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Submitted By slysra
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An Annotated Bibliography for Romeo and Juliet
· The student writing this Annotated Bibliography is doing their essay on the performance aspects of the play. Therefore their annotations will deal with how the material is useful in that area. The annotations in this example are not 150 words but yours MUST be. You would be expected to add such items as useful quotes, passages etc. that you could use in your essay as support for your thesis.

Davis, Lloyd. “’Death-Marked Love’: Desire and Presence in Romeo and Juliet.”
Shakespeare Survey 49 (1996): 57-67. Knowing that the love of Romeo and Juliet will end in tragedy from the onset of the play, it is how the events of the play lead to the tragedy that is the essence of the play. Davis explores the darkness and deceit connected with desire and love.
Holmer, Joan Ozark. “’Draw if you be men’: Saviolo’s Significance in Romeo and
Juliet.” Shakespeare Quarterly 45.2 (1994): 163-189. The fencing material in the play is probably derived from the fencing manual of Saviolo, Vincentio Saviolo his Practise. Salviolo’s ideal view that “condemns male quarrelsomeness as irrational when it pursues personal revenge rather than godly truth and justice” is a source for both tragic and comic elements in the play (189).
Levin, Harry. “Form and Formality in Romeo and Juliet.” Shakespeare Quarterly 11.1 (1960): 3-11. Levin points to the unconventionality of the play. Such scenes include the eavesdropping of Romeo during Juliet’s “intended soliloquy” on the balcony.

**Nevo, Ruth. “Romeo and Juliet.” Tragic Form in Shakespeare. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1972. In tracing the play’s five-act structure, Nevo finds that Romeo and Juliet displays a continuous unfolding action, based on classical models of tragic form. With the reversal of their fortunes, the lovers move through the

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