...Sample Cover Letter for Freshers Your Street Address Your City, state, zip Date Person’s Name Company Name Company Address City, State, Zip Dear (Mr./ Ms. Person’s Name): Mr./ Ms. informed me about the post of in your company, . I went through the job requirements listed on , and could relate a lot to myself. I have always been passionate about and being a fresher I believe that I can do very well in the position of . is where I always wanted to work because and . I do believe that I am the right person for this job because and . Since my strengths, , align with the job requirements, I do believe that I’ll be able to do well in this role. I hope to meet you soon for the interview. I’ll give you a call in two days if that’s fine with you. Alternatively, you can call me on to let me know a convenient time to catch up. Thank you. Dear Sir/madam This is in regards to the freshers openings with one of your MNC for the role software tester/software developer.Hence I would like to apply for this position. Presently, at the threshold of my career, with an expected Bachelor of Engineering degree(BE) in Information Science(ISE), I have been researching IT Firms,fit for my professional interests. My key programming strengths are being C,C++,JAVA,J2EE,J2ME,JSP I have done my Certification in Web Component Development using Java programming Technologies and also I have done my certification in developing mobile applications using java from so and...
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...Content Writer Interview Questions and Tips Planning to take up a fulfilling job as online content writer or taking up writing as a career? Well as with all creative pursuits’ content writing also demands a fair bit of creativity apart from consistent quality. But when you have both, writing can be a fulfilling calling indeed. This small content/copy writing interview guide lists the interview questions common to all jobs apart from focusing on the questions more likely to be asked in any interview for a content or Web copy writer. While I was planning to write a small content writing interview guide for a long time what finally made me put my fingers to the keyboard was the truly vast experience gained after giving 11 interviews in 14 days! Persistence does pay at the end of the day. The Getup: As content writing is a relatively informal job, even an informal getup with a semi-formal shirt should do fine. No need for any tie or suit. Punctuality: This is a must irrespective of the job you apply for. Make sure you reach the venue at least 15-20 minutes before the appointed time and put your documents or reference of past work in order and do remember to have an attractive resume in hand. 1) Tell me something about yourself. This is the most common interview question which will almost certainly be asked to any candidate. While it seems a pretty straightforward question many find it the toughest as it’s quite open ended and people fumble when required to speak...
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...As a fresher, you often experience a lot of anxiety before you go to attend an interview. The solution to this anxiety is good preparation. Here are some interview questions which you can expect to be asked during your HR interview with a way to answer them: 1. Did you face any difficulty in finding this place? The interviewer usually asks this question to initiate the talk and put the candidate to ease. You can smile and answer this question by saying: “It wasn’t difficult to find this place.” 2. Tell me something about yourself. This is the most commonly asked first question in any interview and the one which can set a ground for rest of your interview. Include details like: Your education background (not beyond 12th standard), some information about your family – father’s profession, mother’s profession, number of siblings (no need to get into their educational details) and some information about your extracurricular activities or hobbies. 3. Why does this role interest you? Or why have you applied for this job? The purpose of this question is to see if you are really interested in this job or you applied to this job just because you are jobless. Relate the job requirements with your candidature and explain why do you believe you are a suitable candidate for this job. 4. Why do you think should we take you for this job? This is another way of asking the last question. A company will want to hire you if you can add some value to it. So, focus your answer on your skills...
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...Age Discrimination 1 Running Head: Age Discrimination in the Work Place Final Ethics Paper Submitted To: Professor Peru May 28th, 2010 GEB 452 – Organizational Ethics Age Discrimination 2 Abstract In today’s society, many companies are looking for that “Pop”. What I mean by “Pop” is having a fresher, younger mind/ body do the job. Many of the older employees that have been on the job for such a long period of time, are now endangered of losing their positions to that “Pop” that those companies are looking for. Why are they endangered? Because of the fact of many reasons such as, (physical labor, presentation, & not being technical savvy). In this paper I will talk about many different scenarios and the pros and cons of Age Discrimination in the Workplace. Age Discrimination 3 What Is Age Discrimination in the Workplace? Age discrimination in the workplace is the unjust denial of promotions and training for new positions on the basis of age. It also includes unfairly targeting older workers for layoffs or denying older workers benefits such as health care coverage that are provided for younger workers. Although there have been laws against age discrimination on the books since the 1960s, age discrimination is a persistent problem in many workplaces. In fact, according to a survey recently conducted by worldwide placement agency Adecco, age discrimination in the workplace was the most often named form of discrimination by employees. Especially...
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...Management of Soft Skills @ Campus Placement ABSTRACT Every student pursuing a professional career in engineering/management or any other stream has an ambition to obtain a challenging job in a company of repute (a brand name) and make a successful career. The eligibility of any student for campus placement although decides on the basis of his current and past academic performance (i.e. 10th and 12th marks) but his success in the interview is mainly depend on the technical knowledge and mostly on presentation / communication skill/general awareness. This implies the importance of soft skill knowledge at this stage. Basic campus placement activities conduct in three phases. 1. Technical or subject Test 2. Group discussion 3. Personal Interview A group discussion or GD conducted to test following skill of the candidates. • Interpersonal skill-listening, speaking, receptiveness, team spirit etc. • Clarity of thoughts-knowledge and ability to link known fact • Communication skill- coherence And the interview process to evaluate the candidate on various aspects such as goal, attitude, and motivational level ability to react the situation etc. This also helps company to assess the cultural fit between the company and students. This paper will elaborate on exact soft skill required for the students who are ready for placement i.e. final or pre final year students of the college based on four important factors...
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...Distributive Bargaining and Integrative Negotiation Using the strategies of distributive bargaining and the strategies of integrative negotiation, complete the matrices for the challenge provided. Think of two (2) situations in your professional environment or personal life that you would like to see a change in but know there is a lot of resistance to the change. Pretend you have been given an opportunity to negotiate for the change with the CEO of the company. Complete the table below and answer the proceeding questions. 1. Describe the two (2) scenarios you want to see changed. 2. Complete the tables. Table 2a. Strategy and Tactics of Distributive Bargaining DISTRIBUTIVE BARGAINING TACTICS AND STRATEGIES | | Identify the distributive bargaining strategy you will use for each scenario | Identify the tactical task you will use for each scenario | Identify the positions you think you would take during the negotiation | 1 | | | | 2 | | | | Table 2b. Strategy and Tactics of Integrative Negotiation INTEGRATIVE NEGOTIATION TACTICS AND STRATEGIES | | Identify the integrative negotiation process employed for each issue presented in 2a. | Identify the factors that can facilitate a successful integrative negotiation for scenario identified in 2a. | 1 | | | 2 | | | 1. Select one (1) of the scenarios and discuss why the approaches you have selected can lead to a successful negotiation outcome. Your stuff must follow...
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...RECRUITMENT | | A process of finding and attracting capable applicants for manpower requirement. The process started when new recruits are sought. The result is a pool of applications from which new employees are selected. THREE TYPES OF RECRUITMENT a) Planned The needs arising from changes in organization and retirement policy. b) Anticipated Needed when human resource predict manpower requirement by studying internal and external environment. c) Unexpected Resignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to unexpected needs. | RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION DIFFERENCES Employment process include both recruitment and selection phases. The differences between selection and recruitment are: 1. Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization while selection involves the series of steps by which the candidates are screened for choosing the most suitable persons for vacant posts. 2. The basic purpose of recruitment is to create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best organization while the basic purpose of selection process is to choose the right candidate to fill the various positions in the organization. 3. Recruitment is a positive process. It encourages more and more employees to apply WHEREAS selection is a negative process as it involves rejection of the unsuitable candidates. 4. Recruitment is concerned with tapping the...
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...HUMAN RESOURCES MANUAL Human Resources Policy Restricted CHAPTER -1 SECTION – A HRP .1 MEANING OF HUMAN RESOURCES: a. ‘ Planning, sourcing, recruiting, inducting, managing the support of welfare, substantiating and implementing employment rules and inhouse policies, professional growth, disciplining, restructuring hierarchies, managing and controlling conduct, maintaining excellent professional relations, firing --------- all these activities of manpower, is human resources. ‘ HRP. 2 ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN SJPL OPERATIONS: a. ‘ The objectives and vision of SJPL is entirely dependent on the ultimate performance of the several hierarchical team members (employees) at every site and at the workplace. The complete professional commitment and capability of these workers will simply make or break the success of SJPL. b. Having the right inputs given, by selecting the “right person for the right job”, and managing their welfare and growth plays a highly vital role in our operations, which can neither be underestimated nor ignored’. c. Managing and controlling manpower, their performance and behaviour is not only a skill but is a necessity to master. This manual is a guide to such management and the rules hitherto laid down are applicable to every SJPL worker at any project / project office or local area office. HRP .3 LEVELS OF RESPONSIBILITY: a. Human Resources management is controlled and managed overall...
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...CareerCup, LLC Seattle, WA CRACKING THE CODING INTERVIEW, FOURTH EDITION Copyright © 2008 - 2010 by Gayle Laakmann. All rights reserved. Published by CareerCup, LLC, Seattle, WA. Version 3.21090410302210. Visit our website at: www.careercup.com. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews. For more information, contact support@careercup.com. Printed in United States of America 978-1-450-59320-5 9781450593205 (ISBN 13) Table of Contents Foreword Introduction Behind the Scenes The Microsoft Interview The Amazon Interview The Google Interview The Apple Interview The Yahoo Interview Interview War Stories Before the Interview Resume Advice Behavioral Preparation Technical Preparation The Interview and Beyond Handling Behavioral Questions Handling Technical Questions Five Algorithm Approaches The Offer and Beyond Top Ten Mistakes Candidates Make Frequently Asked Questions Interview Questions Data Structures Chapter 1 | Arrays and Strings Chapter 2 | Linked Lists Chapter 3 | Stacks and Queues Chapter 4 | Trees and Graphs Concepts and Algorithms Chapter 5 | Bit Manipulation Chapter 6 | Brain Teasers 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 20 21 23 25 28 29 31 34 37 39 41 44 46 47 49 51 53 56 57 59...
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...1.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Executive summary: While studying the HR procedures it was conspicuous that the recruitment and selection procedures are of greater importance for any organization. As GlaxosmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is an esteemed organization in Nashik the response to recruitment advertisement was huge. During my training period I was a part of recruitment and selection procedure. My primary task was to screen the resumes of the applicants and thus to select the candidates for the interview sessions. The selection procedures included written tests and interviews. After every stage the selected candidates are moved to the next level while the rejected candidates are again called for the feedback. The objective with which the study was conducted are as follows, To understand: 1. The functioning of Recruitment and Selection. 2. To have exposure to recruitment process 3. Whether the recruitment process and selection process are satisfactory or not. The major findings about the recruitment and selection procedures are as follows, * The overall satisfaction level is high. * Job profile communication, evaluation of experience is the factors where Glaxosmithkline is scoring well. * The recruitment is mainly done through print media. * The selection procedures are having three phases. * The executives want the procedure to be future oriented. Following were the suggestions given for the improvement in the procedures. ...
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...Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION INDUSTRY PROFILE BUSINESS CONSULTING In the corporate world the wants and needs of clients are constantly changing, becoming much more complex and specialized. These needs can often exceed workforce and workplace capabilities. When this happens, companies and organizations hire consultants to strategize solutions to business, organizational or industry specific problems Consultants are needed to help create new jobs, expand operations, and start new facilities. In short, consultants help organizations improve their performance These solutions can involve changing a company's problem solving initiatives, altering employee training techniques, and evaluating personal performance. Employee engagement is a key element in this field. A company's ability to build a corporate team with strong leaders will determine a company's ability to find answers to client and market concerns. Consultants help construct these teams and train the individuals in them. These teams and their leaders can then innovate and create new ways to find new customers and markets while keeping the existing ones happy and engaged. The people within the company will also start to think more like business owners and producers all on behalf of a clear strategic direction with adequate capacity to succeed. Areas of Consulting Consulting services include IT (Information Technology) consulting, management consulting, strategy consulting and industry specific consulting. IT consulting...
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...IIBM Institute of Business Management Business Communication www.iibmindia.in SYLLABUS Business Communication S. No. Description 1 Communication in Business Organizations: Introduction; Meaning of Business Communication; Types of Information Exchanged in Business Organizations; Role of Communication in Business Organizations; Importance of Communication in Management of Business Organizations; Scope of Communication in Organizational Setting; Characteristics of Effective Business Communication; Ethical challenges and Traps in Business Communication; Role of Communication in Three Managerial Roles Defined by Henry Mintzberg 2 Nature, Scope and Process of Communication: Introduction; Defining Communication; Nature of Communication; Objectives/Purpose of Communication; Functions of Communication; Process of Communication; Elements of Communication Process; Process of Communication: Models; Thill and Bovee‘s Model of Communication Process; Working of the Process of Communication; Forms of Communication; On the Basis of Expression/Medium Used; On the Basis of Organisational Structure; On the Basis of the Number of Persons 2.13 (receivers); On the Basis of Direction/Flow of Communication 3 Channels and Networks of Communication: Introduction; Channels of Communication; Communication Flow in Organizations: Directions/Dimensions of Communication; The Concept of Ombudsperson; Patterns of Flow of Communication or Networks; Factors Influencing...
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...CITY LIFT LTD Manpower Plannning & Forecasting MGT: 425 Section: 1 Plagiarism Oath Plagiarism is the process of taking someone else’s work and passing it off as your own. Any direct quotes should be put in quotation marks. All resources should be cited using the phrases “information gathered from…” or “source…” followed by the URL from which the information was obtained. All writing should be in my own words unless I have placed it in quotation marks and cited it correctly. All images and photographs copied and pasted from the internet should be properly cited. I realize that failing to cite my sources is plagiarism and plagiarism will result in a grade of ZERO, without the chance to do the assignment over. (Source: http://classroom.kleinisd.net/webs/dcasillas/upload/plagiarism_oath.doc) Group Name: Five Group Leader ID | Name | Contact No | Email Address | 10304045 | TANVIRUL HAQUE TANVIR | 01712865411 | tanvirbuzz@yahoo.com | Please write down all the group members’ name below. Submit the hard copy and email the soft copy of this form at bbsmgt425@gmail.com. Thank You! Group Members’ Name and ID Sl No | ID | Name | Signature | 1 | 10304045 | TANVIRUL HAQUE TANVIR | | 2 | 10304081 | FARHANA FERDOUS ELHAM | | 3 | 10104100 | SHATABDI ROI | | 4 | 10304092 | ADNAN KHALIL FAHIM | | 5 | 11104096 | JANNATUL FERDOUS | | Letter of Transmittal Date: 5th December 2012 To MD.Tanvi Newaz Lecturer BRAC Business School BRAC University...
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...LegalCrystal - Indian Law Search Engine - www.legalcrystal.com Gujarat Steel Tubes Ltd. and Ors. Vs. Gujarat Steel Tubes Mazdoor Sabha and Ors. LegalCrystal Citation : legalcrystal.com/655678 Court : Supreme Decided On : 1979-11-19 Reported in : AIR1980SC1896; (1980)ILLJ137SC; (1980)2SCC593; [1980]2SCR146 Judge : A.D. Koshal,; D.A. Desai and; V.R. Krishna Iyer, JJ. Acts : Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946; Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 - Sections 10A, 11 and 11A Appeal No. : Civil Appeal Nos. 1212, 2089 and 2237 of 1978 Appellant : Gujarat Steel Tubes Ltd. and Ors. Respondent : Gujarat Steel Tubes Mazdoor Sabha and Ors. Advocate for Pet/Ap. : V.M. Tarkunde and; Y.S. Chitale, Advs Excerpt : [A.D. Koshal,; D.A. Desai and; V.R. Krishna Iyer, JJ.] The appellant manufactures steel tubes in the outskirts of Ahmedabad city. It started its business in 1960, went into production since 1964 and waggled from infancy to adulthood with smiling profits and growling workers, punctuated by smouldering demands, strikes and settlement until there brewed a confrontation culminating in a head-on collision following upon certain unhappy happenings. A total strike ensued whose chain reaction was a whole-sale termination of all employees followed by fresh recruitment of workmen defacto breakdown of the strike and dispute over restoration of the removed workmen. As per the last settlement between the management and the workmen of 4th August, 1972, it was not open to the workmen to resort...
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