...The populations gains knowledge in many sorts of ways; from communication, to the internet, the media, or any type of entertainment. For this reason the government censors different topics, to make a “better the union”. In Fahrenheit 451 some censorships connect with mostly the governments and different places. The government instead to help the population, actually worsens it. Governments censors or blocks things to hide some facts that no one should know. Different governments censors the real news and makes fake news. In Fahrenheit 451 the people live the world full of censorship, kind of our modern society lives. To gain knowledge the population uses resources like books. Books are a source that comes from literature. In Fahrenheit 451,...
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...Fahrenheit 451 Censorship Censorship has a major role in the book Fahrenheit 451. Ray Bradbury criticizes the censorship of the early 1950's by displaying these same themes in a futuristic dystopian novel called Fahrenheit 451. In the early 1950's Ray Bradbury writes this novel as an extended version of "The Fireman", a short story which first appears in Galaxy magazine. He tries to show the readers how terrible censorship and mindless conformity is by writing about this in his novel. Bradbury develops the theme of censorship by gradually introducing the ways in which society chose to neglect literature and the government's reasons for censoring intellectual thought.Initially, Bradbury describes how the government decided to censure knowledge by destroying books. As the novel progresses, Captain Beatty explains to Montag how society's wish for immediate entertainment and the population's distaste for criticism led to the censorship of books. Essentially, the dystopian society sought to eliminate any type. Ray Bradbury wrote "It didn't come from the Government down. Beatty explains that the censorship did not come from the government, it came from the people. People...
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...In Fahrenheit 451, owning and reading books is illegal. Members of society focus only on entertainment, immediate gratification and speeding through life. If books are found, they are burned and their owner is arrested. If the owner refuses to abandon the books, as is the case with the Old Woman, he or she often dies, burning along with them. People with interests outside of technology and entertainment are viewed as strange, and possible threats. In the book, Bradbury doesn't give a clear explanation of why censorship has become so great in this futuristic society. Rather, the author alludes to a variety of causes. Fast cars, loud music, and massive advertisements create an over stimulated society without room for literature, self-reflection, or appreciation of nature. Bradbury gives the reader a brief description of how society slowly lost interest in books, first condensing them, then relying simply on titles, and finally forgetting about them all together. Bradbury also alludes to the idea that different "minority" groups were offended by certain types of literature. In his discussion with Montag, Beatty mentions dog lovers offended by books about cats, and cat lovers offended by books about dogs. The reader can only assume which minority groups Bradbury was truly referring to. Finally, in the Afterword to Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury clearly expresses his own sensitivity to attempts to restrict his writing. For example, he feels censored by letters suggesting he should...
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...Identity is a very unique element that defines who you are, where you live and what your life is like. Society is a huge factor that plays into creating an identity. For example, society affects identity by establishing the rules in which one lives in. The book Fahrenheit 451, the protagonist, Guy Montag, is living in a society where no one reads books and always entertained by the “parlor walls” or their living room entertainment systems. He is a fireman, but instead of putting out fires, he makes fires and uses them to burn books, hence the title Fahrenheit 451, the temperature at which paper burns. His identity is very corrupt as he has nothing to do except burn books. In the text, Montag is always on a mission, going to houses and burning...
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...One of the worlds greatest literary figures, William Shakespeare, voiced the truth about desired knowledge by saying that “ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven”. One must presume that Ray Bradbury, Author of Fahrenheit 451, learned from this. Ray Bradbury’s distopian novel shares a similar representations towards knowledge. In the novel the protagonist, Guy Montag, becomes aware of the fact that he is living in a world were knowledge and individuality is lost. People tolerate and abide by the rules and limitations specified by the government. There is nothing except for books in this society to cause people to wonder about how valuable and important knowledge and identity are. Guy Montag is a fireman whose job is to search for books and burn them. Most of the people in Fahrenheit 451 are convinced that books are a waste of time and are useless. Montag also believes this up until a change of...
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...them. Survival. It is what’s left for mankind when all of civilization has come to an end in a downward spiral. The causes and effects of a dystopia are the same causes and effects that can occur to our own society. The possibility of young adolescents slaughtering each other for the entertainment of the wealthy, like in the Hunger Games, or the possibility of a world where criminals are put through brutal behavioral modifications by the system in return for freedom, as seen in the cult classic film A Clockwork Orange, are all probable events destined to happen in the not so distant future. The dystopian genre gives readers and viewers a glimpse of what can occur and harm society if we are not able to prevent a world that ends in chaos. In Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 and The Road, written by Cormac McCarthy and directed by John Hillcoat, present worlds in which individuals deal with their terrible reality by fighting for a better one. Utilizing stylistic elements to depict a horrific world that can be easily end up as our own, both authors are able to display the possible fate of civilization. Part 1: The Social Commentary and Style within Fahrenheit 451 In Ray Bradbury's novel, Fahrenheit 451, he depicts a society that is in denial about how unhappy they are and how they pretend like the whole world revolves around them. The society consists of a general public who don’t seem to do anything except feeding their minds with anything that will entertain them. There are firemen...
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...A Warning to Society In today's society an increasing use of television and technology exists, along with a decline in reading printed material. The result of a society in which technology is overused and a lack of reading can create an unsatisfactory life, and actual human interaction becomes limited due to these conditions. This abuse of entertainment through technology can be found in America today because people are frequently using phones, texting and connecting over social media. In a uniform society like this, where almost everyone is the same, all of the citizens will live a dull life. In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, a book written as a warning to society, the ban on books shows how a society with extreme regulation and an abuse of technology can create a miserable life as seen through the characters Guy and Mildred Montag....
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...A Study of the Allusions in Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 Author(s): Peter Sisario[->0] [(essay date February 1970) In the following essay, Sisario examines the source and significance of literary allusions in Fahrenheit 451 and considers their didactic potential for the beginning student of literature.] Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 is more than just a readable and teachable short novel that generates much classroom discussion about the dangers of a mass culture, as Charles Hamblen points out in his article "Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 in the Classroom." It is an excellent source for showing students the value of studying an author's use of specific allusions in a work of fiction. While writing excellent social criticism, Bradbury uses several direct quotations from works of literature, including the Bible; a careful analysis of the patterning of these allusions shows their function of adding subtle depth to the ideas of the novel. Fahrenheit 451 is set five centuries from now in an anti-intellectual world where firemen serve the reverse role of setting fires, in this case to books that people have been illegally hoarding and reading. Literature is banned because it might potentially incite people to think or to question the status quo of happiness and freedom from worry through the elimination of controversy. "Intellectual" entertainment is provided by tapioca-bland television that broadcasts sentimental mush on all four walls. The novel, first written in a shorter version...
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...The Walt Disney Company: A Corporate Strategy Analysis Written by Carlos Carillo, Jeremy Crumley, Kendree Thieringer and Jeffrey S. Harrison at the Robins School of Business, University of Richmond. Copyright © Jeffrey S. Harrison. This case was written for the purpose of classroom discussion. It is not to be duplicated or cited in any form without the copyright holder’s express permission. For permission to reproduce or cite this case, contact Jeffrey S. Harrison (RCNcases@richmond.edu). In your message, state your name, affiliation and the intended use of the case. Permission for classroom use will be granted free of charge. Other cases are available at: http://robins.richmond.edu/centers/center-‐for-‐active-‐business-‐education/research/case-‐network.html November 2012 "Walt was never afraid to dream. That song from Pinocchio, 'When You Wish Upon a Star,' is the perfect summary of Walt's approach to life: dream big dreams, even hopelessly impossible...
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...Дневник читателя READER’S JOURNAL Ernest Hemingway. The Old Man and the Sea (1952). Joseph Heller. Catch-22 (1961). Tennessee Williams. A Streetcar Named Desire (1959). Iris Murdoch. The Black Prince (1973). Jerome David Salinger. The Catcher in the Rye (1951). Michael Ondaatje. The English Patient (1992). Ray Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451 (1953). Ken Kesey. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1962). Edward Albee. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1962). Arthur Miller. Death of a Salesman (1949). ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Ernest Hemingway. The Old Man and the Sea (1952). ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- FULL TITLE · The Old Man and the Sea ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR · Ernest Hemingway ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- TYPE OF WORK · Novella ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- GENRE · Parable; tragedy ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- LANGUAGE · English ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- TIME AND PLACE WRITTEN · 1951, Cuba ------------------------------------------------- ...
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...using the technology of today, in the classroom today The Instructional Power of and How Teachers Can Leverage Them Eric Klopfer, Scot Osterweil, Jennifer Groff, Jason Haas an Education Arcade paper The Education Arcade Massachusetts Institute of Technology Eric Klopfer, Scot Osterweil, Jennifer Groff, Jason Haas © copyright 2009 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0 I nt r od uc ti on What is good learning? That may be a subjective question. But it’s likely that many educators would give answers that fall in the same ballpark… …students collaborating and discussing ideas, possible solutions… …project-based learning, designed around real world contexts… …connecting with other students around the world, on topics of study… …immersing students in a learning experience that allows them to grapple with a problem, gaining higher-order thinking skills from pursuing the solution… To many educators, these notions are music to their ears. Would it seem terribly strange then to hear that students indeed are doing these things regularly outside of their classrooms? While Timmy or Susie may not be running home from school saying, “What fun, deeply-engaging learning experience can we do today?”, they are engaging with new technologies that provide them with the same opportunities. Every day, many students are spending countless hours immersed in popular technologies—such as Facebook or MySpace, World of Warcraft, or Sim City—which at first glance may...
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...America from 1900 to the present. The volumes cover the following chronological periods: V 1. 1900-1929, V 2. 1930-1959, V 3. 1960-1989 and Vol. 4. 1990-Present. There is an Introduction for each volume focusing on the major issues during that period. There is a Timeline of events for the decade which gives extra oversight and content to the study of the period and an Overview of each dcade. Chapters focus on specific areas of pop culture (Advertising, Books, Entertainment, Fashion, Food Music and much more) supplemented with sidebars containing stories, photos, illustrations and Notable information. There are endnotes for each decade and a Resource Guide and Index. Volume 4 also contains a Cost of Products from 1900-2000, and an Appendix with Classroom Resources for teachers and students and a Cumulative Index. Students, teachers and the general reader will love sifting through the experiences of Americans as they easily follow the crazes, technological breakthroughs and the experiences of art, entertainment, sports and other cultural forces and events that influenced each generation. Reference– Popular Culture BJ Neary Anatomy and Physiology: An Illustrated Guide. New York: Marshall Cavendish Reference, 2010. 978-0-7614-7881-2. 192p. $69.95. Gr. 7+. Following an introductory chapter on cell biology and genetics, this accessible text discusses body systems: circulatory, digestive and excretory...
Words: 13674 - Pages: 55
...using the technology of today, in the classroom today The Instructional Power of and How Teachers Can Leverage Them Eric Klopfer, Scot Osterweil, Jennifer Groff, Jason Haas an Education Arcade paper The Education Arcade Massachusetts Institute of Technology Eric Klopfer, Scot Osterweil, Jennifer Groff, Jason Haas © copyright 2009 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0 What is good learning? That may be a subjective question. But it’s likely that many educators would give answers that fall in the same ballpark… …students collaborating and discussing ideas, possible solutions… …project-based learning, designed around real world contexts… …connecting with other students around the world, on topics of study… …immersing students in a learning experience that allows them to grapple with a problem, gaining higher-order thinking skills from pursuing the solution… To many educators, these notions are music to their ears. Would it seem terribly strange then to hear that students indeed are doing these things regularly outside of their classrooms? While Timmy or Susie may not be running home from school saying, “What fun, deeply-engaging learning experience can we do today?”, they are engaging with new technologies that provide them with the same opportunities. Every day, many students are spending countless hours immersed in popular technologies—such as Facebook or MySpace, World of Warcraft, or Sim City—which at first glance may seem like a waste of time, and...
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...The Wealth of Networks The Wealth of Networks How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom Yochai Benkler Yale University Press New Haven and London Copyright _ 2006 by Yochai Benkler. All rights reserved. Subject to the exception immediately following, this book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, including illustrations, in any form (beyond that copying permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law and except by reviewers for the public press), without written permission from the publishers. The author has made an online version of the book available under a Creative Commons Noncommercial Sharealike license; it can be accessed through the author’s website at http://www.benkler.org. Printed in the United States of America. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Benkler, Yochai. The wealth of networks : how social production transforms markets and freedom / Yochai Benkler. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-0-300-11056-2 (alk. paper) ISBN-10: 0-300-11056-1 (alk. paper) 1. Information society. 2. Information networks. 3. Computer networks—Social aspects. 4. Computer networks—Economic aspects. I. Title. HM851.B457 2006 303.48'33—dc22 2005028316 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. The paper in this book meets the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1...
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...AS English Language [pic] [pic] [pic] Fiction style models and tasks – 2012/2013 Style Model Workbook Style models are examples of a type of writing used to give you an idea of the features used when adapting a particular style and form. As you will be required to include a fiction and non-fiction annotated style model as part of your coursework folder we have compiled a selection of materials to give you a head start. The two booklets (one fiction, one non-fiction) will contain the type of extracts you should be looking for and the questions that accompany them will help you to annotate the materials appropriately. You will be given some of the extracts to study in class and some to complete as homework tasks. There may be some materials that you haven’t been directed to by your teachers, these will make very good additional preparation and you should look at these in your own time. All the resources, and some additional style models, can be found in the AS Language section of Moodle. AS LANGUAGE COURSEWORK You must keep all work during the production of the coursework in your folder. You will need all drafts and style models for part of your final grade. Criteria • Two pieces of your own writing • Each piece must have a different audience and purpose • You should write with a specific genre in mind • Pieces should be designed with a real publication in mind • Two...
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