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Rissa Sawyer Case Study Essay

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Pages 4
Ms. Rissa Sawyer is a 64 year old woman who is currently attending Brikshire Community College with aspirations of receiving a degree in Human Services. Rissa suffers from severe arthritis in her wrist, shoulders and hands. She suffers with carpal tunnel syndrome in her right hand and she had surgery to place a pin in the joint of her thumb for better support.
Functional Capacities:
Rissa, is ambulate across all surfaces without the utilization of an assistive device. Due to the severe carpal tunnel and arthritis in her upper extremities at times she experiences pain. Rissa is much smaller and petite compared to the average woman. She has limited dexterity in her right hand and is not able to close her hand fully. She experiences difficulty with organization and finds it hard to be on time for appointments.
Functional Limitations and Potential Assistive/Rehabilitation Technology Solutions:
Rissa does not own a laptop, she does have a cell phone a Samsung Galaxy S5 with 16 GB of RAM. She has access to a printer where she is currently living. …show more content…
She stated she cannot keep up with the lecture and take notes at the same time. Rissa was shown the features and functions of the Livescribe pen. Taking in the recorded lectures and important information without the worry of taking exact notes will be less worrisome for Rissa. Having the Livescribe pen can promote better note taking skills while giving her the opportunity to listen to the lectures at her own pace while writing her notes. A conventional digital voice recorder was considered, but will not allow Rissa to easily access part of the lecture that needs to review when supplementing her notes. The ATS had Rissa try the pen which she was able to maintain and navigate with ease. The ATS is recommending Rissa is provided with the Live Scribe Echo pen 2 GB and a 4 pack of

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