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Retention in the Hospitality Industry


Submitted By kennyains
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In the hospitality industry, specifically in hotels, the industry faces an increasing high turnover rate. When dealing with the hotel industry, the question arises as to why employees have high turnover. The first task to figuring out hotel employee turnover is to identify what the employee’s needs are and what the industry is doing to meet those needs. The article points out the need for wages. The second point discussed is safety needs. Teams benefit both the employer and the employees. The fourth need defined by Maslow is esteem. The fifth and final need mentioned is the need for self-actualization. Ultimately, the reason why the hospitality industry experiences such high turnover is because most jobs offered in the hospitality industry lack the five basics needs mentioned.

Retention in the Hospitality Industry

In today’s society, most people are in search for that perfect job. Many people want jobs that not only pay well, but also offer great benefits while providing a good balance between work and life. In the hospitality industry, specifically in hotels, the industry faces an increasing high turnover rate. With jobs ranging from front desk tellers, customer service agents, house keeping, maintenance and food and beverage handlers, the result of high turnover can steam from many different factors. When dealing with the hotel industry, the question arises as to why employees have high turnover? Some can speculate but the facts point to specific issues. With so many options and jobs to choose from, what does it take for someone to find that perfect hospitality job? Better yet, what must hospitality companies do in order to attract and retain high quality workers? These questions have been asked for many years. In a recent academic journal published by Industrial Engineer (2010), they

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