with being black youths such as slaves or oppressed men and women”. With this mentality, the author suggests that there are needed steps to be taken which may be associated with inspirational words spoken by Nelson Mandela “the power is in your hands”. Parker and Maggard (2007), make suggestions on how to make a difference in the disadvantaged urban environment. The article provides information that suggests that because there is a small amount of positive black role models most of the urban youth results to drug sales and violence. The article views deindustrialization as one of the factors that has led to a loss of skilled and semiskilled manufacturing jobs and welfare reform all assist with black youth drug activity and violence. The research gathered also establishes that the focus be on changing the skills of black youths; changing these skills would involve encouraging these youths to increase their focus on education. The research gathered suggest that educating these black youths of the community as a solution to changing the youth mindsets and establishing self-esteem to view their potential and worth as enterprising productive citizens.
To apply these finding there needs to be programs implemented that involve mentoring and providing positive black role models. Parker and Maggard (2007), provide research that substantiates and proves that “decent dads” positive black role models can change the mindset while assisting with changing the economic status of most disadvantage black youths.
Implementing programs to assist in changing the mindset of these youths may be challenging but can offer new pathways to these youths. The advantage of applying and achieving the focused vision is that it opens doors to integrating scholarships. Providing scholarships in the field of Community Psychology will assist communities to finding solutions to the issues that hinder the progress of the individuals.
Community Psychology is a field of psychology that entails the practioner scholar to integrate with the members of a community. The visions of a community psychology practitioner is focus on solving the issues that are associated with the individuals in a specific community. A vision that involves changing the mindsets of urban black youths should involve specific practices. Through research, a practioner may find there are several sources that explore role models and making the mindset over to include guidance.
Brainy Quotes (2015), Community Quotes Retrieved from
Parker, K., & Maggard, S. (2009). Making a Difference: The Impact of Traditional Male Role Models on Drug Sale Activity and Violence Involving Black Urban Youth. Journal of Drug Issues, 39.3, 715-739.
The mental slavery of black youth: We have to transform their mindsets and offer them guidance so they can take responsibility for their destiny. (2007, April 26). The Philadelphia Daily News, p. 20. Retrieved July 28, 2015, from CartF
Violence Coverage Needs Makeover. (2007, April 26). The Philadelphia Daily News, p. 20.