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Rikki Tavi Research Paper

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Have you ever seen such an amazing Mongoose with human bravery and strength? In the short story Rikki-Tikki-Tavi is a mongoose with great abilities and Rikki Saves the Day. In order for Rikki to keep his family, friends, and the Garden safe, he risks himself to keep others safe. He showed compassion and bravery when he killed the snakes to keep the garden safe. Then, he made sure to protect the garden so the people and animals would never have to live in fear again. It all started when he washed up from his home in a flood. He was left on the side of the road, where the English family found him. When they found him, they took him to their home. They took him in and took care of him every day. They showed compassion to Rikki. Then, when the time came, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi fought and protected Teddy and the English family.

A young boy named Walt Masters saved the day for Loren Hall at the age of fourteen. It started when his father left Walt to go buy food for the …show more content…
One day, he saw 5 older men in lightly dressed camping outfits, he could see they were ready to speed. So, he decided to keep an eye on them, so he locked up the cabin and followed them carefully to remain hidden during the time Walt followed the claim jumpers, he saw them change stakes, move old stakes, and put new stakes down. Walt crept up close enough to hear the leader tell the others that they would come back to Dawson that night to finish their claim. Walt knew he had to do something, just then, Walt followed them to Loren Halls claim spot, he rushed back to their camp and quickly selected their best sled dogs and took off. Then, he kept going the next eight miles or so with the claim jumpers yelling and threatening to shoot, they began shooting, even shooting some of their own dogs down, Walt whipped them and knocked the claim jumpers off the path, leaving them far behind. And that's how Walt Masters got the name of King of Mazy

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