...In the story The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, there are lots of conflicts that happen in the story. Some being that they will have six deaths in total, three in each family. Each of these having to do with the love between Romeo and Juliet. Romeo, Juliet, and Friar Lawrence had some blame of the chaos but not most of. Romeo and Juliet parents have the most blame over everything have their feud between the families.("DBQ: Romeo and Juliet: Who's to Blame". Doc. A-E) For starters Romeo and Juliet have some blame having to do with them meeting and falling in love with each other. Things could have been prevented if they had never met in the first place. Romeo being him was looking for Rosaline, but ended up falling in love with Juliet. Juliet never having the chance to meet any other male but, her servants and family members, fell easily in love with Romeo. Since their families had a feud between each other it was hard to keep their relationship, but managed to keep it a secret from their parents.("DBQ: Romeo and Juliet: Who's to Blame". Doc. A-C) Friar and the Nurse also had some blame,starting with them encouraging them to keep it up and helping them keep it a secret. For...
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