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Rhetorical Analysis Howard Zinn

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Source: One presents a quote by American historian Howard Zinn. Zinn presents the disapproval of free market economies. This disapproval regards the distribution of wealth and the prominent rise of elitism within present day free market economies. Zinn believes that through current free markets, elitism and the ultra rich present severe harm to society. The invisible hand has favoured the one percentile, leaving the majority of society in economic unrest. Through the quote, the idea of balancing and equalizing is presented. Zinn boils down human necessities to: food, housing, medical care, education, entertainment, and vacations. Economic equalization is one key factor in socialism that Zinn entrenches his opinion in. Historical economists …show more content…
That a construction worker should not build infrastructure due to the need to support their family. Zinn believes that the individual should do their job in support of society, that they alone should be able to take care of themselves and their responsibilities. The ideology presented is very collectivist, valuing society as a whole instead of individual self-made factions. Zinn states nobody needs an extravagant lifestyle. Therefore, present day consumerism would disgust Zinn. The need to buy products such as the newest model of car, or multiple cars would be illogical. Zinn specifically states “what people would need to live a decent life?” Yet also states that entertainment is part of human necessity. This means that over the top consumerism and materialism should not be tolerated, these faculties that feed into free market elitism. Zinn battles the idea that a socialist command-side economy would achieve the greatest good for the greatest number. Source two is a graph titled “Economic Changes Since 1982 in Country X”. The Y-axis is labeled “Percent Change” and the X-axis is labeled …show more content…
In this depiction, Fidel Castro is holding a burning book titled “Communist Manifesto”. It is ironic as Cuba had a bloody violent revolution converting to communism in January first, 1959 led by Fidel Castro. Within the cartoon there is a broken down car that is sitting on cinder blocks. The car has bold letters on the door panels stating “Cuba”. Within the background of this cartoon there is modern infrastructure, suggesting that this cartoon takes place in a modern day Cuba. Furthermore, within the background of the cartoon there are chickens walking on the road, and a man riding in a horse and buggy. The Cartoonist exemplifies a pro-capitalist ideology by presenting a feeling of poverty due to the cause of communism. The car depicted in the cartoon represents the Cuban economy as a whole. That in its state, having no wheels, is not able to progress and keep the economy rolling. The Cartoonist presents the idea that Cuba, through communism, has brought about an economic recession. This point is exemplified through the chickens walking along the road along with the man in a horse and buggy furthermore exemplifying the state of poverty communism has caused. Through communist ways, it has pushed Cuba into an undeveloped third world country. The cartoonist presents the idea that Cuba has entered a crisis state. This idea is exemplified by the man who brought communism

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