Premium Essay

Rhetorical Analysis: Welcome Tattiana

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Pages 5
Imagine walking into a club, music blaring and people dancing around. There are cliques of people huddling up, making small talk, and sipping on their beverages. The club is jam packed, as it is hard for one to squeeze through the crowds to make it to the bar. Finally, at the bar, one purchases a drink and then tries to move to a spot where there is a little more room. As one was to converse with friends, he or she noticed that on a poster on a wall that there will be a performance in the next ten minutes. Ten minutes later, the music dissipated and the lights dimmed into darkness. Soon, a flash of a variety of bright lights appeared and blinds the audience, as a feminine, but audibly a male voice seeps through the speakers, as a silhouette …show more content…
“Welcome Tattiana, ladies!” as the emcee walks to the back of the stage, and the lights, again, fell into darkness. The song Confident by Demi Lovato comes on and Tattiana is surrounded by backup dancers as her back faced toward the audience. Taatiana’s starts lip-syncing to the song and executes flawless choreography with her backup dancers. She moves all around the stage and jumps off the stages to interact with the crowd. The audience holds out dollar bills so Tattiana can get it from them and give them a tiny dance show. Once she collects all the dollar bills—sometimes a rare five dollar bill could be spotted—in the middle of the song, she throws all the bills into the air to make a dramatic statement that money is not all about the performance. Her wig in on tight as she bangs her head up and down to show the audience how good of a job or how her real hair is. As the last beat drops in the song, she tumbles across the stage and poses fiercely with a daunting facial expression to exert her authority on the stage and that she just slayed that performance. The audience goes wild, cheering and clapping! There isn’t any other performance like it, because a male, dressed like a female, looked synonymously like a real woman when dancing and singing and …show more content…
When someone slayed a performance, they put a lot of passion, effort, and energy into their performance. To earn the word slay, one must not rely on their laurels. At every performance, one must always be better in some shape or form—by using an extravagant dress or singing an original song. Someone would say “yaasss…slay girl, slay!” and it would give the performer an extra boost to try to nail the dancing or singing part to impress and satisfy their audience. They do not want to give a mediocre performance and not be remembered much. Each drag queen tries to not only outdo their competition, but themselves every time she is on the stage. Having the appraisal of slaying a performance from the audience tells them they are doing their jobs right. It is obvious if one slayed the performance or not—just by the amount of dollar bills they throw in the air. As what mama Ru would always say, “Slay every performance like it is your

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